Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 28 Xuzhou city meeting Xuande

Chapter 28 Xuzhou city meeting Xuande (recommended ticket, please collect)

"Damn it, I think I'm doing charity. Who the hell has no place to stay and come to me to get a county?" Li Chen scolded with a smile.

Giving a county to Liu Bei will definitely not work.The reason Li Chen was able to accept Lu Bu was because Lu Bu had already known too many fathers in his life, so he could not rely on Cao Cao.Moreover, Lu Bu's reputation is already rotten, and now Lu Bu has no choice but to defend Xuzhou with him.

But Liu Bei is different. Although Liu Bei has nothing, he still has a good reputation.Once he was allowed to stay in Xuzhou, he could stab him in the back at any time.

"Yuanlong, according to what you see, should I accept Liu Bei?" Li Chen looked at Chen Deng and asked.

Chen Deng's expression froze, and after thinking for a moment, he said slowly, "My lord, you must never let Liu Bei enter Xuzhou!"

Hearing Chen Dengyu's sincere words, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly nodded.Local counselors like Chen Deng are no more absolutely loyal than Liu Bowen and Yu Wencheng.However, Chen Deng's ability to say that Liu Bei is not allowed to enter Xuzhou is enough to show that Chen Deng is sincerely doing things for himself.

"Yuanlong, why is Liu Bei not allowed to enter Xuzhou?" Li Chen continued to ask.

Li Chen felt that Liu Bei could not be allowed to enter Xuzhou because he had the foresight in his previous life.He knew that whether it was Tao Qian, Liu Biao, or Liu Yan, who gave the city to Liu Bei, they all ended badly.

Chen Deng looked at Li Chen and said seriously: "My lord, if the name is right, then the word is right. Xuzhou was originally given to Liu Bei by Tao Qian. If Liu Bei is allowed to enter Xuzhou, we must be on guard against him at all times. He is different from Lu Bu. Even if Lu Bu Winning Xuzhou is not popular with the people. But Liu Xuande is very popular with the people, and because of this, he must not be allowed to enter the city."

"Yuan Long's words are very true. This Xuzhou cannot let Liu Xuande enter. I will let him go back no matter how he came today." Li Chen said loudly.

At noon, Li Chen was resting in the Yunlong Hall.

"Marshal Dian, three people have come down from the city, one with a white face, one with a red face, and one with a black face, please come to the city to tell."

Cheng Yaojin, the funny guy, and Zhang Huzi came in, and said to Li Chen.

"Liu Da Er is here, let's go and have a look." Li Chen said loudly with a smile on his face.

"Liu big ears, um, my lord's description is really appropriate. The one with the white face is really big ears, and those ears flutter enough to fry two plates of pig's ears." Cheng Yaojin swallowed as he said.

Under the city of Xuzhou, the drizzle was hazy.

It was early spring at this time, and now the light rain under the city was as fine as a cow's hair, like thousands of silver threads falling from the sky.

In the haze of misty rain, Liu Bei with a white face, Guan Yu with a red face, and Zhang Fei with a black face stood side by side at the foot of the city.

Let's look at Liu Bei's appearance, it is indeed extraordinary. Since ancient times, he has been a king or an emperor, and they are all different appearances.Liu Bei's ears dropped to his shoulders, his arms were over his knees, and he was born extraordinary.

Liu Bei under the city said a little anxiously: "I don't know if this Li Chen is willing to give up Xiapi to us."

"Big brother is too worried."

"According to Mr. Xianhe's words, if Li Chen refuses to let us go, we will go get it ourselves." Guan Yu said, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in one hand and stroking his long beard with the other.

"Second brother is right. This kid is taking advantage of us. If he doesn't even let him go, I don't need second brother to do anything. I, Lao Zhang, will poke a few holes in him." The black-faced Zhang Fei yelled.

The three people under the city were talking, and Li Chen had already brought Xuzhou Wenwu to the city.

"Under the city, but Pingyuan Commander Liu Xuande?" Li Chen looked down the city and asked loudly.

When Liu Bei saw Li Chen, he thought to himself that this person is really extraordinary. It seems that the one who can occupy Xuzhou is really not an ordinary person.

"Marshal Dian, I have a word with Tao Qian. I raised troops from Pingyuan to defend Xuzhou with him. He and Xuzhou gave me a seat. I wonder if this matter is still counting?" Liu Bei said to Li Chen who was on the city.

As soon as Liu Bei's words in the city came out, Li Chen couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Li Chen thought in his heart, Liu Bei is really not simple.This person was deeply scheming, and he never mentioned the matter of Tao Qian letting him in Xuzhou.Instead, he changed his words and said that he was here to fight against Cao Jun, and Tao Qian agreed to give him a place.In this way, the atmosphere was eased, and his appeal was expressed.

I have to say that Liu Bei is indeed a very good man.If he started talking about Tao Qian letting Xuzhou, then it would be tantamount to saying that Li Chen's method of getting Xuzhou was wrong.As a result, the two will inevitably be at war.At that time, even if Li Chen gives him a place under pressure, he will inevitably be wary.

Although Liu Bei just wants a place, but this place is not easy to define.The land of a county can be said to be a place, and the land of a county can also be said to be a place.

However, Li Chen believed that even if he only gave him a county, Liu Bei could actually control a county.

On the city wall, Liu Bowen's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and he said in Li Chen's ear: "My lord, this person has a kind face and a dark heart, so don't let him stay!"

Liu Bowen's words were more thorough than Chen Deng's. Chen Deng just said that Liu Bei should not be allowed to enter the city, but Liu Bowen directly suggested that Li Chen kill Liu Bei.

It has to be said that Liu Bowen's suggestion was correct. Liu Bei has a dark complexion, and whoever gets along with him will be unlucky. Killing him is indeed a way to prevent future troubles.

But Li Chen is a person of later generations, and he has a clearer understanding of the overall situation.The troubled times of the Three Kingdoms have not yet officially opened.I am not yet a big force that dominates one side. Now that Liu Bei is eliminated, only big forces like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will benefit.

Liu Bei is in the mix, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce are like a shit-stirring stick. With him, the whole situation can be messed up, and it is also convenient for him to act.

"Tao Qian."

[Task: To anger the three brothers Liu Bei, the degree of anger of the three determines the rating of the task. 】

When Li Chen just wanted to say that Tao Qian promised you, you can go to Tao Qian to ask for it yourself, when you have nothing to do with me, Li Chen.Unexpectedly, the system task was triggered at this time.

This is a very flexible task, and it does not say what level of blind box the reward is.Obviously, what level of blind box I can get from this task depends on how angry the three Liu Bei brothers are.

This task is not easy. Among the three brothers Liu Bei, Liu Bei has a kind face and a dark heart, and Guan Yu has an extraordinary demeanor. The only one who can be irritated is the black-faced Zhang Fei.

Obviously, just angering Zhang Fei alone will definitely not get any good task rewards.

Li Chen has always been smart and quick-witted, and he suddenly thought of an excellent way to anger the three Liu Bei brothers.

"Brother Xuande, do you really only want a seat?" Li Chen asked with a pretended solemn expression.

When Liu Bei heard this, there was something in his heart.He hurriedly expressed his position: "My heart can be learned from the world. If I want a place, I will definitely not take more."

"Brother Xuande, which direction do you want?" Li Chen continued to ask.

Liu Bei didn't expect Li Chen to be so easy to talk, so he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said lightly: "Xiapi is not bad."

"Okay, let's go down to Pi."

"Brother Xuande wants a place, and I will give it more. In this way, brother Xuande will first go to Xuzhou City and station ten miles away. I will go and prepare. Brother Xuande will come tomorrow." Li Chen said to Liu Bei solemnly .
The first update today--please recommend tickets--nearly [-] votes yesterday--if there are another [-] votes today--we can add more--
(End of this chapter)

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