Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 221 Night Attack on Wuwei

Chapter 221 Night Attack on Wuwei
After Ma Chao took the order, he led three thousand elite soldiers to sneak into the city along the tunnel.During the whole process, Ma Chao can be said to be extra careful.In order to prevent the armor from colliding and making noise, Ma Chao ordered his soldiers to take off the armor on their bodies. All the people wrapped their shoes with cloth, and there was no sound at all during the whole process.

You must know that there were a total of 3000 people who sneaked in. If one person made the slightest noise, it would easily alarm the defenders in the city.But fortunately, until all the soldiers arrived inside the granary, Cao Jun did not disturb.

Firstly, it was because Ma Chao was really cautious when sneaking in, and secondly, because Cao Jun, who was in charge of guarding the granary, were all new recruits, their experience was really lacking.Not to mention that Ma Chao didn't make any noise during the whole process, even if Ma Chao made some noises, I'm afraid they would think it was a mouse, or a cat, or a cat catching a mouse.

Due to Ma Teng's attack, all the veterans in Wuwei County had already climbed the city wall, and the granary was inside the city.Cao Hong believed that as long as Wuwei City was not destroyed, the granary would not be in any danger.Therefore, there are not many troops left behind in the granary, and they are all recruits.



At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes, and tens of thousands of black armored cavalry came from afar and appeared outside Wuwei City.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

"Go up the city wall, go up the city wall." At this time, only the veterans on the city wall shouted loudly, calling out to the soldiers who were carrying rolling logs and stones under the city.

Under the city, there are more than 2 cavalry and nearly [-] infantry, which are almost all the soldiers and horses in Ma Teng's headquarters.Although Liangzhou is big, it is not suitable for farming and its population is sparse. It is already very difficult for Ma Teng to raise [-] soldiers and horses.

In order to win Wuwei County, Ma Teng went all out.Wuwei County is very important to Ma Teng. Only after Ma Teng takes Wuwei County can he mobilize more troops and find more allies in Liangzhou.

The situation in Liangzhou is very complicated, and Ma Teng is not the only warlord.Han Sui and Beigong Boyu each have 3 to [-] men, but these two men are masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.Before seeing the hope of taking over the Central Plains, he would never obey Ma Teng's command.Therefore, there is only one way before Ma Teng, and that is to take Wuwei County.

Only after he took Wuwei County, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu would hand over their soldiers and horses to him to command.Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Beigong Boyu's soldiers and horses gathered together. This is a total of [-] cavalry. With [-] cavalry in hand, Ma Teng can be regarded as having the capital to dominate the Central Plains.

There are many reasons here, which make Ma Teng unable to lose, and Ma Teng dare not lose. If he loses once, then it can be said that he has lost all games.If you win, you will enter the Central Plains. If you lose, you can only live in Liangzhou for the rest of your life. This battle in Wuwei is very important for Ma Teng.


When the army arrived at the city, they didn't even rest for a moment. With a wave of Ma Teng's hand, [-] infantry shouted hoarsely, holding ladders and pushing all kinds of siege equipment towards Wuwei County.

Normally speaking, a warlord on the grassland like Ma Teng would not train infantry, let alone build siege equipment.But now it seems that Ma Teng not only has [-] infantry, but also has all kinds of siege equipment.This shows how long Ma Teng has prepared for this battle.

On the grassland, not to mention the lack of iron, there is even very little wood.You know, grass grows on this grassland, but it doesn't grow wood.In Liangzhou, which is short of iron and wood, it can be said that Ma Teng has spent a lot of money by making so many siege equipment.

With a wave of Ma Teng's hand, the soldiers scrambled towards the city wall. On both sides of the infantry were the most elite rangers under Ma Teng's command.These rangers are all barbarian archers, and their arrow skills are far better than those of Han archers.

Hu people are good at riding and shooting. For them, riding on horseback is like walking on flat ground.They stretched their bows and arrows towards the city wall on horseback, and in a moment they saw Cao Jun on the city wall fall down.

On the city wall, Cao Jun's archers also fought back against Ma Teng's cavalry.Although Cao Jun's archers are condescending in terms of terrain, Ma Teng's cavalry are all rangers.In consideration of the horse's maneuverability and evasion, Cao Jun's arrow rain did not hurt Ma Teng's ranger at all.

"Don't shoot the cavalry, shoot the infantry."

"The cavalry has horses, but the infantry has no horses. The infantry is easy to shoot, and the infantry is quick to shoot." Cao Hong's order was conveyed.

Since the arrow rains just now were all rushing towards the cavalry, without the suppression of the archers, Ma Teng's infantry had already set up the ladder on the city wall.These soldiers have already taken this opportunity to climb up the ladder, and are climbing towards the wall towards the ladder.

"Shoot quickly, shoot quickly." Cao Hong couldn't help being surprised when he saw the densely packed enemy infantry on the ladder.Fortunately, the reaction was still timely. If it was delayed, these infantrymen might have already climbed the city wall.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Cao Hong gave an order, and a round of arrows shot towards the infantry on the ladder.Many soldiers were hit by arrows, screaming and falling down from the ladder, as if they were dumping dumplings.

For a moment, the city of Wuwei seemed to be a meat grinder, with arrows everywhere, corpses everywhere, and blood everywhere.

Although Ma Teng dispatched a full [-] infantry, there were more than [-] Cao troops on the top of the city.As the saying goes, surround it three times, attack it ten times.If you want to attack Wuwei County, although you don't need [-] troops, only [-] infantry are not enough anyway.

Looking at the deadlocked battlefield, Ma Teng knew that he must win no matter what.If Cao Cao failed, he only lost Wuwei County, but if he failed, he would completely lose the chance to take over the Central Plains.

Looking at the battlefield not far ahead, Ma Teng gritted his teeth, and shouted cruelly: "The cavalry has changed into infantry. Except for the rangers, the rest of the troops will participate in the siege."

Ma Teng gave this order, that is to say, except for the cavalry archers, all the cavalry in the army dismounted and used as infantry.You know, the cost of training a cavalry is far greater than training an infantry.

Now Ma Teng uses the infantry as cavalry, which shows that in order to capture Wuwei County, Ma Teng can be said to have spent a lot of money.

For a while, Ma Teng almost invested another [-] troops.Immediately, all available siege equipment, such as ladders, siege engines, battering rams, archery towers, etc., had been used by Ma Teng.

Before and after, all of Ma Teng's [-] troops have been invested, including these siege equipment, which are also Ma Teng's treasures.

Today, all the things that can be seen on the battlefield are Ma Teng's foundation. For Ma Teng, this battle can be said to be a battle of success if it is unsuccessful.

(End of this chapter)

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