Chapter 22
In the backyard of the government office, in Diao Chan's boudoir.

At this time, I saw a little maidservant in green clothes holding ink, smearing on Diao Chan's unknown place.

"Second madam, why do you think the general would think of such a shameful method." The little girl asked shyly with her face flushed.


"The general has thoughts of the general, how can us women and Taoists understand it." Diao Chan sighed and said.

Naturally, Lu Bu had already told Diao Chan about his plans for tonight. If it was from his heart, Diao Chan would naturally be unwilling.However, she is a woman, so she has no right to choose.

After all, Diao Chan is just a dispensable concubine, and now she is in her prime, so she has to be pampered and called Second Lady.But if she was old and fading, who would care about her as the second wife.

Not long after, Diao Chan finished dressing up, and she walked towards the hall with lotus steps.

Today's Diao Chan is only 23 or [-] years old, exactly the age of blooming roses.Different from Zhen Mi's beauty, Zhen Mi's beauty is the kind of graceful and luxurious beauty.Seeing Zhen Mi, your first impression is that this is a woman who is destined to be a queen.

But Diao Chan is different, Diao Chan's beauty is a kind of charming beauty.This is a kind of beauty that would rather call a king than an early court. If a woman like Diao Chan becomes a queen, it will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people.

"Diao Chan pays homage to the commander-in-chief." Diao Chan saluted Li Chen, and she secretly glanced at Li Chen.He thought to himself, not to mention that the commander-in-chief is so young, yet he is still so handsome.

Diao Chan was born as a dancer, although she is Wang Yun's adopted daughter in name.But in fact, Wang Yun's purpose of accepting her as a righteous daughter was just to provoke the relationship between Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo.It has been a long time since Diao Chan has danced with Lu Bu.

"Brother, your sister-in-law's dance is simply the best in the world." Lu Bu said to Li Chen.

"Well, I can see it!" Li Chen nodded, and then said to Lu Bu: "Sister-in-law looks very kind, she is simply a kind-hearted sister-in-law."

At this time, Chen Gong nodded to Lu Bu.Lu Bu understood, and said to the musicians on the left and right: "Play music, dance."

With the heart-pounding soundtrack, Diao Chan's red sleeves danced like countless delicate butterflies fluttering between the sky and the earth.Diao Chan's body is light and graceful, and her wide red sleeves are opened and closed to cover up, which further sets off her beautiful appearance with various demeanors.

Diao Chan's long sleeves passed by Li Chen's side from time to time, and an unknown fragrance went straight into his nose, this fragrance was really refreshing.

"Damn it, is Lu Bu willing to let his wife be a hooligan?" Li Chen muttered in his heart, but he is a decent person, how could he be a hooligan.

Li Chen thought so in his heart, but still had to find a way to complete the task.The task of skin-to-skin kissing is not difficult, a slight touch is enough to complete the task.

Seeing Diao Chan who was dancing lightly, Li Chen got attention in his heart, stood up by himself, then pretended to be drunk and fell towards Diao Chan.When the time comes, just a slight, light touch will do.

With a plan in mind, Li Chen stood up.Coincidentally, Lu Bu also stood up at this time.

Seeing the two standing up, the musician stopped playing the music, and Diao Chan also stopped dancing.

When Lu Bu saw it, it all stopped.It's impossible to stop, he still has to test Li Chen, so he shouted: "Continue to play music, continue to dance."

The music goes on, and so does the dancing.

It just so happened that at this moment, Lu Bu seemed to slip on the sole of his foot, and the wine glass in his hand flew out.It landed impartially in the middle of the oil lamp in the hall. The wine glass was made of copper. When it hit the wick, the oil lamp went out instantly.

The surroundings were plunged into darkness, and at this moment, a gust of fragrant wind came to the nostrils.Li Chen reckoned that Diao Chan should be not far in front of him, so he might as well take advantage of the darkness and fall.

After hesitating, it took only one breath, and Li Chen immediately flopped out.

Unexpectedly, this fall, Li Chen instantly felt something was wrong.

【mission accomplished. 】

[Task rating SSS. 】

[Reward Platinum Blind Box. 】

Ignoring the reminders that kept ringing in his mind, Li Chen quickly got up and sat back in his original position taking advantage of the darkness.Otherwise, when the lights come on later, this matter will not be clear.

A moment later, the lights came on.

Lu Bu looked at Li Chen and the others with a dark face.He had heard Diao Chan's soft snort just now, so he could tell that someone had done it.

"My dear brother, can I have a look at your hands?" Lu Bu gritted his teeth and said coldly.

Li Chen didn't understand what was going on at this time, but he was not afraid of the shadow slanting, and he simply spread his hands.

"White." Lu Bu was stunned, a little at a loss.

At this time, Chen Gong stepped forward to make a rescue and said, "Several generals, can you spread your hands to show your innocence?"

"Hmph!" Yu Wencheng snorted coldly, spreading his hands to prove his innocence.

Then came Chen Deng, his hands were still white.

The last one was Li Siye, but Li Siye's hands were also white.

Lu Bu is not a fool, since Li Chen and his subordinates are all white.So the person who just made a move is not his own subordinate.

"You guys, spread your hands?" Lu Bu looked at the rest of the hall with serious eyes.

Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and others spread out their hands one by one. Their hands are also white?Only when it came to Song Xian and Wei Xu, they were too shy and unwilling to reach out.

Lu Bu couldn't see any clues at this time, strode forward to the two of them, and pulled the hands of the two behind their backs, as expected, the hands of the two were black.

The anger in Lu Bu's heart, he originally used ink to smear Diao Chan's breasts in order to test whether Li Chen was slapping Lu Bu's attention.As a result, the outside thief did not come out, but two inside thieves came out.

"My dear brother, I still have some housework to deal with today, so I won't see you off." Lu Bu said to Li Chen.

"En." Li Chen responded lightly, not daring to open his mouth.

Lu Bu was in a depressed mood, and now he just wanted to deal with the two internal thieves after Li Chen left, so he issued an order to evict them.Li Chen felt a little guilty for doing something wrong, since Lu Bu issued the order to chase away the guests, he naturally ran away quickly.

After leaving the government office, Li Siye said with some annoyance: "This Lv Bu is also extremely deceitful. How can I get the attention of his little concubine when I am sitting upright."

"What Siye said is very, very true." Li Chen agreed with Li Siye's words, but the big black teeth were a little eye-catching.

As soon as Li Chen left, Lu Bu pulled out his sword in the hall, and he was about to kill someone.

"My lord can't, my lord can't."

"The two generals were just confused for a while, and a small punishment is enough." Chen Gong hurried forward to persuade him.

Chen Gong secretly groaned in his heart, he planned to plot against Li Chen, but he didn't expect that his side almost got two generals involved.

Song Xian and Wei Xu have followed Lu Bu to fight against the grassland aliens since he was in Bingzhou.
He is a veteran under Lu Bu.


Thinking of this, Lu Bu snorted softly and said, "Everyone is given fifty military whips, and Gao Shun is your executioner."

Lu Bu specifically ordered Gao Shun to carry out the execution. Gao Shun was a stern man who didn't know how to adapt.These fifty whips continued, Song Xian and Wei Xu would have to peel off their skins if they were not dead.

(End of this chapter)

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