Chapter 21 Fighting Wine (, please collect, please recommend tickets)

Li Chen handed over Xiaopei's government office to Lu Bu, so he found a house in Xiaopei to live in, and planned to leave after the handover was completed.Of course, the reason why Li Chen didn't leave was also to find an opportunity to complete the system tasks.

Xiao Pei, at Li Chen's residence, in the lobby.

"I pay my respects to the Commander-in-Chief." Chen Gong, dressed in a Confucian robe, clasped his fists in salute.

Li Chen and Xuzhou set up their own Yunlong Hall and called themselves the Hall Commander.Although the so-called Palace Marshal was not recognized by Cao Cao and other big forces, Chen Gong and the others had to bow their heads under the eaves, so naturally they had to recognize Li Chen's title.

Seeing Chen Gong, Li Chen hurriedly got up and said: "The public platform is here, it's a long way to welcome you."

"The Commander-in-Chief, you are being polite. My lord, I would like to thank the Commander-in-Chief for your kindness. I have specially hosted a banquet with the family, and the Commander-in-Chief is invited to the banquet." Chen Gong said politely.

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and thought, could it be that this is a Hongmen banquet.

However, Li Chen didn't panic even if it was a Hongmen Banquet.Now in Xiaopei City, his troops are far superior to those of Lu Bu, and with two generals, Yuwen Chengdu and Li Siye, even Lu Bu can't stop him.

"Since I was invited by Brother Fengxian, I will naturally not refuse." Li Chen responded.

He wanted to find an opportunity to complete the task, so he naturally had to find a way to get close to Lu Bu.After all, if the relationship between the two is not close, I will not be able to see Diao Chan.

In the evening, Li Chen took Chen Deng, Yuwen Chengdu, and Li Siye to Xiaopei's government office as guests.

In this era, the front yard of the government office was the place to handle government affairs, and the back yard was the residence.Li Chen gave Xiaopei to Lu Bu, and this mansion became Lu Bu's place.

Lu Bu also showed enough respect for Li Chen, and led the main personnel under his command to wait outside the door early in the morning.

Li Chen took the lead, followed by one man and two men.When Lu Bu looked at Yu Wencheng who was holding a phoenix wing gilded and boring, he immediately felt that this person was not inferior to him.

Strong, this is the breath of the top strong.

To be honest, Lu Bu was a little puzzled.Li Chen seemed to have risen suddenly, how could a bandit suddenly have such background.How could it be possible that a general like Yuwen Chengdu had never revealed his name.

And that Mo Daobing is even more elite than Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry.Just talking about the equipment on Babaimo Daobing, it would be difficult for him to forge even if Lu Bu went bankrupt.

Unable to figure it out, Lu Bu felt that Li Chen's sudden rise had touched his blind spot in knowledge.

Originally, Lu Bu thought to himself, if Li Chen was trying to catch Diao Chan's attention.Then he would do nothing but poke a few transparent holes in Li Chen, and then flee to Yuan Shao with his back.But looking at it now, Youyu said, "My dear brother, I have set up a family feast for my brother. I am here to invite you to express my thanks for your kindness." Seeing Li Chen, Lu Bu immediately greeted him humanely.

Li Chen quickly responded: "Where is it, you and my brother, why bother?"

The two were polite, and Lu Bu welcomed Li Chen into the mansion.

In the government office banquet hall, Li Chen's subordinates sat on the right, and Lu Bu's subordinates sat on the left.This era pays attention to sharing food. There is a small table in front of everyone, and the food is placed on the table, and everyone eats their own.

The generals under Lu Bu are basically from Bingzhou, which is the Inner Mongolia area in the previous life.People in Bingzhou are all good wine drinkers, and it is convenient for them to compete in drinking.

"Brother, Brother Wei has come all the way. Wherever you go along the way, others are afraid to avoid it. Only Brother Xian is willing to give Brother Wei a foothold. It can be said that Brother Xian is really creating for Brother Wei. Grace."

"My dear brother, you and I should drink this cup to the full." Lu Bu raised the wine cup in his hand and said.

The wines of this era are all real grain wines.However, due to the craftsmanship, this era is all fermented wine, not distilled wine.Therefore, the degree of wine is not high, and it is only about ten degrees when it is full.

Li Chen is worthwhile when it comes to drinking.In his previous life, Li Chen used to drink on behalf of Didi. If nothing else, there is nothing wrong with drinking.It can be said that beer is poured casually, and liquor is three and a half catties.Just the wine of this era, that is, the degree of beer in the previous life.

To put it bluntly, Li Chen can drink until dawn without restricting urination.

You, Lu Bu, are from Inner Mongolia, so you can drink it.But I, Li Chen, am also from Xuzhou, and I am also from Xuzhou when it comes to drinking.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that even the Siberian tiger and Inner Mongolian wolf couldn't drink Xuzhou's little sheep.

Mr. Zhou Shuren also said that the north of the Yangtze River is not as good as northern Jiangsu, and the banks of the Yellow River are not as good as Pei County.

If you want to talk about fighting, Li Chen is naturally not Lu Bu's opponent. If you want to talk about drinking, it is really unknown who will win and who will lose.

The banquet lasted for two full hours, and they drank from the evening to the early morning.At this moment, the whole hall became Li Chen and Lu Bu fighting for wine.

The generals under the two men looked at each other in blank dismay. We dare not say what these two people are doing, and we dare not ask.

Lu Bu relied on his domineering physique to hold on, while Li Chen simply did not drink.

"Brother Fengxian, the two of us have a deep feeling of boredom, and a light lick of love."

"Brother Fengxian, I drink what you want."

"Brother Fengxian, you have so much left, why are you raising fish?"

Li Chen drank one cup after another, while Lu Bu rushed to the fight.At this time, Lu Bu felt that the most hasty thing he did when he came to Xiaopei was to drink with Li Chen.

"Ahem!" Seeing that Lu Bu was going to die soon, Chen Gong hurriedly coughed twice to remind him

It was only when Chen Gong coughed that Lu Bu remembered, and almost forgot the business.

"Brother, it's getting late today, let's drink here for the time being."

Li Chen was about to say no, when no one would want to leave until dawn.Lu Bu went on to say: "In this way, your sister-in-law's dancing posture is the best in the world, so let your sister-in-law come out and dance."

The reason why Li Chen drank with Lu Bu was to find a chance to meet Diao Chan.This task of skin-to-skin dating, as long as you meet Diao Chan and find a chance to casually touch her, it will be considered complete.

Li Chen thought, you let Diao Chan come out to dance, who would drink with you?

"Brother Fengxian is very kind, brother, I can't refuse. If that's the case, let's see my sister-in-law dancing." Li Chen said hastily.

"Go, ask the second lady to come out and perform a dance." Lu Bu said to the serving maid.

Lu Bu is now nearly forty years old, and his first wife is the Yan family.Lu Bu and Yan Shi have a daughter, both of whom are 16 years old this year.And Diao Chan, speaking of it, is nothing more than a concubine.It's just that Diao Chan was extremely handsome and was more favored by Lu Bu, so she was called the second lady.

In this era, the status of concubines in the clan is only slightly higher than that of maids.Not to mention calling them out for a dance, even exchanging concubines happened from time to time.

Here I have to say that the clans of this era are really good at playing.

(End of this chapter)

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