Chapter 286

The address of Li Chen's shipyard was chosen in Weishan Lake. There was originally only a small town beside Weishan Lake.But since the shipyard was built here, it can be said that it has driven the nearby economic development.In just a year or so, the original small town was expanded into a small county.Weishan County, the people who settled here call it Weishan County.

In the shipyard built near Weishan Lake, the entire factory area belongs to the control area. All skilled workers can only live in the factory area at ordinary times, and they are not allowed to go out without permission.

Of course, those coolies who transport timber and iron ore are not within the scope of the regulations.It is also these low-end labor forces that drive the development of the entire Weishan County.

Weishan Lake shipyard, barracks.

There are [-] soldiers stationed near the Weishan Lake shipyard, and these [-] soldiers are led by Cheng Yaojin, who are responsible for guarding the shipyard.

The soldiers led by Cheng Yaojin were responsible for guarding the shipyard on the surface, but logically, near the Weishan Lake shipyard, there is also a hundred households of Jinyiwei who are secretly operating.

Li Chen builds a ship here, but coolies and artisans, this is a full 10,000+ people.With such a big move, it is almost impossible for you to satisfy the princes of the world.

However, the shipyard was clearly guarded by Cheng Yaojin and his troops, but secretly there was a hundred households of Jinyiwei.It's not that no one has paid attention to the shipyard, but those who have paid attention to the shipyard are now scuba diving at the bottom of Weishan Lake tied to stones.

"General Cheng, the King of Qin has sent a message that he will come to our shipyard within seven days." A soldier ran to report to Cheng Yaojin.

"The king of Qin is really here. My old Cheng has been bored this year. The king of Qin is here, and my old Cheng has to ask him to find someone to replace my old Cheng." Cheng Yaojin said to himself.

"King Qin is here, we have to arrange a big banquet, is the table ready?" Cheng Yaojin asked his lieutenant general.

Cheng Yaojin knew that Huang Yueying was a technical geek, and the king of Qin came, so it would not work to expect Huang Yueying to arrange it. In this case, only his old Cheng could arrange it.

Cheng Yaojin, nicknamed Cheng Licking, Lao Cheng is not a simple boss, this kind of thing is still properly arranged by Lao Cheng.

"General Cheng, this is the attendance sheet, take a look." The deputy general took the attendance sheet from his pocket and said.

This sheet is the menu.Li Chen is here, there must be a reception banquet, and these things must be prepared in advance.

Cheng Yaojin took the table and looked at it, frowned and said: "Why are these things, why are they all from the lake, aren't there any from the mountains?"

"This is the king of Qin who came to our place. I have to collect all the things that swim in the water, run on the ground, and fly in the sky."

Cheng Yaojin said, my old Cheng is looking after the door every day, and my muscles and bones are going to rust.Whether or not the guard can be changed can only be seen once, and His Highness King Qin must not make it clear.

"General Cheng, here we swim a lot, run on the ground, and fly in the sky, isn't it hard to find?" the deputy general said in distress.

"Go to Orion, the lieutenant general, to sell it, do you still need me to teach you?"

"Forget it, my old Cheng will go and hunt some prey for King Qin himself." Cheng Yaojin said after thinking about it.

Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, I have to hunt some rare prey for King Qin.At that time, when King Qin eats this food, he must ask where it came from.When the time comes, I will say that I played it myself, so His Royal Highness King Qin will remember me as old Cheng.

Lao Cheng is a person who does practical things. After paying attention, he took a team of soldiers to hunt in the forest near Weishan Lake the next day.

Today, Cheng Yaojin set off just after dawn, and spent a whole morning, and at noon, Cheng Yaojin shot a few rabbits and a few pheasants.

"Gollum, Gollum."

Cheng Yaojin is a man with a big belly, and at noon, he will be hungry on time.

"Let's rest first, let's eat something, and hunt in the afternoon."

"Maybe it's because the prey likes to sleep late. My old Cheng got up early, and there will be a big harvest in the afternoon." Cheng Yaojin said to his soldiers.

Cheng Yaojin gave an order, and everyone gathered around to rest, and some soldiers brought Cheng Yaojin water bottles and dry food.

"Just eat this?" Cheng Yaojin took a bite of dry food and said to his subordinates.

"Yeah, just eat this?" The subordinates responded.

"Is there no meat?" Old Cheng continued to ask.

"General, our conditions are poor now, so we will make do with it first, and we will eat meat when we go back at night." The soldiers under his command replied.

Cheng Yaojin is a person who doesn't like meat, if he doesn't eat meat, he will feel uncomfortable all over.If you chew this dry food in your mouth, it will be like chewing wax.

"You guys, roast the hare and the pheasant for me." Cheng Yaojin said to his soldiers.

Soldier: "???"

As soon as Cheng Yaojin said this, his soldiers were completely confused.The soldier thought to himself, isn't this meant for His Royal Highness King Qin?Why did we eat it.

"General, isn't this for His Highness King Qin?" asked the soldier.

Cheng Yaojin blushed, but he couldn't say that he wanted to eat meat, so he could only bite the bullet and explain: "This hare and pheasant are common goods, how can they be like King Qin's mouth. In the afternoon, I will Give King Qin a blind bear, wild geese, etc., so that he can be in line with the status of King Qin. Let's eat these ordinary things first, and then we will have the strength to hunt for King Qin when we are full."

When Cheng Yaojin said it confidently, the soldiers under his command thought, what General Cheng said makes sense, so let's eat first.

Come on, a few hares and pheasants were shot in the morning, and Cheng Yaojin roasted and ate them all by himself.I was so busy all morning, it was all spring outing.

After eating and drinking, Cheng Yaojin continued hunting.Who knew, he was going to memorize it at [-]:[-] p.m., which was delayed by an hour, so he didn't even catch a mouse.

"Damn it, my old Cheng really recites it a little bit, it's a bitch, no shit." Cheng Yaojin said cursingly.

"General Cheng, I have been hunting with my father since I was a child, and I know what's going on." A soldier approached Cheng Yaojin and said.

"What, you know what's going on, so tell me?" Cheng Yaojin asked hastily.

The soldier who had been a hunter hurriedly replied: "General Cheng, that's the case. This mountain forest is too close to our shipyard, and our shipyard is cutting down trees all day long. I guess the wild beasts in the mountains have been scared away a long time ago." gone."

"If we want to hunt our prey, I'm afraid we have to go farther and change to another mountain forest."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he pulled his red beard and said: "You are right, let's change a place. I said it can't be my old Cheng, and feelings are in this place." has a problem."

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Cheng Yaojin knocked the big-bellied grasshopper under his crotch with both legs, and galloped forward. After running for a full 34 miles, Cheng Yaojin finally stood up.

Needless to say, after they changed places, they really had a big harvest, killing a whole bunch of various prey.

In the evening, when Cheng Yaojin wanted to go back to the shipyard, the soldiers in charge of security came to report: "General Cheng, a caravan is coming ahead."

Although Cheng Yaojin is a fool, this kid is smart. When he heard that there was a caravan here, Cheng Yaojin immediately realized something was wrong.

"Damn it, what kind of caravan doesn't take the main road, but the small road, there is something wrong with this caravan."

"Let the brothers stay away, I'll go and have a look." Cheng Yaojin ordered to his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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