Chapter 235

Guo Jia's face is gloomy at the moment. At this moment, Guo Jia's brain is like a sophisticated computer.Just through the clue of Ma Teng's capture of Wuwei, he actually guessed the plan of Ma Teng's three family divisions.

Guo Jia, a genius, lives up to his name.After Guo Jia made a rough guess about this matter, he immediately realized that this was the most critical moment.At this time, for Cao Cao, defeat is probably a deep abyss.

This time, Guo Jia rarely waited until Cao Cao called him, but went straight to the side of the military map.

Guo Jia stood next to the military map. At first, he did not set his sights on Wuwei County, where the fighting took place, but on Weidi on the entire map.

Guo Jia thought to himself, before he knew it, Wei Di had grown so big.The larger the territory, the larger the population, and the larger the grain output.But again, the territory is big, and the pressure of defense is also very high.

Now it seems that Cao Cao's territory was handed over to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Ma Teng, and Li Chen at the same time.Among the kings in the world, Cao Cao handed over the four kings at the same time, and the defensive pressure in it can be imagined.

After reading the situation in the whole world, Guo Jia turned to Wuwei. After watching Wuwei, Guo Jia picked up the brush on the side and drew a circle heavily in Mayi County and Liangcheng County.

"His Royal Highness, if there are no accidents, these two cities have already been lost." Guo Jia put down the pen in his hand and said solemnly.

"Throw it away, just throw it away, isn't it just a little Ma Teng? The soldiers are only five to sixty thousand, and we have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. How can we be afraid of him?" Xu Chu yelled with a broken voice.

"Hehe!" Guo Jia looked at Xu Chu with a look of crushing IQ in his eyes.

"That's right, His Royal Highness King Wei, you gave my brothers fifty thousand soldiers and horses, how did I lose Wuwei County, and how can I get it back for you." Dian Wei also echoed from the side.

Guo Jia said knowingly, you two idiots can shut up, if things were as simple as you imagined, then it would be easy to handle.

"What do you think of Feng Xiao?" Cao Cao asked like Guo Jia.

Cao Cao had never seen Guo Jia like this before, since Guo Jia came to Cao Cao's command, this was the time when Guo Jia looked the most serious.

"King Wei, it's a matter of life and death, if one goes wrong, it will be wiped out." Guo Jia said in a heavy tone.

"Military Master, is it a little serious? We even defeated Yuan Shao, just a Ma Teng, so what's the matter?" Cao Ren said from the side.

After Cao Ren finished speaking, Guo Jia sighed heavily.


"I'd rather Yuan Shao come to attack now." Guo Jia said emphatically.

"Military division, what does this mean?" Cao Ren asked.

"Everyone, have you ever thought about why Xiliang Ma Teng dared to attack Wuwei County and provoke us. You know, the difference in strength between our two sides is huge?"

"We are equal to Yuan Shao in strength. If Yuan Shao comes to attack, then it is understandable. What we are facing is just one Yuan Shao, at worst we can add another Yuan Shu."

"But it's different when Ma Teng comes to attack. He is now attacking the strong with the weak, and swallowing the elephant with the snake. Ma Teng came to attack us, have you thought about who gave him the confidence?"

"Everyone, let's see who is around us. Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Li Chen. These three are all powerful. With the addition of Ma Teng, if there is a real fight. I'm afraid Ma Teng has a plan to attack Wuwei. , This is going to attack them together." Guo Jia said worriedly.

Upon hearing Guo Jia's analysis, Cao Cao panicked.His dream was not very auspicious.You know, in his dream, the horse gnawed clean the grass and the stone trough.Could it be that God is warning him, telling him that Cao Cao's death is coming?

Upon hearing Guo Jia's analysis, I don't know if Cao Cao panicked, but all the civil servants and generals panicked.Cao Cao is strong, but he can't stand this group of people fighting together.Not to mention anything else, just talk about Li Chen and Yuan Shao, the military strength of these two is not weaker than Cao Cao, and Li Chen is even stronger than Cao Cao.If this is really a group of people beating them one by one, it will really be the end of the calf.

When Cao Cao was in doubt, he always asked Guo Jia, and this time was no exception.

"Feng Xiao, how to make a plan, how to make a plan." Cao Cao asked.

Guo Jia pondered for a while, then shook his head.At this time, Guo Jia is also in a dilemma. This is a dead end, an unsolvable dead end.

Seeing Guo Jia shaking his head, Cao Cao's heart sank suddenly, and he asked a little decadently, "Feng Xiao, have you lost your attention?"

"Wei Wang, it's not that you didn't pay attention. It's just that you don't dare to use tricks before you understand the situation. At this time, if you take a wrong step, you may be in the abyss." After Guo Jia finished speaking, he said to Cao Cao: "Wei Wang , we are afraid that we have to go to Xuzhou to meet Li Chen for a while. If Li Chen did not participate in this matter, we still have a [-]% chance of winning. If Li Chen participated in it, I am afraid that we will die."

"Feng Xiao, do you think Li Chen is not involved?" Cao Cao asked.

"Yes, I don't think so. For one thing, Li Chen's Yuwen Chengdu and Chen Qingzhi once made a big fuss in Yuan Shao's Yecheng. According to Yuan Shao's narrow-minded style, it is difficult to cooperate with Li Chen."

"Besides, neither Li Chen nor Yuan Shao are subordinates. If they cooperate, who will be the top, who will be the bottom, and who will obey whose orders?" Guo Jia said to Cao Cao.

Hearing this, Cao Cao's originally dejected eyes showed a bit of light again.

"Let's break up first, I'm making plans after meeting Li Chen."

"Military Master, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. Let's set off to meet Li Chen today." Cao Cao said to Guo Jia.

Here, Cao Cao left the meeting, and immediately brought some troops to Xuzhou to meet Li Chen.

Qin land, Xuzhou, Qin Wangfu.

Li Chen was resting in the mansion, at this moment Luo Yangxing came in from the outside, and said to Li Chen: "His Royal Highness Qin Wang, Wei Wang Cao Cao came to see him."

"Cao Cao, why is this old boy here again?" Li Chen muttered softly.

"King Qin, Ma Teng, King of Liang, raided Wuwei County a few days ago, and then went down to Mayi and Liangcheng counties one after another. Moreover, according to reports from our spies, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Bei and others' territories have been motivated recently. I'm afraid the king of Wei is having a hard time these days." Luo Yangxing reported.

Among the major forces in the world, when it comes to intelligence work, if Li Chen is said to be the second, then no one dares to call himself the number one.Therefore, Li Chen knows these things better than Cao Cao.

Cao Cao only guessed that the various forces were going to attack him, but Li Chen had already grasped the movement of the various forces' internal deployment of troops.

The reason why Li Chen was able to grasp the intelligence one step ahead of others was that Jin Yiwei was as terrifying as a fellow.

(End of this chapter)

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