Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 200 Bloody battle on the right side

Chapter 200 Bloody battle on the right side

After Zhang Niujiao and the others marched for half an hour, they finally arrived not far from the checkpoint set by Cao Anmin.

The camp that Cao Anmin set up was on the main road, so it can be said to be extremely conspicuous. Where the checkpoint is located, a camp has been temporarily set up, traps have been dug around the camp, antlers have been set up, and so on.

Not far from the checkpoint, the troops stopped one after another. Everyone temporarily hid their bodies and hid in the darkness. The purpose was not to startle the enemy.

The strength of the two sides was equal, and Zhang Niujiao knew in his heart that if he wanted to take this camp, he had to wait for the first wave.The camp must be brought down in one go, otherwise the two sides will fall into a stalemate.For Zhang Niujiao and others, falling into a stalemate is tantamount to putting 30 soldiers and civilians in danger.

Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Yan, Yu Du and the others took a rough look at the surrounding terrain, and then came up with a feasible plan.At this time, recklessness and recklessness are not acceptable. Only by acting according to the plan can there be a slight possibility.

According to the plan, Zhang Yan will lead 1 people as death squads.To make a surprise attack from the right side of the camp, Zhang Yan and the 1 people must fight with the determination to die, and use the style of fighting that there is no retreat.Using 1 people to play with the momentum of 5 people made Cao Anmin feel that this was 5 people breaking through.

Once Cao Anmin's attention is attracted by these 1 people, then Cao Anmin's main force will definitely be deployed on the right.At that time, the 4 people in front of them suddenly rushed out, and they would surely catch Cao Anmin by surprise.

"Where there are brothers in the family, the older brother of the two brothers will step forward."

"Where both father and son are present, the father who is the father of the two will step forward."

Zhang Yan selected a death squad of 5 people from the 1 people.The only child in the family is not allowed. Although this kind of person has no worries and worries, the family relies on this person to pass on the family line. If he dies on the battlefield, the blood of the family will be severed.

Soon, Zhang Yan's [-] death squads were selected. For these people, they were already dead when they stood up.If he could come back alive, it would be a compliment from Lord Yan. If he really died like that, then he would have no one to blame.

"Brothers, there is no retreat in this battle."

"Our parents, children, brothers and sisters are all behind. If we can't tear apart the front camp, they will all die at the hands of Cao Jun. Whether we die alone or the whole family die together, you have to have a steelyard in your heart. "

"Next, I, Zhang Yanchong, will be the first, and you will follow behind me. No one can retreat."

"If a soldier retreats, the commander of the tens will be killed. If the commander of the tens retreats, the commander of the centurion will be killed. If the commander of the centurion retreats, the general will fight. If the general retreats, I will kill him. If I retreat, the whole army will be killed. "

Standing in front of the army, Zhang Yan spoke impassionedly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"I would rather die than retreat, I would rather die than retreat, I would rather die than retreat." The voices of the soldiers sounded.

At this time, it is wisest to use these people as death squads.Because they have parents, brothers, wives and children behind them, they will not collapse no matter what.If they collapse, the whole family will die.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the family is the source of their strength that supports their belief that they will not collapse.

According to the established plan, Zhang Yan moved towards the right side of the checkpoint with a death squad of 1 people.When they moved some distance away from Zhang Niujiao's large army, they were ready to attack the checkpoint head-on.

As the saying goes, if one man dies, ten men are hard to succeed. When a person really wants to work hard, it seems that he has the greatest potential.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Zhang Yan led the 1 Death Squad, and headed for the checkpoint on the right with the shield on.As the saying goes, once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.These [-] people raised more flags, and it looked like there were fifty or sixty thousand people.

In the night, more than 1 people raised flags, and they could indeed pretend to be 6 or 1 people.However, combat power cannot be faked. It is easy for 6 people to pretend to be 6 or [-] people, but it is not so simple if they want to fight with [-] or [-] people.

Not long after, Zhang Yan led the soldiers to the wooden checkpoint. This checkpoint was temporarily built with a silver gun shaft and a wax gun head. It was just a decoration.Under the fierce impact of Zhang Yan and others, he was overthrown in a short time.

Needless to say, Zhang Yan took the lead and rushed forward desperately, and the fighting power of these 1 people really broke out.Originally, Cao Anmin had more than ten thousand soldiers on the right side, but these ten thousand people couldn't even block a single charge.

Now, the more than ten thousand death squads led by Zhang Yan are all people of faith. Their parents, wives, children, brothers and sisters are all of their faith.They are fighting for their families, fighting for survival.

Under such circumstances, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all.Zhang Yan's subordinates are not afraid.Some people's hands were broken, so they bit their teeth, hit their heads, and attacked Cao Jun with all possible attack methods throughout their bodies.

The checkpoint Cao Anmin set up was not too big. After one direction is attacked, the entire checkpoint can be known.After the checkpoint on the right was attacked, Cao Anmin of the Chinese Army received the news immediately.

Cao Anmin stationed 1 troops on the left, right, and front respectively, and the other 2 troops were stationed in the direction of the Chinese army.In this way, no matter which direction is attacked by the enemy, the Chinese army can provide immediate support.


At this time, a soldier of Cao Jun covered in blood ran into the large tent of the Chinese army, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said out of breath: "General, the right side is attacked by the enemy's main force. The first line of defense at the right camp gate It has been lost, and the enemy army is now advancing in the direction of the Chinese army."

"We don't have much time left. General please support quickly, support quickly."

"What, the gate of the camp has been lost?" Cao Anmin said in shock.

It didn't take long from hearing the movement to the time the enemy army on the right asked for reinforcements.This is equivalent to the fact that when the battle started, the defenders on the right lost the gate of the camp.

However, upon hearing this, Cao Anmin also felt that the attack on the right might really be the main force of the Black Mountain Army. After all, the combat effectiveness of his soldiers should not be inferior to the soldiers of the Black Mountain Army.To be able to defeat his right wing defense line in one round, so it must be said that he has the upper hand in terms of strength.

Of course, Cao Anmin didn't make any moves.Cao Anmin was able to lead the army alone, but not only because he was Cao Cao's nephew, so he lost his nepotism, but because he really had some skills.

Although Cao Anmin felt that the right wing might be the main force of the Black Mountain Army, he did not go out with all his strength. Instead, he dispatched [-] troops from the [-] troops of the Central Army to support them.In this way, even if there are any enemies in other directions, they can easily deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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