Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 2 Opening the blind box for the first time

Chapter 2 Opening the Blind Box for the First Time
They are not ordinary bandits. They used to be Qingzhou soldiers. Who are the Qingzhou soldiers? Not inferior.

Soon, the bandits settled the battle neatly.

The bearded man and the veterinarian came to Li Chen covered in blood, the bearded man wiped the blood on his face and muttered, "I just went after that big fish on the carriage, and he said his name was Cao Song and he was Cao Cao My father, but before he could finish his sentence, he was stabbed to death by the veterinarian."

"Cao Song."

Hearing this, Li Chen only felt that his brain was buzzing.I have killed Cao Cao's father, so Cao Cao has no choice but to find himself desperately.

"What is Cao Cao's father, that old boy is grinning." A silly smile appeared on the veterinarian's face.

"Big beard, except for that girl, no one will be left alive, you go to this matter yourself." Li Chen said, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Okay, my old Zhang is doing things, so don't worry about being in charge." The bearded man didn't care at all, and left with a smile.

After a while, we heard wailing not far away.

Since he accidentally killed Cao Cao's father, he can no longer survive.The matter is irreversible, so the longer this matter lasts, the safer I will be.

The best thing is to be able to pour this basin of dirty water on others.

"Veterinarian, after Beard kills someone, you bring some smarter brothers to move the corpse forward and create a crime scene. In short, stay away from our Yunlong Mountain." Li Chen told the veterinarian .

Since the person who killed him was Cao Cao's father, Li Chen didn't have to look at the dozens of carriages.There is no doubt that this is all of Cao Song's family property.

This old man Cao Song is a rich man. He once spent [-] million yuan to buy a Taiwei official.This person who can spend [-] million yuan to buy an official, how much money he has is unimaginable.

Leaving the veterinarian with people to dispose of the corpse, Li Chen and the bearded men returned to the cottage with the stolen things.As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, and Li Chen strictly ordered that no one should open the box privately along the way.

"Boss, that bitch fainted when she ran away, and I put you on the bed." After sealing up all the looted things and putting them in storage, the bearded man ran to Li Chen to claim credit.

The bearded man thought that what he did was very appropriate. The order of the head of the family was to seal up the looted things and put them into the warehouse. Those boxes were put into the warehouse.If there is a storehouse for women on this mountain, it is undoubtedly the wing room of the head of the house.

"Kill a few cattle and sheep, and then take out the good wine in the warehouse, and let the brothers eat and drink openly today." Li Chen instructed the bearded man.

Accidentally killed Cao Cao's father, maybe he was about to run away. Before he ran away, he simply let the brothers have a good time.

"Alright, I'll make arrangements now." The bearded man is a jerk, as long as he has wine and meat, he won't be able to cause much trouble.

Li Chen sank his thoughts into his mind, and a reminder sounded in his mind instantly.

【mission completed. 】

[Task rating s. 】

[Complete the hidden mission. 】

[Task rating s. 】

[Mission Reward: Gold Level Blind Box. 】

[Mission Reward: Gold Level Blind Box. 】

Two gold-level blind boxes, although opening a blind box requires a lot of luck, but this is a gold-level blind box anyway, and the difference should not be much worse.

"Maybe, I don't need to run away anymore?" Li Chen suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

At this time, Li Chen had pinned all his hopes on these two blind boxes.

If I can get something that is enough for me to live and work in this troubled world, then I am as big as the world, and I will fight for it.If you can't open anything, then you should take Cao Song's money and run away honestly.

[Whether to open the blind box. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Yes." Li Chen replied consciously.

[Please choose the opening method, single opening, double opening. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind again.

Judging from my experience of krypton gold in the game in my previous life, it is obviously easier to get good things in two consecutive games.

"Two in a row." Li Chen continued to answer.

"Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, really can't do it, Wei Qing, Li Jing can do it too." Li Chen whispered in his heart, if he can find such a character, then he doesn't need to run away.

[Open the golden blind box. 】

[Gold-level character, Da Dao Guan Sheng. 】

[Open the golden blind box. 】

[Gold-level arms, 500 infantry. 】

"Guan Sheng, the brave star of Tianyong, ranks fifth among the heroes of Liangshan. Although he is very powerful, it is not enough to stop him from running away." Li Chen just thought of this in his mind, and the system automatically synchronized Guan Sheng and Bu Ren A property.

[Da Dao Guan Sheng: Force 91, Intelligence 70, Command 85, Politics 46. 】

[Infantry A: arms, heavy armored infantry.Individual combat power, 50.Army strength: 80. 】

"System system, are the people I opened the blind box completely loyal to me?" Li Chen asked the system with his thoughts.

Soon, I got a mechanical answer from the system.

[The host can rest assured that anything obtained through the blind box is your personal property and is 100% loyal to you. 】

Hearing the system's answer, Li Chen felt relieved.

At this moment, there were loud voices outside the door.

"The head of the family, it's not good, it's not good." The bearded man hurried into the hall.

"What are you panicking about?" Li Chen glared at the bearded man and said.

"The master, Guan Yu."

"Guan Yu brought five hundred elite soldiers to vote." The bearded man said out of breath.

"Guan Yu." Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then understood in an instant.Guan Sheng, who should have opened the blind box by himself, came with a five-hundred-step man. The bearded man mistook Guan Sheng for Guan Yu.

"Quickly, let him in." Li Chen didn't bother to explain to the bearded bastard, so he hurriedly let him welcome Guan Sheng in.

After a while, the bearded man led Guan Sheng in, and the veterinarian also came in after he had finished dealing with the corpse.

Li Chen glanced at Guan Sheng, and saw that he was eight feet tall, with a long beard on his chin, long sideburns on his temples, a pair of red phoenix eyes, a complexion like jujube, and lips like rouge.

Li Chen has never seen Guan Yu in this era, but Guan Sheng's appearance is really similar to Guan Yu in the TV series in his previous life.

"A certain family, Guan Sheng, brought five hundred pacers to join the lord." When Guan Sheng saw Li Chen, he accepted his head and bowed.

"My lord!" Hearing Guan Sheng's address, the veterinarian's eyes flashed brightly.

"Guan Yu, you came here in disguise to seek refuge with the boss, but are you trying to plot our copycat?" Guan Sheng just finished speaking, and the bearded man shouted immediately.

"You, shut up." Li Chen's head was full of black lines, and he glared at the bearded man.

No matter how bad Liu Bei is, he is much better than this group of bandits.Since he regarded him as Guan Yu and said that he plotted against our cottage, what did the bearded man think?

This is like, in the previous life, a man who opened a steamed stuffed bun shop went to eat steamed stuffed buns one day.You stared at Papa Ma and said, Jack Ma, why did you come to my place? Could it be that you want to plot against my bun shop.

"A certain family said once that a certain family is called Guan Sheng, not Guan Yu." Guan Shengfeng opened his eyes angrily, and looked at the bearded man viciously.

"Your appearance is probably the only one in the whole world. If you weren't for Guan Yu, I would be a bitch." The bearded man said unhappily.

(End of this chapter)

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