Chapter 249
When the city gate was blocked by the broken dragon stone, there were only a few soldiers who could be transferred on the city wall.At this time, I can't control so many other things. Ma Chao led his men to retreat first. After Ma Chao withdrew, Yan Xing also led his men down the city wall.

After Yan Xing came down, he happened to see Ma Chao talking in front of Ma Teng.Ma Chao managed to catch Yan Xing's handle, so naturally he would not give up this opportunity.At this time, Ma Chao was talking in a blah blah blah. After he discovered the tung oil, he wanted to evacuate with the soldiers, but Yan Xing stopped him at this time, which caused the soldiers to be trapped in the city.

Ma Chao reported Yan Xing's black case here, but Yan Xing couldn't refute it.Because everything Ma Chao said was true.Just now Ma Chao wanted to come, but he stopped him.It just so happened that he blocked it like this, and before he could say a few words, the Dragon Breaking Stone fell down.

"Yan Xing, what the young prince said is true." After Han Sui saw Yan Xing, he galloped up to Yan Xing and asked coldly.

You can't let one person say this, and you can't just listen to one person's side of everything.Because of this, after Han Sui saw Yan Xing, he immediately asked Yan Xing.

Although Yan Xing is a small-minded person, he likes to compare with others.But he was really a brave man, since it was because of his secret rivalry with Ma Chao that tens of thousands of soldiers died in the flames, Yan Xing felt very guilty.

Yan Xing felt guilty in his heart, but Ma Teng really felt distressed. Now he is not only distressed, but also his liver, lungs, and whole body.

You know, Yan Xing is the vanguard of the front, so most of the soldiers in the front are Han Sui's people.Except for the soldiers who followed Ma Teng Yanxing who came down from the ladder, most of the soldiers who died in the city were Han Sui's soldiers and horses.

"Reporting to the general, the last general was negligent for a while, and did not notice the enemy's plot." Yan Xing replied bravely.

Yan Xing's answer in this way almost admitted the matter, and immediately made Han Sui angry.

"A momentary negligence, can you be negligent for a moment, can these soldiers survive?"

"You were negligent for a moment, and how many soldiers were buried in the flames."


"I'll beat you to death." Han Sui said, the whip in his hand kept lashing Yan Xing's body.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Han Sui slapped Yan Xing's face and body one after another.Not long after, Yan Xing was bruised all over his body.

Although it is said that Yan Xing made a big mistake in this battle, Han Sui is fighting Yan Xing now, and it is a hate fight.Yan Xing was ashamed of his dead brother, and he didn't dodge, just stood there and let Han Sui slap him.

Ma Teng and Beigong Boyu saw that Han Sui was really angry. It wasn't like acting, but really angry.The whip that hit Yan Xing's body was real every time.In a short while, Yan Xing was beaten to the point of being bruised all over his body.

Although Yan Xing was indeed at fault in this matter, most of the soldiers who died in the fire were Han Sui's men, so Ma Teng and Beigong Boyu didn't feel anything.Is this a war?Where are the undead.Anyway, today, most of the dead are Han Sui's people.

Having said that, things have happened now, even if Yan Xing is beaten to death alive, he will not be able to bring those dead soldiers back to life.Because of this, Beigong Boyu and Ma Teng looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

What Beigong Boyu and Ma Teng mean is, otherwise we can persuade them here.The urgent need of noon is not the time to pursue responsibility.

After some persuasion by Ma Teng and Beigong Boyu, Han Sui calmed down temporarily, and everyone splashed on the Heishi Pass, which was ignited with raging fire, and it can be said that they sighed at the pass.

When Cao Jun abandoned Heishi Pass, he gave Cao Jun a tactic of fortifying the wall and clearing the field.Once the Black Stone Pass was set on fire, it can be said that it completely disrupted the Xiliang Army's plan.

Yan Xing made a big mistake, so the position of the vanguard general was naturally taken down.Originally, Ma Teng wanted to give this official position to his general Pound.However, unable to withstand the repeated insistence of his son Ma Chao, he had to give this official position to Ma Chao.

Now this vanguard general is not a good job. With the stumbling block of Black Stone Pass, it is not so easy to pass the pass.

Heishi Pass, this is a pass, not a city.A pass is different from a city. If it is a city, you can take a detour at worst.But this pass is different. The pass is set up in a dangerous position. If this kind of terrain is bypassed, the delay of three to five days may be small.

However, if it is really delayed for three or five days, I'm afraid that the day lily will be so fucking cold by then.

Just when everyone was stopped by the stumbling block of Heishiguan, the role of the military adviser was manifested at this time.

"His Royal Highness Liang, I have a way to break through this Dragon Breaking Stone." Military Adviser Cheng Gongying said to Ma Teng.

Now this Dragon-Breaking Stone is an outright obstacle. Without this Dragon-Breaking Stone, the soldiers in the city would not be burned alive.Soldiers outside the city can also go in and put out the fire quickly, preventing the fire from spreading.

"Military division, please do it quickly." Ma Teng said hastily.

Cheng Gongying's method of breaking the Dragon Stone was naturally not by force.Instead, use a very scientific method to break it, that is, thermal expansion and cold contraction.

Cheng Gongying first commanded his soldiers to bring wood and pour fire oil on the wood, and then the raging flames began to bake the Broken Dragon Stone.This Dragon Breaking Stone, to put it bluntly, is just a huge stone slab.Under the raging flames on both sides of the inside and outside, it didn't take much effort, and the stone slab was burned a little red.

Just when the temperature of the flame reached its peak, Cheng Gongying yelled: "Splash water."

At this time, many soldiers poured buckets of water on the stone slabs.

"Zi la la, zi la la."

"Zi la la, zi la la."

"Zi la la, zi la la."

On the stone slab, there was a constant sizzling sound.After cooling the Broken Dragon Stone quickly, Cheng Gongying continued to ask the soldiers to bring firewood, pour kerosene on it, light the fire, and continue to bake the stone slabs.

In the same way, keep igniting the fire, burn the slate red, and then water it.After doing this for a full two hours, the dragon-breaking stone was already covered with cracks like spider webs.

"Put on the battering ram and hit me." Cheng Gongying ordered.

As soon as the order was given, the soldiers came pushing the battering ram. This battering ram was a thick tree trunk hanging on the frame.

"Yo, yo, yo."

"one two Three."


"Yo, yo, yo."

"one two Three."


"Yo, yo, yo."

"one two Three."


The soldiers chanted and hit the Broken Dragon Stone fiercely.

There was a "crack", and the Broken Dragon Stone actually shattered under the violent impact.

Sure enough, reading more books is beneficial. Cheng Gongying actually used such a clever method to break the dragon-breaking stone.

(End of this chapter)

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