Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 287 bites gold and returns to old business.

Chapter 287 bites gold and returns to old business.

Cheng Yaojin and his gang started out as bandits. As soon as they heard their subordinates report that a caravan was coming, this immediately aroused old Cheng's vigilance.

They are hunting now, and the nearby road is a small trail.There are no caravans that take the mountain road instead of the official road, so it can be seen that this caravan must have ghosts.

It stands to reason that whether the caravan has ghosts or not has little to do with Cheng Yaojin.But, Cheng Yaojin and his gang are currently itching all over idle, looking for something to do.

So Cheng Yaojin ordered his brothers to hide in the woods first, and he took a few soldiers towards the trail.

Cheng Yaojin led his men to hide in a hidden place not far from the trail, and he carefully looked at the team not far away.

There are not many people in this team, only about thirty people.Although these thirty or so people looked like servants and guards in terms of their clothes, but if they looked at their behavior, they could be seen at a glance that they were members of the army.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the leader, how did he feel that the leader looked familiar, although he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while?
"This kid looks familiar?" Cheng Yaojin whispered in his heart.

"Crack!" Cheng Yaojin was thinking hard, and suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Damn it, this is that traitor Wei Xu."

The leader of this caravan was none other than Wei Xu who had betrayed Lu Bu and defected to Cao Cao.It was because Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, and Song Xian colluded with Cao Cao that Lu Bu was killed.

Hou Cheng and Song Xian are already dead, but Wei Xu ran away with Liu Bei when Liu Beikeng took Cao Cao's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses away.

Cheng Yaojin also participated in the battle of Xiaopei back then.Wei Xu was Lu Bu's confidant, Cheng Yaojin knew him, but he didn't recognize him just now in a hurry.

"Wei Xu, kid, didn't he take refuge with Liu Bei? Why did I meet Lao Cheng today." Cheng Yaojin said to himself.

Seeing Wei Xu, Cheng Yaojin immediately made a plan in his heart.Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, now Lu Lingqi hates Wei Xu to the core, if he catches Wei Xuxian, then ask Lu Lingqi to give him a pillow breeze, and he can be transferred to leave this ghost place.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin hurriedly waved his hands behind him, and said to the soldiers behind him, "Let our brothers come over."

Cheng Yaojin came out for hunting this time, so he didn't bring many people with him, about twenty people, which was a little less than Wei Xu's team.

If Cheng Yaojin had a lot of people with him, he would just surround him, but now he has few people in his hands, so he has to make a careful calculation.

Wei Xuna was in the convoy. There were carriages for people and carriages for objects in the convoy.Therefore, his marching speed is not very fast.Cheng Yaojin quickly gathered his soldiers and ambushed on the road that Wei Xu must pass.

Why did Wei Xu appear on Li Chen's territory?That's the thing, after Liu Bei conquered Zhuo County, this person's life must be solved.Ever since, Wei Xu escorted Liu Bei's Mrs. Gan to Zhuojun.

Now the world is in turmoil, but Li Chen's Xuzhou is the safest place.Therefore, in order to protect Mrs. Gan's safety, Wei Xu deliberately disguised the escort team as a caravan and passed by Li Chen's territory.It's just that Wei Xu should point his head. The route he chose carefully happened to meet Cheng Yaojin, the evil star.

"General Wei, where are we now?" In the carriage, Liu Bei's Mrs. Gan opened her red lips lightly, and her words were like an oriole.

"Ma'am, we are now in Xuzhou, and we will be in Zhuojun in two or three days at most," Wei Xu reported.

At the same time, Cheng Yaojin on the side was looking at Wei Xu who was getting closer and closer.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the convoy, there was a carriage in the middle of the convoy, at first glance, this carriage was a carriage that only rich people could ride in.

Cheng Yaojin said in his heart, it seems that Wei Xu is escorting someone?
"Be careful when you can shoot arrows, don't hurt the people in the carriage." Cheng Yaojin told his subordinates.

"Yes." The group of soldiers immediately responded softly.

Seeing the people on the mountain road below getting closer and closer, Cheng Yaojin waved his hand and said, "Aim for me, one person shoots one down. If anyone misses the shot, there will be no food tonight."

"Don't worry, general, they specified that it is better than a rabbit." The soldiers responded one after another.

Why did Cheng Yaojin come here today? He came here today to hunt.So these people brought here are all marksmen in the army.It is intentional and unintentional, and the distance is not too far, so these soldiers under him are full of confidence.

Not long after, Wei Xu escorted the convoy into Cheng Yaojin's ambush circle.Wei Xu, this kid, he really doesn't have much ability.Let's put it this way, this kid is neither above [-] nor below [-] in the general, and he just stepped on the [-] line.

Wei Xu didn't have any vigilance, after entering Cheng Yaojin's ambush circle, he still didn't notice it at all.At this time, in the woods beside the mountain road, Cheng Yaojin was leading men to aim at them with bows and arrows.


Cheng Yaojin waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him shot at his target one after another.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the dense forest by the cold road, a rain of arrows shot over, and most of the thirty people under Wei Xu's command fell to the ground immediately.

"One, two, three."

Cheng Yaojin is counting people now, he has to count whether these people under him have shot one of them.After counting it down, it is just right, one is not too many, and the other is not too much.

Wei Xu was terrified by this burst of arrow rain, but after this round of arrow rain, there was no movement, which made Wei Xu feel very nervous.

"General, this kind of place is probably robbed by bandits." At this time, a soldier said in Wei Xu's ear.

Wei Xu thought about it, yes, in this barren mountain, I am afraid that only bandits can play tricks on them here.

Thinking of this, Wei Xu bit the bullet and shouted to the surroundings: "Heroes in front, I don't know which road you are on, so I wonder if I can help you."

Upon hearing Wei Xu's words, Cheng Yaojin understood that this kid probably regarded them as bandits who robbed their way.

Cheng Yaojin wanted to tease Wei Xu in his heart, and shouted: "I will open this road, and I will carry this tree. If you want to go this road, you will save money to buy roads. If you dare to say that the first half is not Literally, I don’t care about killing or burying.”

"General Wei, you are really a bandit." One of Wei Xu's soldiers said.

Hearing that it was really a bandit, Wei Xu was relieved.Being a bandit is better than being an officer.

He took a shortcut here, but his heart was in a state of anxiety.This is Li Chen's territory, he is registered here.Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Lu Lingqi are all important people in Xuzhou. If they found out, they would not know how Wei Xu died.

(End of this chapter)

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