Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 248 Two people compete, and the soldiers suffer.

Chapter 248 The two competed, and the soldiers suffered.

Ma Chao accidentally discovered that there was tung oil buried in the ground, and knew that they had been hit by Cao Jun's plan to attack with fire.If you don't leave at this time, then you probably won't be able to leave later.

Ma Chao shouted and wanted to take the soldiers back, but at this moment, Yan Xing stood in front of Ma Chao.From Yan Xing's point of view, Ma Chao deliberately troubled him.Seeing that he has made great achievements, this is why he deliberately disgusted him.

"Ma Chao, what do you mean, are you deliberately disgusting people?" Yan Xinghu stared at Ma Chao viciously.

Ma Chao was also impatient, he was in a hurry to get out, and he didn't bother to talk to Yan Xing, but said coldly: "Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of here, I want to get out."

"Who are you calling a dog?"

"I want to go out, but I won't let you?" Yan Xing shouted.

At this time, in fact, if Ma Chao explained a few sentences, he would explain the process of discovering tung oil.Yan Xing would naturally let him out, but the two of them just didn't explain anything.

One stood in front of them proudly, while the other didn't explain anything.For a moment, the two stood at the city gate facing each other. If you don't let me, I won't let you either.

At this time, Cao Jun's dead soldiers who were hiding in the city wall and were always ready to light the fire also noticed the movement at the city gate.Their original purpose of not lighting the fire was firstly to get into the city so quickly, and secondly, they also wanted to wait and see if they could wait for the big man Ma Teng to come in.

Once Ma Teng entered the urn and the fire burned, Ma Teng became the turtle in the urn.Ma Teng was also a titan when he was young, but now he is old after all.With the fire together, it is not easy for a person of his age to kill.

At this time, Ma Chao and Han Sui had a conflict, and the conflict happened at the gate.And the reason for the conflict between the two was because of the discovery of tung oil. In this case, the discovery of tung oil is a big deal.

Now that people have seen the clues, it's not too late.The fire must be ignited as soon as possible, otherwise, let alone those who want to burn outside the city wall later, I am afraid that these inside the city will be difficult to keep.

"Break the dragon stone." In the city wall, after several dead soldiers looked at each other, someone limped to a machine gun, and slashed at the hemp rope tied with the machine gun.

The hemp rope was as thick as a human arm, and when it was cut with a knife, the hemp rope broke into two pieces, and there was only a sound of "creak, creak".

The dragon-breaking stone is generally used in the emperor's tomb and the dormitory.This huge boulder weighed thousands of catties. Once it fell, no matter whether it was from the inside or the outside, there was no way to reopen it. This person was completely imprisoned in the city.

A few days ago, when Cao Jun was remodeling Heishi Pass, Cheng Yu added a dragon-breaking stone to the city gate.As soon as the broken dragon stone fell, the soldiers of the Xiliang army in the city became completely vulnerable.

Just when the machine expansion was cut off, there was only a loud "boom", and the surrounding area seemed to be shaken.In a moment, a huge dragon-breaking stone fell down, completely sealing the city gate.

As soon as the Broken Dragon Stone fell, the people who entered the city were stunned, they had a bad premonition in their hearts, and the people outside the city were also shocked, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

Yan Xing was still standing in front of Ma Chao for a while. Seeing the scene in front of him, he also realized that Ma Chao really didn't seem to be joking.

However, things are difficult now. Once the Dragon Breaking Stone falls, how can they get out of the city? This will cut off their retreat.

It was said that it was too late, but it was too soon. At this time, the remnants of Cao Jun in the city had already ignited the fire.You know, in this Heishi Pass, the kerosene was already poured on it early. I don't know if the kerosene was buried in the ground inside and outside the city wall, and even the buildings in the city were also doused with kerosene.

At this time, the entire Black Stone Pass is like a powder keg that will explode if it is contaminated with a little spark, and it only takes one spark to detonate the powder keg.

In just a few moments, the raging flames in Heishi Pass rose into the sky, dyeing half of the sky red, and the soldiers outside the city could just see the raging flames.

"Crackling, crackling."

The surrounding temperature is rising rapidly, and the sound of burning fire can be heard continuously from all around.For a while, the soldiers in the city were like ants on a hot pot.

Ma Chao was really in a bit of a hurry. The entire Heishi Pass was full of fire, and even many soldiers were isolated by the fire.Fortunately, Ma Chao and Yan Xing were just at the gate of the city, and the fire in the entire Heishi Pass was slightly smaller here.

At this time, they couldn't get out of the city even if they wanted to, and they couldn't save the fire even if they wanted to.This seemingly experienced person knows that there is no way to save the fire.Fire oil, the more you pour water on it, the bigger the fire will be.

The hatred towards Yan Xing in Ma Chao's heart, Ma Chao felt that the incident just now was all due to Yan Xing's stupid criticism.If it wasn't for Yan Xing to stop him, he would have already killed him in this short time.

For a moment, no one thought of paying attention.But at this time, the fire in Heishiguan was getting bigger and bigger.Under the fire, people didn't know how to get out for a while.So under such circumstances, people's first reaction is to grab things with less fire.Ma Chao, Yan Xing and the others are no exception.

At this time, Ma Chao and Yan Xing had already hid above the city wall of Heishi Pass.Since the top of the city wall of Heishiguan was built by Heishi, the city wall has now become the place where the fire is the least.

Ma Chao led a group of soldiers to the city wall, but it was only temporarily safe to go up the city wall. Seeing the screaming soldiers surrounded by fire below the city, Ma Chao felt desolate in his heart.

There is no way to rescue them. The city wall is also on fire. The only thing that is not on fire is a small area where Ma Chao and the others are located.The people who can stay here are naturally a minority.Most of the soldiers are still in the sea of ​​flames.

It is not easy for people to go down on the city wall.Jumping off is the same as jumping off a building on fire.It is definitely faster than being burned to death by fire, and the death is worse.

It should be said that there is no end to the road, and it seems that God has closed a door, and must have left a window.

At this moment, Ma Chao set his sights on the cloud ladder that had just attacked the city.At this time, there were still several intact ladders on the city wall, which were not damaged by the fire.

"Quick, quick."

"Go down the city wall, go down the city wall." After seeing the ladder, Ma Chao immediately signaled his men to climb down the ladder.

Looking at the speed at which these Xiliang soldiers descended the ladder, the speed can be said to be very fast, and each of them seems to blame their parents for not giving birth to two legs.In this case, it is natural to run as fast as you can. If you don't run, you may be cremated today.

(End of this chapter)

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