Chapter 220

Since Wuwei County is facing Ma Teng's territory, it will be attacked by foreigners from the grassland from time to time.Therefore, during the years when Cao Hong was stationed in Wuwei County, he continued to strengthen Wuwei County.Therefore, after so many years of reinforcement, Wuwei County can be regarded as a high city with thick walls, so in Cao Hong's view, Wuwei County is not in danger of falling in a short time.

Cao Hong's idea is to stay in the city first, and when the news of Wuwei County's siege spreads at dawn, Cao Cao will definitely send troops to support him.At that time, Wuwei County will not be in any danger.

Ma Teng is like a rootless duckweed. If he can't occupy Wuwei County as a foundation in a short time, then once Cao Cao's support arrives, Ma Teng must have no choice but to evacuate.

You know, Ma Teng has been plotting to take over the Central Plains for a long time. Ever since Dong Zhuo was defeated, Ma Teng, as the biggest warlord in Liangzhou, has been planning to take over the Central Plains.After so many years of deliberate planning, he was not sure how Ma Teng would do it so easily.

Wuwei County is a large county, and it is an important military base of Wei State in the north.In recent years, in order to expand the city, strengthen the city walls, and build military facilities, Wuwei County has recruited refugees, and many of these refugees were inserted by Ma Teng.

It can be said that half of Ma Teng's schemes over the years have been focused on this small Wuwei County.As long as Wuwei is won, then Ma Teng has the ticket to enter the Central Plains.Taking Wuwei County is the first step for Ma Teng to take control of the Central Plains. Whether this first step can be taken well depends on whether Ma Teng is qualified to compete with Cao Cao and others in the world.

Ten miles outside Wuwei County, Ma Teng's army had just stopped, and Ma Teng called Ma Chao to his side: "Chaoer, go and see if there is anything unusual about the layout of the city."

In recent years, Wuwei County has recruited refugees to build the city wall, and many of these refugees were placed by Ma Teng.The refugees placed by Ma Teng secretly built a secret passage when building the city wall. This secret passage connects the inside and outside of the city, allowing Ma Teng's army to appear in the city unexpectedly.

Ma Teng asked his son Ma Chao to see if there was anything unusual about the layout of the city. He wanted Ma Chao to take someone to explore the secret passage first, to see if the secret passage could still be entered and exited normally.

It is precisely because of the existence of a secret road that Ma Teng has certainty about Wuwei County.

From Ma Teng's point of view, my son Ma Chao has the courage of a thousand men, and if Ma Chao suddenly appeared in the city with thousands of soldiers and horses, he would surely be able to catch Cao Jun by surprise.

Ma Teng gave an order for Ma Chao to lead a team of scouts into the city to take a look through the secret road first.Then they went in rashly, that would be a big deal.

Therefore, before the army enters the secret passage, it is still necessary to send someone to explore the way.The matter is so important that Ma Teng, an outsider, can't rest assured, and he can only rest assured if Ma Chao is allowed to go.

"Father, wait a moment. I'll go ahead and explore the way." Ma Chao waved his hands and ordered to leave.

Ma Chao led hundreds of scouts and galloped towards Wuwei County. After a while, Ma Chao brought the scouts to a small forest a hundred meters away from Wuwei County.

Ma Chao searched the woods for a while, only to find a large bluestone covered with moss.

"You guys, push away this boulder." Ma Chao ordered several scouts.


Several scouts pushed the huge bluestone aside with all their strength.Under the bluestone is a cast iron plate, Ma Teng lifted the iron plate, and saw a dark secret passage under the iron plate.

Men have always had little resistance to this kind of dark hole, so after lifting the iron plate, Ma Chao led a few scouts and rushed into the dark hole.

Ma Chao took the lead, and several big men lined up and got into the dark hole.The dark hole was wet and slippery. Ma Chao almost fell over because he rushed too fast.

After steadying his steps, Ma Chao slowed down his pace, and then carefully looked at the entrance of the cave with a torch.This tunnel has been built for a long time, and it has been closed since it was built. Because of this, the entire tunnel is covered with moss.

The tunnel was covered with moss, which was good news for Ma Chao. No trace of anyone appeared, which meant that the tunnel had not been discovered.

Going straight along the tunnel until he reached the end of the tunnel, Ma Chao looked up and saw another cast iron plate.There is no doubt that this is the exit of the tunnel, and this exit is naturally the city.

Ma Chao was very brave, he lifted the iron plate with one arm.Ma Chao got out of the tunnel and found that the exit of the tunnel was actually in the room. The room was empty, but it was full of grain and grass.

The exit of the tunnel is in the granary of Wuwei County. Cao Hong has stockpiled a lot of grain in Wuwei County. This is one of the reasons why Cao Hong is confident to stick to Wuwei County.

Ma Chao couldn't help being surprised when he saw this authentic exit appear in Cao Jun's granary.It is also a coincidence that when they built this tunnel, it was just some abandoned houses.But no one thought that Cao Jun actually built a granary here.

Ma Chao couldn't help shouting in his heart, God help me, now the authentic exit is in the granary, which is the military base of Cao Jun.Although there were many patrolling soldiers outside the granary, few people came inside the granary.In this way, they can hide well in the granary.Then suddenly the general came out and burned Cao Jun's food and grass. If it is so ordinary, then there is no doubt that Cao Jun will be defeated.

After inspecting the surroundings, Ma Chao found that the granary was so large that at least [-] soldiers and horses could be hidden there.

"The few of you stay and watch, and the rest follow me back." After Ma Chao ordered, he immediately led people back to the tunnel.

Not long after, Ma Chao led people out of the tunnel entrance, and quickly turned around to report the situation like Ma Teng.

"Father, Cao Jun has now built a granary above our tunnel entrance."

"At least [-] soldiers and horses can be hidden in this granary. If we burn Cao Jun's granary first, Cao Jun will be in chaos. Then we will be able to capture Wuwei County when we take advantage of the chaos of Cao Jun." Ma Chao told his father. Ma Teng said.

Ma Teng was overjoyed when he heard the news.You know, in ancient wars, this food was the most important.If the food and grass were burned, Cao Jun would be in chaos immediately.

"Ha ha!"

"It's really destiny to help horses, not Cao. I am a horse, and Cao Cao is grass. It is only natural for a horse to eat grass."

"My son, you lead [-] elite soldiers to sneak into the granary through the tunnel. After your father started to attack the city, you heard the sound of the three-way drum, then led the army to burn the granary and fight out from the granary." Ma Teng's order was conveyed.

"No." Ma Chao accepted the order.

(End of this chapter)

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