Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 27 Returning Liu Xuande Next Week

Chapter 27 Returning Liu Xuande Next Week

Liu Bei looked at the direction pointed by Jian Yong, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "Xiapi, can he give it?"

It has to be said that Liu Bei's worries are actually not unreasonable.In addition to Pei Guo, Xuzhou has two counties under the jurisdiction of the Three Kingdoms, Langya State, Pengcheng State, Donghai State, Xiapi County, and Guangling County.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, the country and the county were administrative units at the same level.If this place has been enshrined by princes and kings, it will be called a country, if not, it will be called a county.

Among the Three Kingdoms and two counties under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou, Xiapi County is the wealthiest.Because before Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Xiapi had always been the seat of Xuzhou.It is precisely because of this that Xiapi is the richest and most well-equipped county except Xuzhou City, which is an important military town.

Whether it is population or economy, Xiapi County is one of the best among the three counties and two counties in Xuzhou.Liu Bei thought, we want to bite off the fattest meat when we open our mouths, and they may not be able to give it to us.

Jian Yong looked at Liu Bei and said, "My lord, according to Zizhong's information, Li Chen has hoarded all his troops in Xuzhou City, so he has absolutely no control over the counties and counties under Xuzhou."

"We are going here just to inform Li Chen. If he doesn't give it to us, we will send troops to take it ourselves. Tao Qian originally gave Xuzhou to the lord. Even if we take Xiapi by force, it will not be a problem in righteousness."

"We sent troops to take it by force, what if Li Chen sent troops to attack?" Liu Bei asked after hesitating for a moment.

"My lord, Li Chen is so bold. He killed Cao Cao's father and took away his family property. It is said that he also robbed Cao Cao's daughter-in-law and injured his son Cao Pi. With such a big enmity, Cao Cao can't wait to make him cramp Skinned."

"If it weren't for the continuous rain recently, I'm afraid Cao Jun's army is approaching. At this time, Li Chen should not start a war with us lightly. I mean, once we occupy Xiapi and have the city wall as a support, we should be able to Defensively stop Li Chen from attacking." Jian Yong explained confidently, as if he had already grasped Li Chen's case.

Just when Liu Bei was hesitating, Guan Yu stroked his long beard and said, "Mr. Xianhe is right. With Xiapi City, we have [-] soldiers. How can we attack Xiapi without [-] to [-] soldiers? Brother, this plan works."

"Since both Xianhe and the second brother think this plan is feasible, let's do it for now." Liu Bei nodded and made a decision.

However, Liu Bei will soon know how wrong it is to use normal people's thinking to predict the way a mixed person will do things.

Three days later, outside Xuzhou City, thirty miles away.

In the continuous drizzle, an army of about 8000 people was marching in the direction of Xuzhou City.

This army is obviously not as elite as the Yunlong Army or the Cao Army. Most of them are wearing leather armor, and their equipment is varied and not uniform.

The crimson Liu character flag hung high in the army shows that this is the army of Pingyuan Commander Liu Bei and Liu Xuande.

This army is naturally led by the three Liu Bei brothers.Liu Bei is seven feet five inches long, and in the words of later generations, he is 1.8 meters tall.

He has big earlobes, and his hands can hang down to his knees vertically, a bit like that gibbon.But Liu Bei looked much better than the gibbon. Not only was his face hairless, but his face was as white as a powder puff, and his lips were like rouge.

Behind Liu Bei are the red-faced Guan Yu and the black-faced Zhang Fei.One of the two held the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and the other held the Zhangba Snake Spear.They are all tall and powerful people.

Xuzhou City, Yunlong Palace.

"Master, Liu Xuande is here. At this time, it is less than thirty miles away from Xuzhou City." Chen Deng walked into the hall and said in Li Chen's ear.

"What, Big Ear Liu is here."

"Jie, you are not a good person." Li Chen muttered to himself.

The battle of Xuzhou in the history of the previous life revolved around Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Liu Bei.Among Lu Bu and Liu Bei, Li Chen was more afraid of Liu Bei.Because hypocrites are often more harmful than real villains.

Whether Lu Bu is really a villain is not to say, but Liu Bei is definitely a real hypocrite. This guy can be called the first old man in the history of China.

He first lent Xuzhou to Tao Qian, then Yizhou to Liu Yan, and finally Jingzhou to Liu Biao.

Liu Bei is not only borrowing the city, but the key is also borrowing people.He borrowed troops from Gongsun Zan several times, and finally borrowed Zhao Yun.I also borrowed soldiers from Cao Cao, and borrowed soldiers from Yuan Shao.

In short, throughout the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he borrowed all the places that could be borrowed.

If you borrow something, you will borrow it. The key point is that this guy never repays what he borrows. It can definitely be said that he will repay Liu Xuande next week.

Li Chen remembered that Liu Xuande probably hadn't risen yet at this time, so there definitely wouldn't be too many soldiers and horses in his hands.So he asked, "How many troops did Liu Xuande bring?"

"There are less than [-] soldiers." Chen Deng replied.

As soon as he heard that Liu Bei had less than [-] soldiers, Li Chen immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, Liu Bei's current record is the same as that of Huaxia Football, that is, he has never won a game.

The one who is a mess is called a mess. Apart from a good reputation, it can be said that he has nothing.

"What does Yuan Long think Liu Xuande came to Xuzhou?" Li Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Aren't you asking knowingly? I don't know what good things you did?" Chen Deng slandered in his heart, and then said to Li Chen: "Of course I came to ask for Xuzhou. When Tao Qian was still there, I passed by Mi Zhu. Xuzhou was promised to Liu Xuande to be the matchmaker."

"Liu Xuande must have abandoned the original Xuzhou, but now that Xuzhou is occupied by the lord, he will naturally not be reconciled."

Li Chen said in his heart: "I snatched something with my own ability, and I want to spit it out, let alone a door, there is not even a window."

"Ha ha!"

"Liu Xuande is really naive. He wants to get Xuzhou back even if he doesn't have enough money. Isn't that just a dream." Li Chen laughed loudly.

Li Chen didn't care that Tao Qian promised Xuzhou to Liu Bei.

There are goalkeepers on the pitch, so they can score goals.Xuzhou is now his own, and anyone with the strength can come and take it.If you don't have the strength, you won't be able to keep it even if you give it to you.

Today's big man is no longer the original big man. The big man in the peak period can be said to be the king's land under the whole world, and the king's minister on the shore of the land.

Since Emperor Lingdi of the Han Dynasty started, the great Han has already set in the west.At the beginning, as long as you had money, you could buy a decent official. In short, you couldn't buy anything except the throne.

But now, as long as you have soldiers and generals in your hands.You can occupy a city, a state shepherd, a military officer like a general, just send a letter to Luoyang to apply for a job, and still consider yourself a Hanchen.

As for whether the letter arrived in Luoyang, whether Liu Xie sealed it or not, that was another matter.

"My lord, I'm afraid Liu Bei's trip is not for Xuzhou, but because he wants to take a county like Lu Bu." Chen Deng thought for a moment and guessed.
The following things --- very important ---
(The author asks for support online, this chapter is Chapter 4. This book is currently in the pk stage, and there are two books about Tang Dynasty in the same period. Brothers voted to help me poke their asses.)
(In addition, talk about the update rules, tentatively set it from Monday to Thursday this week, because these four days are the pk stage, if you can advance, you will talk about it later.)
(From Monday to Thursday, there are four guaranteed updates per day, which are about [-] words. Then add one update to [-] recommended votes, and one update to five thousand coins.)
(Brothers, please give me the recommendation tickets from Monday to Thursday. This is related to whether I can advance. Thank you everyone. As long as I have a recommendation ticket, I can advance. I can keep updating at this speed.)
(End of this chapter)

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