Chapter 3 Planning for Xuzhou
"Ahem, he really isn't Guan Yu."

"When I was fighting with the great virtuous teacher, I saw Guan Yu's appearance up close. At that time, Guan Yu was very similar to this general, but if you count the age, the current Guan Yu should be my age. .” At this time, the veterinarian on the side said.

The veterinarian meant that the age was wrong. It stands to reason that Guan Yu should be in his 30s or 40s now, not in his twenties like Guan Sheng.

"Is he really not Guan Yu?" the bearded man couldn't believe it.

The veterinarian shook his head: "Really not."

"My mother, are there really two people who are so similar in the world?" The bearded man exclaimed.

After the battle of warming wine and killing Huaxiong in Hulao Pass, Guan Yu is now famous all over the world, so Guan Yu's appearance is no secret to ordinary people.

It would be fine if the looks of normal people were similar, but I never thought that Guan Yu, who had such a special appearance, would actually have a very similar person.

Guan Sheng was [-]% loyal to Li Chen, Hu Zi and the veterinarian were also confidantes of his predecessor, so Li Chen did not hide it from them.

Go to the door and close the hall door.

Li Chen looked at several people and said solemnly: "You know who we killed today. That is Cao Cao's father. The one we robbed was either Cao Cao's daughter-in-law or Cao Cao's daughter-in-law. Those boxes contained It is Cao Song's lifelong family property."

"Good fellow, father Cao Cao's life's property is tens of thousands of taels, right?" Li Chen just finished speaking, and the bearded man immediately exclaimed.

"You, shut up." Li Chen glared at the bearded man.

"My lord, don't worry, even if that Cao Cao really comes, the certain family will protect the lord well." Guan Sheng clasped his fists and said solemnly.

"The master, I am the same." The bearded man clasped his fists and echoed.

At this time, only the veterinarian did not express his opinion.

I saw him speak quietly, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, saying: "I heard that Cao Cao is going to attack Xuzhou for the second time. Tao Qian is seriously ill, and he has decided to give Xuzhou to Liu Bei. If it is at this time, General Guan Sheng pretends to be Guan Yu Go to receive the city, if you can blow up the city. In the future, the lord will also be a prince, and people like you and I can also be of mixed origin."

Hearing what the veterinarian said, Li Chen's brain went "boom".This is simply a feeling of enlightenment. If Xuzhou City can be bombed, relying on Xuzhou's city wall, plus Guan Sheng and Wubairenjia may not be able to temporarily occupy Xuzhou.

The most important thing is that he has money, and Cao Song's lifelong family property is in his own hands, and he has no shortage of money. If he can get a place to live in Xuzhou, then this Xuzhou will become his own dragon, just like Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, was ordinary.

You know, in this war-torn era, the most indispensable thing is people. As long as you have money and food in your hands, recruiting soldiers is the easiest thing.

"You're a veterinarian and you have a lot of ideas. If the head of the family has become a prince, then I have become a general." The bearded man scratched his head and said expectantly.

"Damn it, the veterinarian is an old silver coin." At this moment, Li Chen suddenly thought of what the bearded man said before.Before Cao Song died, he wanted to call out that he was Cao Cao's father to save his life, but before he could say anything, he was stabbed to death by the old boy veterinarian.

From this point of view, the veterinarian should have guessed Cao Song's identity long ago, so he stabbed him to death.If you just want to keep him from talking, you can cover his mouth or knock him out.

"Veterinarian, you already knew that man was Cao Cao's father, didn't you?" Li Chen asked solemnly, he couldn't tolerate a person with ulterior motives around him.

"That's right. I killed Cao Song on purpose. The purpose was to cut off the retreat of the head of the family. Not only did I know that the dead man was Cao Cao's father, but I also knew that the girl who was sent to the bed of the head of the house by the beard was Cao Cao's unmarried man." daughter-in-law." To everyone's surprise, the veterinarian didn't make any excuses, but simply admitted,

"Veterinarian, the boss treats us well, how can you do such a thing?" The bearded man pointed at the veterinarian and said in an angry manner.

"What do you know, you brat? It's because the boss treats us well. I have to do this. Maybe you want the lord to hide in this Yunlong mountain and be a bandit for the rest of his life in fear."

"Qin lost its deer, and the world pursued it. The world of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao won it, and Yuan Shao took it, so the lord will naturally take it too." The veterinarian looked at Li Chen and said with piercing eyes.

"My lord, I think what the veterinarian said is right. What about this deer and that deer, as long as you want it, I will definitely catch it for you." The bearded man looked at Li Chen and said seriously.

"You, shut up." Li Chen felt like he wanted to sew the bearded mouth shut.

"Who the hell are you?" Li Chen looked at the veterinarian, knowing in his heart that this person is not simple.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will not harm you. I am a man of the great virtuous teacher. If the lord intends to rule the roost, the remaining strength of the great virtuous teacher will definitely help." The veterinarian said vowedly.

"Why would you help me, a great virtuous teacher?" Li Chen asked a little puzzled.

The great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao's name is naturally resounding throughout the world, he is well known among ordinary people.At the same time, he launched the Yellow Turban Uprising, which can be said to be the first shot to overthrow the corrupt man.

"I don't know, my lord. Your parents married you to my young lady. You are the uncle of my Zhang family. The power of a great virtuous teacher will help you." The veterinarian promised solemnly.


"Not so good?" Li Chen was shocked. Could it be that the secret of his poor stomach, even God knows.

After listening to the veterinarian's explanation, Li Chen's doubts were also dispelled.Since I am the son-in-law of the Zhang family, and now Miss Zhang is missing, it is not an exaggeration for the great virtuous teachers to pin their hopes of anti-Han on themselves.

However, this is indeed a good thing for Li Chen.With the blind box system, it is doomed that Li Chen will not lack top combat power.The prestige of the Yellow Turban forces among the people just made up for his shortcomings.

Xuzhou is an important traffic route and an important military town.For big forces like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, the acquisition of Xuzhou gave them the initiative to conquer.

But such a place of the Four World Wars is not a rising place.However, Li Chen was a surprise.With a blind box system, the more disputes, the more tasks he can trigger.And the more tasks that are triggered, the stronger he will naturally be.

With soldiers, generals, and cities, even if he is an enemy of the world, Li Chen is not afraid at all.

(End of this chapter)

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