Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 250 Taking Black Stone Pass

Chapter 250 Taking Black Stone Pass

Originally, according to Cheng Gongying's plan, as long as the Black Stone Pass is broken here, everyone will immediately rush towards Fufeng City regardless of other things.Most of the soldiers under Ma Teng are cavalry, while those under Cao Ren are mostly infantry.Therefore, there is a huge gap between the two sides in terms of mobility. It stands to reason that Ma Teng can block Cao Ren out of Fufeng City first.

However, Ma Teng never imagined that Cao Ren's army also had masters.This tactic of attacking with fire blocked them for several hours. With these hours of gaps, it is unknown whether Ma Teng can catch up with Cao Ren.

Cheng Yu is an expert, is his strategy just to block Ma Teng's attack with a fire attack, and then trap Fufeng City?Of course not, Cheng Yu is using a plan, and now burning Heishiguan is only the first plan, after this plan, there are other tricks waiting for Ma Teng.

Cheng Gongying, Ma Teng's military adviser, used the method of expanding with heat and contracting with cold to break through the Broken Dragon Stone blocking the way.However, after these several hours of delay, the fire in the city has completely burned up.

Most of the houses in this era are made of wood, even if it is a house made of bricks, tiles and bluestones, a large amount of wood must be used for the beams, doors and windows.Before Cao Ren withdrew, a large amount of wood and thatch were piled up in the pass, and a large amount of kerosene and other flammable materials were buried in the pass.

Now that the fire in Heishiguan is burning, it can be said that the flames are soaring into the sky, and flames are everywhere.

After breaking through the Dragon-Breaking Stone blocking the way ahead, I saw raging flames everywhere in the pass.For a moment, Ma Teng, Han Sui and others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is very embarrassing. There are raging flames in front of me. If the fire is naturally extinguished, it may not be possible within three to five days.

"Military division, how can you surpass others in this pass?" Ma Teng asked looking at the fire in front of him.

Now this Black Stone Pass is like a flaming mountain. You know, this flaming mountain is difficult even for Monkey Sun, let alone Ma Teng and the others.Of course, Heishiguan is definitely not as good as Flame Mountain, but again, Ma Teng and the others don't have the skills of Sun Monkey.

"King Liang, order people to put out the fire first." Cheng Gongying said to Ma Teng.

In this situation, if you want to pass the level, you have to put out the fire first.And if the fire is allowed to continue to burn, then the Black Stone Pass may be burned into a pile of wasteland.When the time comes, what is the use of Ma Teng wanting the burnt wasteland of Heishi Pass.

As a military division, what you pay attention to is flexibility.At this time, it is definitely impossible to talk about chasing Cao Ren's defeated soldiers first.For the present plan, it is better to put out the fire first, and to keep this Black Stone Pass is the most important thing.

As soon as Cheng Gongying said this, Ma Teng also knew that it was impossible to take down Fufeng City in one go.Now it is better to keep the Black Stone Pass first, and then slowly map it.

With Ma Teng's order, more than [-] Xiliang troops began to fight the fire.Fortunately, there is a water source outside Heishi Pass, and there are many wells in the city.With water and people, it is not a problem to fight the fire.

More than [-] people were busy for several hours, and it was not until noon that the fire in Heishiguan was extinguished.After tossing and tossing all night and adding one morning, the Xiliang army was really tired enough.

"Military division, do you still want to chase?" Ma Teng asked Cheng Gongying.

From Heishiguan to Fufeng City, there are more than ten counties in between.According to the infantry's marching speed of seventy to eighty miles per day, Cao Ren would have to spend at least three days traveling day and night to Fufeng City.

It was also because of this that Ma Teng asked whether Cheng Gongying would pursue him or not.Ma Teng felt that the delay was not too long. If he chased him, he might still be able to catch up.

Ma Teng asked whether to chase or not, and Cheng Gongying was also a little embarrassed.Judging from the burning of the black stone pass to block the enemy, Cao Ren's army has some masters.If there is an expert, then if you rush to chase after it rashly, you may suffer a loss.

Suddenly, Cheng Gongying thought about it, since they hesitated now, wouldn't Cao Jun think the same way.After Heishiguan blocked them, Cao Jun's military advisers must have thought that they dared not pursue them.If this is the case, then Cao Jun should be the most lax in defense now.

You know, Cao Jun was defeated in this battle. Since it was defeated, the morale must be very low.Under such circumstances, if they chased them down, it would be miraculously effective.

Thinking of this, Cheng Gongying made up his mind.Cheng Gongying gritted her teeth, and said to Ma Teng: "Chasing, go and see. If Cao Jun lays an ambush to stop him, he will retreat and make plans. If Cao Jun is slack, he will beat them."

After Cheng Gongying made up his plan, Ma Teng had the bottom line in his mind.Men in Xiliang have always been reckless, if Ma Teng had followed his previous style, he would have chased after him without saying a word.However, the Ma Teng of today is not the Ma Teng of the past.The current Ma Teng is the King of Liang, and he has great ambitions to compete in the Central Plains.

Now that he finally has plans to take control of the Central Plains, Ma Teng naturally has to be cautious, and he must not be careless in the slightest.It is also because of this that Ma Teng must ask his military adviser for advice whenever he encounters problems.

After some orders were issued, Xiliang soldiers and horses began to bury the pot and cook.After a busy night plus a whole morning, even if you want to chase him down, you have to eat and drink enough to go after him.The emperor does not send hungry soldiers, if his stomach is not full, he has no strength to fight, right?

"Boss, why is the water so turbid?" When the Xiliang army and the head camp were collecting water for cooking, they found that the well water in the Heishiguan was a bit turbid than normal water.

The manager of the gang leader camp is a big fat man, and he must have at least two hundred energy.The fat man looked at the water that came up, and asked his subordinates, "Have you tested the poison?"

Before marching and fighting, every place they went to, they had to test the local water source for poison.In order not to prevent the enemy from poisoning the water source, you must know that this is the army, and if it is poisoned, it will affect the lives of 10,000+ people.

"I've tried it, the water is non-toxic, it's just muddy." The gang leader replied.

After hesitating for a moment, the fat man said: "Perhaps the fire burned all night, and the dust fell into the well, which made it look a little muddy. Since it is non-toxic, let's use it like this first. Don't waste time, the young prince will return it later." Send troops to chase the enemy."

Since the well water is non-toxic, there is no harm in using it as such.If you don't use the well water in the city, you can only fetch water from the river outside the city.But how can this river water be compared with well water, the river water must be more turbid.Moreover, it is extremely time-consuming to fetch water from outside the city.

The process of water testing in Huotouying will not be wrong. Since it is non-toxic, there will be no major problems.People in the gang camp never imagined that sometimes it's not just drugs that can deceive people.

(End of this chapter)

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