Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 234 Cao Cao's Reaction

Chapter 234 Cao Cao's Reaction

Weidi, Xudu, Wei Wangfu.

It was early in the morning at this time, and Cao Cao was doing morning exercises in the garden after getting up.Cao Cao is not young anymore. After getting old, he sleeps lightly and wakes up early.Not only Cao Cao likes morning exercises, but don't even the elders in the previous life like morning exercises too?

In this era, there are no fancy morning exercises such as horizontal bars, parallel bars, and Tai Chi. Cao Cao's morning exercises are also very monotonous, just dancing swords.

Cao Cao is the king of Wei, one of the most powerful people in the world today, and the sword he uses is also one of the best swords in the world.

Speaking of cheap, Cao Cao is really cheap.

Bah, no.

Speaking of swords, Cao Cao has two swords that are unparalleled in the world.One of these two swords is called Yitian and the other is called Qingzhi, both cut iron like mud and are extremely sharp.

Cao Cao's Yitian sword is not the Yitian sword that exterminated the little baby. Cao Cao's Yitian sword is the same as Han Gaozu Liu Bang's Chixiao sword. This is the king's sword and is used to suppress luck.

The Yitian Sword is about five feet long, and if replaced with the size of the previous life, it would be around 1.2 meters long. The blade is about ninety centimeters long, and the hilt is about forty centimeters long.The sword body is made of unknown meteorite, the scabbard is made of wood, and the engravings on it are mainly dragon patterns.

The Yitian sword is the courage to suppress luck. To put it bluntly, it is just a decoration, so now Cao Cao uses the Qingzhi sword to dance the sword.

The Qingzhi sword is Cao Cao's portable sword. On weekdays, Cao Cao uses this sword to dance swords and even kill people.

Qingzhijian's appearance is not as good-looking as Yitianjian, and he is not as tall as Yitianjian.The length of the Qingzhi sword is only four feet three inches and six minutes. In the previous life, the size is about one meter. The blade is about eighty centimeters long, and the hilt is twenty centimeters long.The material is also made of alloys smelted from fine steel, bronze, etc.

Judging from the size of this sword, it is also more suitable for actual combat.

Cao Cao is dancing swords in the backyard. These days, since the dream of the horse eating grass first and then gnawing the stone trough, Cao Cao has been feeling uncomfortable.It's okay for a horse to eat grass, after all, as long as it is grass, he will eat it all.But this horse gnawed on the stone trough where the fodder was placed, which was really scary.

What is the most important thing, the most important thing is that this dream seems to be endless.Now as long as Cao Cao closes his eyes, the strange picture of the horse gnawing on the stone trough will appear in his mind.After finally falling asleep, Cao Cao would have this dream again.

This dream has become Cao Cao's nightmare, and it seems to haunt him all the time.Now Cao Cao is entangled by this dream every day, so he can't sleep and doesn't say anything, and he has two panda eyes every day, and now he has started to suffer from migraines.

Cao Cao kept muttering about this dreamer, dreaming that the horse was eating grass and then gnawing on the trough.The grass and the trough are connected together, isn't that Cao Cao?A horse eats grass and gnaws a trough. Isn't this the same as a horse eating Cao Cao?
Because of this broken dream, Cao Cao couldn't sleep for several nights, and couldn't live safely for several nights. He could only release his pressure by practicing swords.

"Wei Wang, Wei Wang."

"The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good." Cao Cao was practicing his sword when he saw a man stumbled into the door. This man was a young general about seventeen or eighteen years old.

This person's surname is Xiahou, and his name is Xiahouen.This ancient master liked to have boys, boys who led horses, boys who raised flowers, boys who played flute on their crotches, and so on.Xia Houen is Cao Cao's sword-carrying boy, who is responsible for carrying Cao Cao's sword.

When Cao Cao practiced his sword, no one was allowed in the back garden, and no one was allowed to disturb him.Under normal circumstances, it is Xiahouen who is guarding the door. Even if there is something important to report, you must first tell Xiahouen, and then Xiahouen will pass the message.

Xia Houen rushed in in such a panic that Cao Cao couldn't help but "click" in his heart.

Cao Cao straightened his expression, and said to Xia Houen: "If you are in a panic, how decent is it?"

Xia Houen said in his heart, my King Wei, this is a big deal, a big deal, how can I not panic.If I tell you the news, then it's not just me who panics, I'm afraid you will panic too.As far as this news is concerned, whoever listens will panic, and whoever listens will be afraid.

"King Wei, what a disaster, what a disaster." Xia Houen said with a bitter face.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly?" Cao Cao hurriedly asked when he saw that this matter was unusual.

"His Royal Highness, Wuwei is lost, and Xiliang Ma Teng is attacking." Xia Houen hurriedly reported.

When Cao Cao heard the news, he couldn't help feeling like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, hitting his head straight.The haze in his head for the past few days was blown away, and he suddenly became enlightened in an instant.

"Dream horse trough, this is Ma Teng wanting to eat me Cao Cao. This is a warning from the heavens, but it's a pity that I Cao Cao is too stupid." Cao Cao shouted to the sky.

"Quickly, order the generals of the various ministries, as well as the military divisions, to raise their accounts and discuss matters." Cao Cao hurriedly ordered.

After hearing the news, Cao Cao felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.Although Ma Teng's attack was not a good thing, it was still much better than the feeling of being ignorant and frightened all day long.

The loss of Wuwei County is no small matter.Wuwei is a large county, and it stores a large amount of military rations, ordnance, equipment and armor, etc.Xiliang is originally a tough folk, and Xiliang's soldiers are also considered elite.Now that Ma Teng has obtained these equipment from Cao Jun, he must be even more powerful.

Cao Cao ordered the account to be promoted to discuss the matter. Not long after, the generals of Cao Jun's various ministries, including military advisers Guo Jia, Xun Yu and others also rushed over.

"Everyone, Wuwei is lost, and Ma Teng from Xiliang is here." Cao Cao said with a serious expression.

Upon hearing this, these generals didn't feel anything.After all, apart from losing a few battles to Li Chen in these years, Cao Jun can be said to be victorious in all battles.

You must know that Ma Teng only lives in a remote corner of Xiliang, with only [-] to [-] soldiers, and food, grass, and military equipment are even more scarce.Among the kings of this world, Ma Teng's power is not considered great.

Cao Jun had defeated Yuan Shao several times in a row, they could even beat Yuan Shao, let alone a little Ma Teng.You know, not to mention Yuan Shao's sufficient food, grass and military equipment, the army has hundreds of thousands.Because of this, Cao Jun's generals were not too nervous when they heard Ma Teng's attack.

However, compared with the more relaxed expressions of Cao Jun's generals.The faces of Cao Cao's military advisers were not very good-looking, especially Guo Jia, whose face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

Let's just put it this way, the civil servants and military generals under Cao Cao's command can be said to be the more intelligent, the uglier their faces.The lower the IQ, the easier it is to apply.Look at Cao Cao's two bodyguards, Xu Chu and Dian Wei, they are still happy now.

(End of this chapter)

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