Chapter 26 Jian Yong Returns

Jian Yong got the situation in Xuzhou City, and also saw the soldiers stationed on the city wall. He asked himself that he felt that Liu Bei had no chance of winning by storming Xuzhou, not even the slightest chance of winning.

Jian Yong agreed with Mi Zhu's idea very much. He felt that since it was hopeless to plot the whole Xuzhou, he might as well take a county first, and then wait for the opportunity to plot Xuzhou.

The heavy rain poured down, and Jian Yong hurried on the road with several attendants, without resting all the way, returning day and night.

In the evening, the rain became heavier and heavier.It became more and more difficult for the army to march, so Liu Bei simply ordered his subordinates to set up camp.


It was night, and Liu Bei's tent was brightly lit. The three brothers were sitting opposite each other, and in front of them was a topographic map near Xuzhou.

"Brother, after we occupy Xuzhou, we should station [-] troops in Xiaopei before we can reject Cao Jun and Xuzhou city?" Guan Yu stroked his long beard and pointed to Xiaopei's location on the map.

"That's right. I thought the second brother led [-] troops to guard Xiaopei, and the third brother and I were guarding Xuzhou. Zilong was the grain transport officer and stationed in Xiapi." Liu Bei nodded and said.

"Hey, I think the elder brother and the second brother are right." Zhang Feihan echoed with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the three Liu Bei brothers had already started to study their opponents after they got Xuzhou.

"Da da da."

The three brothers were chatting in earnest, as if Xuzhou City was within their grasp.Suddenly, there was a sound of treading water.

"Mr. Xu Xianhe is back!"

After Guan Yu finished speaking, the three brothers looked out together.

Guan Yu has always admired literature, so he respects literati very much. Although he and Liu Bei are sworn brothers, he usually respects these advisers under Liu Bei as gentlemen.

After a while, the curtain of the tent was lifted.Among the dense rain curtains, Jian Yong looked dusty.

"Xianhe, how is the situation in Xuzhou?" Seeing Jian Yong, Liu Bei hurriedly got up and asked.

Jian Yong took off his bamboo hat and coir raincoat and put them together, ignoring his wet clothes, he said to Liu Bei worriedly: "My lord, the situation in Xuzhou is not good."

Hearing this, Liu Bei's face turned cold, and then he returned to normal.

"Xianhe, drink a cup of tea to warm up your body first, and speak slowly." Liu Bei said, pouring a cup of tea from the table and serving it to Jian Yong.

I have to say that Liu Bei really has a way of winning people's hearts.It's not the kind of crude method of crying, making trouble and making troubles.
Phew, there seems to be something weird mixed in here.

It is a crude method of crying, making trouble and hanging himself. Jian Yong said that the situation in Xuzhou is not good.Although Liu Bei was flustered, he poured Jian Yong a glass of water first.In this way, for Jian Yong, this glass of water is not only warming his stomach, but also warming his heart.

After drinking a cup of tea, Jian Yong felt not only warmer, but his heart also warmed up a lot.Such a lord, how can he not die.

"Xianhe, what is the situation in Xuzhou now?" Liu Bei hurriedly asked, looking anxious.

Jian Yong paused, and then said to Liu Bei: "Now Xuzhou City has fallen into the hands of Li Chen, he has no less than [-] elite soldiers, and several generals are not under the second and third generals. .According to what Brother Zizhong said, there is a general named Yuwen Chengdu, who holds a gold-plated phoenix wing that weighs four hundred catties, and his martial arts is probably slightly better than that of the second general."

"Hey, this Xuzhou is not easy to get." After Jian Yong finished speaking, he sighed.

When Zhang Fei heard this, the short beard on his chin stood on end, and he shouted, "How is that possible? If you use four hundred catties of weapons on the battlefield, you are either a fool or a bastard."

"Third Brother, don't talk nonsense, if there is no accurate information, how can Zizhong talk nonsense." Liu Bei shouted with a cold face.

Guan Yu's face changed involuntarily when he heard that the weapon in Yu Wencheng's hand weighed four hundred catties.You must know that his Qinglong Yanyue Knife is only 82 catties, and the four hundred catties of weapons are more than enough for him.

You must know that the weapons used on the battlefield are not only to be able to be picked up, but to be able to be used with arms and fingers.Guan Yu thought he could handle the 82-jin Qinglong Yanyue Knife, but he also knew that the [-]-jin Qinglong Yanyue Knife would definitely not be as useful as the [-]-jin Qinglong Yanyue Knife he had now.

What's more, what Yuwen Chengdu used was a strange weapon like phoenix-winged gold-plated boring. Those who can use this kind of weapon must be highly skilled in martial arts.

A person who is born with supernatural power, but also has high martial arts skills.Thinking of this, Guan Yu couldn't help thinking of a comparison.

"Xianhe, this Li Chen is just a bandit, how can he occupy Xuzhou?" Liu Bei asked the doubts in his heart.

Jian Yong hurriedly explained: "My lord, you don't know. There is a general named Guan Sheng under this person, and it is said that he looks the same as the second general. Hey, it is this person who pretends to be the second general to deceive Li Chen. Got the city gate."

"However, this Li Chen also planned Xuzhou for a long time. He has a well-trained Mo Dao soldier under his command. When this person just occupied Xuzhou, the army's morale was not yet stable. It was these [-] Mo Dao soldiers who defeated Cao Jun's [-] tigers Leopard Cavalry, in this way, Chen Deng took the lead in taking refuge in this person." Jian Yongkai talked, explaining the cause and effect for Liu Bei.

Liu Bei knew in his heart that the Chen family was a big family born and raised in Xuzhou, and he represented the local forces in Xuzhou.As long as Chen Deng takes refuge, there will be a large wave of followers.

"Hmph, you dare to pretend to be my name. This is Guan Sheng, a laborer. If you meet, I will kill him with a knife." Guan Yu narrowed his red phoenix eyes slightly, and there was already a little murderous look in his eyes.

Guan Yu is a person who pays the most attention to reputation.As soon as he heard that Guan Sheng looked similar to him.And his Guan Yu's name is resounding all over the world. If Guan Sheng uses his name to do some dirty things like robbing civilian women, then the blame will be on him.

"Hmph, if we meet again, we'll be done with a knife." Guan Yu secretly made a decision in his heart.

Liu Bei's face was livid, and after thinking for a while.He already knew in his heart that it might be unrealistic to try to take Xuzhou by force.

"Xianhe, what instructions did Zizhong have when you came here?" Liu Bei hurriedly asked.

Now the Mi family and Liu Bei are grasshoppers on the same rope, so Liu Bei concluded that Mi Zhu would definitely plan something for him.

"My lord, I know that Li Chen has already handed over Xiaopei to Lu Bu. Now the two are horns of each other, and they are united to fight against Cao."

"Brother Zizhong means that since there is no hope of capturing Xuzhou, why don't we follow the example of Lu Bu. Li Chen is going to the same county, and now that Cao's army is coming, I think he will not refuse." Jian Yong general Mi Zhu Said his plan.

"One county?" Liu Bei muttered to himself, thinking about it.Since we can't get Xuzhou, it's not bad to get a county, which is much better than his dilapidated Pingyuan county.

"Xianhe, where do we want?" Liu Bei hurriedly asked.

Jian Yong strode towards the table, pointed to a corner of the map on the table and said, "Here."

(End of this chapter)

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