Chapter 247 Fire attack plan
Blackstone closed.

At this moment, Ma Teng was standing at the foot of Heishi Pass. Behind him were Han Sui and Beigong Boyu, followed by his son Ma Chao, nephew Ma Dai and other generals.

Ma Teng stood under the Black Stone Pass with a smug expression on his face.Winning Heishi Pass is of great significance to Ma Teng.

According to the strategy laid down by the military advisor Cheng Gongying, taking Heishi Pass won not only get a dozen counties near Heishi Pass, but also captured Fufeng City.Once the city of Fufeng is captured, Ma Teng can attack the city and occupy the territory, and defend Fufeng if he retreats.

If it is said that Wuwei County is won, this is tantamount to Ma Teng's first step into the Central Plains.Then if you win Heishiguan, and then further win Fufeng, it is tantamount to completely establishing a foothold in the Central Plains.

It can be said that the northern part of the Wei State is the same as the grassland. The land here is vast and sparsely populated. Although the population is not large, if you go north from Fufeng, this is almost one-tenth of the territory of the Wei State.Although poor and sparsely populated, Ma Teng did indeed occupy so much territory of Wei State.

The war progressed so smoothly, how could this make Ma Teng unhappy.Now Ma Teng is happy in his heart. He feels that even the famous Cao Cao is no more than that, so who else in the world can stop his attack.One day he will sweep the world with Ma Teng, and it is unknown to be in that position.

Dong Zhuo, the former Dong Xiangguo was the idol of Xiliang people, right or wrong, but Dong Zhuo is indeed the idol of Xiliang, the pinnacle of power in Xiliang for so many years.Although Ma Teng was named the King of Liang, he was not comparable to Dong Zhuo back then in terms of power.

But now, standing under the Black Stone Pass, Ma Teng felt a surge of pride in his heart. He felt that one day he would surpass Dong Zhuo and become the idol of Xiliang's hearts.

Seeing Ma Teng standing outside the pass and unwilling to enter the city, everyone understood and understood what it meant.It's time for everyone to give Ma Teng a beard.This is another victory, everyone must congratulate Ma Teng.

"The name of the King of Liang is so powerful in the world, let me see, this Cao Ren must have heard that the King of Liang came before, so he was so frightened that he abandoned the pass and fled. The King of Liang is mighty, the King of Liang is mighty." Beigong Boyu said Flattered on the side.

When Han Sui heard this, he thought to himself, Beigong Boyu, you can really lick this mouth, and you will be able to ask Beigong to lick it in the future.

Han Sui thought to himself, I can't let Bei Gong lick Zhuo Mei and Qian, come on, I'll also become Han Lick and forget it.

"That's right, once our King Liang makes a move. Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Li Chen, Sun Jian, all of them will be swept away. Let me see, this world will belong to our King Liang sooner or later." Han Sui also echoed from the side.

It is naturally extremely enjoyable to listen to others playing tricks on yourself.In particular, it was Beigong Boyu and Han Sui who were second only to him in Liangzhou to beat him.Hearing the compliments from the two, Ma Teng's face was filled with joy, and he felt a little elated.

Although Ma Teng was happy, he couldn't show it on his face, he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Nonsense, nonsense, this king sent troops to the Central Plains to seek rebellious ministers, and to save His Majesty and Cao thief from the clutches of him. "

"Yes, yes."

"My little brother is talking nonsense. Our King Liang is the heir of the big man, General Fubo, and he is a loyal minister. We are here to save His Majesty and help the big man and the general." Han Sui quickly changed his mind.

The warlords of this era can be said to want to be bitches and set up memorial archways.Obviously, all of them are greedy for the Han Dynasty, gnawing at the Han Dynasty like a mouse.All of them are obviously thieves who steal the country, but they like to pretend to be loyal ministers.It's really shameless to stand up and stand up one by one.

"My son, lead the army into the city first. As a father, I want to watch my soldiers enter the city. This city was captured with their blood and lives. They should be allowed to enter the city first." Ma Teng nodded and said to his son Ma Chao.

"No." Ma Chao hurriedly replied, and then led the soldiers into Heishi Pass.

Ma Chao is a quick-tempered person, and he was anxious for a long time when he heard the flattery from everyone beside his father Ma Teng.Xin said, it’s really endless for you to pack batches one by one. I’m entering the city, and you are slowly loading outside the city.

Now Yan Xing is in the city?Ma Chao was upset that Yan Xing had picked up such a big deal.Now, of course, I can't wait to enter the city.

When Ma Chao entered the city, Yan Xing was guarding the city gate. The city was taken down by Yan Xing, and Yan Xing was here waiting for Ma Teng to come in.When Ma Teng comes in, he will have to reward Yan Xing.As the saying goes, meritorious deeds are rewarded, and demerits are punished.

Yan Xing said that the Black Stone Pass was captured before dawn, let alone how the Black Stone Pass was captured, or whether Cao Ren abandoned the pass, these are not the key.The point is that the Black Stone Pass has already been captured before dawn.

Ma Chao looked at Yan Xing with a smug face on the city wall, and he was troubled, so Ma Chao didn't stay at the city wall for long. After entering the city, he immediately started to stroll inside with his soldiers.

Ma Chao thought to himself, I'm so aggrieved, I'll see if I can find a Cao soldier to vent some of my anger.

"What's this smell?" Ma Chao felt that there were not many smells around him. Although it smelled like blood, it seemed to be mixed with other smells.

"It doesn't smell like blood, maybe it's the smell of blood." The soldier next to him replied.

Ma Chao searched around the city wall for a long time, and there were corpses all over the ground, but he didn't find a living person.Looking at the corpse of Cao Jun on the ground, Ma Chao thrust his tiger-headed golden gun into it as if venting his anger.

The tiger-headed golden gun in Ma Chao's hand directly pierced the corpse on the ground, and then penetrated the ground below to a depth of a gun head.

Ma Chao pulled out the tiger-headed golden gun that had been inserted into the ground, and blood dripped on the tiger-headed golden gun, but the blood looked black.

"What is this?" Ma Chao held the tiger-headed golden gun in front of his face, and wiped the black liquid on the tip of the gun with his other hand.

This black liquid is very slippery, and very viscous, with a pungent odor.

Ma Chao is very familiar with this thing. This is tung oil. When they attack the city, the defenders on the city will pour tung oil down and set fire to stop the enemy.But now, how could there be tung oil in the ground.

Suddenly, a bad thought came to Ma Chao's mind. He had been tricked. The enemy retreated on purpose. This was a tactic of attacking with fire.

"Withdraw, quickly retreat outside the city."

"There is tung oil in the ground, there is tung oil in the ground, fire attack, be careful of fire attack." Ma Chao asked loudly.

After Ma Chao yelled, he immediately led the soldiers to retreat out of the city.However, at this moment, Yan Xing stopped in front of the retreating army.

(End of this chapter)

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