Chapter 23

Li Chen opened the blind box while walking towards his camp.

[Open the Platinum Blind Box. 】

[Platinum-level troops, one thousand Xuanjia soldiers. 】

"Good guy, what are you really missing?" Li Chen murmured in his heart.

Li Chen felt that his own blind box system must be a mature system.It's really that the host will come to whatever he lacks, unlike the Huabei that he used in the previous life, he can't even pay it back by himself.

Although Li Chen now has two special types of arms, Mo Dao Bing and Infantry Armor, they are all infantry.The Xuanjia Army is an elite cavalry unit, and it was the first creation of Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty.

It is said that even when Li Shimin was the most wealthy, he only had [-] Xuanjia troops.

As the saying goes, the strong man prospers the Tang Dynasty.Whether it is the Mo Dao Bing or the Xuanjia Army, in short, the elite troops of the Tang Dynasty all have the same characteristics.

That is expensive, yes, it is expensive.

Throughout history, the army of the Tang Dynasty is not necessarily the strongest, but it must be the most expensive.

The Xuanjia Army is a very expensive army. The Xuanjia is equipped with the most expensive Mingguang armor in the Tang Dynasty. Mingguang armor is a kind of plate armor with a shiny breastplate.

This type of armor is stronger and lighter.When it has the defensive and assault capabilities of heavy cavalry, it also has the ability to harass and travel long distances with light cavalry.

In addition to the expensive Mingguang armor on the Xuanjia army, the horse spear in his hand is also extremely precious.In addition, it is also equipped with crossbow arrows and horizontal knives for close combat.

"Hey hey!" Li Chen couldn't help but feel happy when he thought that he was about to have an elite cavalry not inferior to tiger and leopard cavalry.

The next day, Li Chen met with Lu Bu again.The two reached a consensus to jointly fight against Cao, which can be regarded as a temporary small group that is not stable.

After Xiaopei's business, it's time for Li Chen to return to Xuzhou, so Lu Bu will naturally see him off outside the city.

"Brother, let's make a deal. You and I will work together. This time we will not only defeat Cao Cao, but also take his Yanzhou and Sili." Lu Bu looked at Li Chen with piercing eyes.

Li Chen was about to reply, when he heard the sound of "kick, kick, kick" horseshoes.I saw a petite and heroic figure on a red horse.

This calf can be called the year of playing with legs.

This small waist is a bit costly.

Fuck, it's still a single ponytail, my favorite.

"It's a good horse!" Li Chen couldn't help admiring.

"Young brother has good eyesight. The horse Lingqi is a child of Chitu. Although it is not as good as Chitu, it is still a rare good horse in this world." Lu Bu nodded, agreeing with Li Chen's eyesight.

Li Chen thought in his heart, we are not talking about the same horse, you are talking about a good horse to ride during the day, I am talking about a good horse to ride at night.The horse you mentioned pulls the reins when riding, and the horse I mentioned pulls its tail when riding.

Of course, it is enough to think about this kind of words in your heart, and you must not say it.I was afraid that once he said this, Lu Bu would have to poke a few transparent holes in his body with his square sky painting halberd.

"Da da da."

"Father." Lu Lingqi got off her horse and ran towards Lu Bu cheerfully.

"Go back to the mansion and find your mother. I'll talk to your uncle about something."

"My girl, she dances with knives and guns all day long, but I think it will be difficult for you to marry in the future." Lu Bu said dotingly, looking at his daughter's eyes.

Li Chenxin said, if you are really worried about getting married, my house actually has a lot of vacant rooms, if you really can't do it, you can squeeze with me.


"Him?" Lu Lingqi stared at Kazilan's big eyes and said in surprise.

From Lu Lingqi's point of view, Li Chen is only five or six years older than her elder brother, so it's quite embarrassing to call him uncle.

Lu Lingqi didn't want to call, and Li Chen didn't want to hear it yet.If there is something good to call uncle, let her call her father if she wants to, of course on some special occasions.

"I'm going to find my mother." Lu Lingqi flicked her ponytail, and led the little red horse happily into Xiaopei City.

"Hey, my girl has been wandering with me since she was a child. Therefore, her personality is inevitably a little out of character, which makes my brother feel offended." Lu Bu said with some guilt.

To say that Lu Bu's life was quite rough, he spent his whole life in recognizing his father and running around.

First, he recognized Ding Yuan as his godfather, and he just made a name for himself in Bingzhou.Then he followed Ding Yuan to King Qin of Luoyang, and then killed Ding Yuan and accepted Dong Zhuo as his godfather.After a few years of stable life, he conspired with Wang Yun to murder Dong Zhuo.

This period of time can be said to be Lu Bu's peak period. He and Wang Yun are in charge of military affairs and politics alone, which can be called extremely human ministers.However, the good days didn't take long, and Li Que and Guo Si attacked Luoyang under the banner of avenging Dong Zhuo.

Ever since, Lu Bu began a life of wandering and wandering again.At this time, Lu Bu's reputation was already rotten, so no one dared to take him in. This also caused Lu Bu's power to deteriorate day by day.

Li Chen thought about it, Lu Lingqi was quite pitiful.In my previous life, when I saw a shivering girl standing in an alley at night, I would temporarily give them a home.For a poor little girl like Lu Lingqi, she had to find a chance to love her.

"My dear brother, my dear brother, what are you thinking?" Lu Bu stretched out his hand and shook Li Chen's eyes a few times, waking him up from his stupor.

Li Chen thought in his heart, good brother, wouldn't it be strange to call him good brother.Called son, you have been recognized as your father all your life, and today I will let you live the addiction of being recognized as your father.

"Ah, no no."

"I just feel that I have enjoyed talking with Brother Fengxian for the past few days, and now that I am about to leave suddenly, I feel a little empty in my heart."

"Brother Fengxian, I can't bear you." Li Chen said sincerely.

As soon as Li Chen said this, Lu Bu's face turned dark.He asked him to stay several times in the morning, but Li Chen insisted on leaving.Now that he saw his daughter, he didn't want to leave.He, Lu Bu, is a fool, and he also knows what Li Chen is thinking.

"Ha ha!"

"Brother, let's hurry back to Xuzhou, Xuzhou cannot leave you." Lu Bu said with a cold face, and he almost said to leave quickly and not send him off.

Now Li Chen doesn't want to leave, and Lu Bu doesn't want to stay.Finally, seeing that Lu Bu was about to take out Fang Tian's painted halberd to see him off, Li Chen got up on his horse and left Xiaopei reluctantly.

Just as Li Chen left, Chen Gong said to Lu Bu: "My lord, Li Chen seems to have taken a fancy to Miss."

"Hmph, this guy is an LSP, pretty woman, which one doesn't he like?" Lu Bu said angrily.

Men are the ones who understand men best, what Li Chen is thinking, Lu Bu is a good man.

"My lord, Li Chen has many soldiers, so it will be somewhat difficult for us to face Cao Jun. If we can get married, he will definitely help with all his strength." Chen Gong said to Lu Bu.

In this era, the alliance between the parties is actually very fragile, and one of the stronger alliances is marriage.

Hearing this, Lu Bu instantly became furious.He said angrily, "Don't bring this up again. I, Lu Bu, haven't fallen to the point where I have to sell my daughter to survive."

Although Lu Bu has a bad character, he is definitely more reliable in dealing with the family than Liu Bei who made his son stupid.But then again, it's nothing if Liu Bei smashed his son. Wouldn't his ancestor Liu Bang still share a bowl of meat from his father?

After all, this is also the traditional virtue of the old Liu family, and the traditional virtues of our ancestors cannot be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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