Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 290 Li Chen: This king is a gentleman.

Chapter 290 Li Chen: This king is a gentleman.

Li Chen entered the city at noon, after Cheng Yaojin took Li Chen around for a tour, it was already evening.In order to welcome Li Chen, Cheng Yaojin arranged a large banquet, and the banquet had been prepared a few days ago.

On the entire banquet, there are those who run on the ground, those who swim in the water, and those who fly in the sky.

At the banquet, Cheng Yaojin held up his wine glass and said: "Everyone, are you satisfied with this banquet? Let me tell you, I shot down this bird with my own hands, and I also caught this deer and bear's paw with my own hands. There are also fish. , This is what my old Cheng caught in the lake by himself. In order to prepare this banquet for King Qin, my old Cheng has been busy for several days."

"Well, I have a heart for gold." Liu Bowen praised from the side.

"Hmph, there's nothing to be courteous about, it's either rape or robbery." Yu Wencheng said from the side.

"King Qin, I, Old Cheng, are the most loyal to you. I'll make a consultation with you. Can you change my position and let me stay by your side all day, as a guard?" Cheng Yaojin licked. After finishing speaking with a straight face, he continued: "I think Yu Wencheng will replace it for me, that would be great."

Cheng Yaojin didn't want to be trapped in the shipyard all day, and Yuwen Chengdu naturally didn't want to either.Yu Wencheng cast aside Cheng Yaojin and said, "Hmph, with your three-legged cat skills, if His Royal Highness the King of Qin is in danger, can you protect the King of Qin thoroughly?"

In terms of martial arts, even if three Cheng Yaojin are tied together, that is not Yuwen Chengdu's opponent.But Cheng Yaojin is a clever person, Cheng Yaojin rolled his eyes and said: "Hmph, my old Cheng is a lucky general, I am in front of the King of Qin, the King of Qin will not be in any danger at all."

"Humph! Humph!" Cheng Yaojin uttered these words, and Yu Wencheng hummed in anger.

At this time, Li Chen came out to smooth things over and said: "Okay, Yueying appointed your general to guard the shipyard, and you can't change it casually. In this way, when the king sends troops to attack Wu, he will take you with him. "

Li Chen's words, that is Wang Ming.Cheng Yaojin didn't dare to refute, so he had no choice but to say: "King Qin, then we have made a deal. When we send troops to attack Wu, we must take me with us."

Cheng Yaojin thought in his mind that the ship was almost built now, and after the ship was built, the attack on Wu would be the next thing to happen.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the day was completely dark.

Cheng Yaojin ordered his subordinates to take Liu Bowen, Yuwen Chengdu and others to rest at the pre-arranged place.

"King Qin, the resting place has been arranged, I, Old Cheng, will take you there." Cheng Yaojin said to Li Chen.

The big ship is about to be launched, and this is on the agenda.Li Chen is happy today, but he has been drinking a lot.Although he was not drunk, he was a little dazed, so he followed Cheng Yaojin to the resting place.

Where is Cheng Yaojin's resting place arranged for Li Chen? It is the place where he imprisoned Liu Bei's wife Ganmei.Cheng Yaojin was a weak boy, he told Li Chen that he had caught Wei Xu, but he didn't tell Li Chen that he had caught Ganmei himself.This time, Li Chen was not mentally prepared at all.

Cheng Yaojin led the way, and Li Chen followed behind. The two of them followed Cheng Yaojin to the courtyard where Gan Mei was imprisoned.This courtyard is really nice, and the environment is very elegant.

After Cheng Yaojin led Li Chen into the courtyard, he sent Li Chen to the door of the bedroom and said: "His Royal Highness, you go in and rest, I will not bother you, old Cheng."

Li Chen didn't think much about it this time, he thought that he was sleeping, why did Cheng Yaojin, a big ugly guy, follow suit.So he said to him: "Okay, then you go back."

"Da da da!"

Cheng Yaojin trotted out of the courtyard, but Cheng Yaojin didn't leave, but hid at the base of the wall outside the courtyard.

Cheng Yaojin has a heart of gossip about this trivial matter, he thought to himself, it's not very common to hear about His Royal Highness King Qin's corner, and I, Cheng Yao, have to grasp it.


Li Chen pushed open the door and entered the bedroom. Not to mention, this bedroom is quite big.Once you enter the bedroom, it is a living room. The entrance between the living room and the bedroom is blocked by a screen.

Li Chen stepped over the screen, and as soon as he walked into the bedroom, he saw a bathtub in front of him, and a woman in the bathtub was facing away from him, stretching out her hand to splash water on her body.Needless to say, the woman in front of me is Liu Bei's wife, Gan Mei.

The sound of Li Chen walking into the bedroom was not loud, and Gan Mei had been playing with the water, the sound of the water just covered the sound of Li Chen's footsteps.Gan Mei took a bath with her back to Li Chen, and Li Chen just watched helplessly.

"Damn it, I really drank too much today, why are my eyes still blurry?" Li Chen thought in his heart, rubbing his eyes resignedly.

Once Li Chen rubbed his eyes, he could see more clearly.Good guy, there is really a woman taking a bath in my room.This girl is a top-notch just by looking at her back, and her skin can be said to be as white as jade.

"Gudu! Gudu!"

Li Mu drank too much wine, he couldn't help feeling a little parched at this moment, and swallowed recklessly.

At this time, Gan Mei turned around in disbelief, and saw a man staring at her.She also rubbed her eyes to make sure she read correctly.


Gan Mei was terrified. She quickly covered her chest and yelled.

Good guy, it's okay if Gan Mei doesn't turn around, he turned around and covered his chest, how could he cover his chest with these two hands.

Li Chen is a gentleman, how could he stay in the house at this time, so he hurriedly closed the door and went out.His Majesty the King of Qin, if it spreads out to spy on someone taking a bath, wouldn't it be like Li Chen's pure reputation?

"Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yaojin, come here for me." Li Chen shouted towards the door.

Cheng Yaojin heard Ganmei's scream outside, and was muttering that His Royal Highness Qin Wang was really fast enough.Hearing Li Chen calling his name, he hurried out.

"Cheng Yaojin, let me ask you, who is the woman in this room?" Li Chen pointed to the guest room and said.

"Your Highness King Qin, there is Liu Bei's wife, what is her name Ganmei?" Cheng Yaojin replied.

Li Chen's face turned cold, and he said with a straight face: "Well, you Cheng Yaojin, just use this to bribe me, is this king such a person who can't stand the temptation?"

"King Qin, it's been rumored outside, please applaud this." Cheng Yaojin muttered in a low voice.

"Fart, whoever said that I like this is Cao thief. From my point of view, it's your son who passed it on." Li Chen scolded angrily.

Cheng Yaojin said in his heart, good fellow, does King Qin know this secret?When my old Cheng said it, he was very cautious, right?
"Why is Liu Bei's wife here with you?" Li Chen pointed to the room and asked.

"That's what happened to the King of Qin. Didn't I catch Wei Xu? The boy Wei Xu was escorting this woman to Zhuo County when I bumped into him." Cheng Yaojin replied.

"When you said you had captured Wei Xu just now, why didn't you mention this person?" Li Chen asked with a cold face.

"King Qin, there were so many people just now. If I said it, wouldn't it ruin your reputation? Now that we both know, then you can do whatever you want." Cheng Yaojin's ugly face showed a smile. Every man knows how to smile.

"Ahem! No one knows?" Li Chen said subconsciously, and then said with a cold face: "This king is an upright gentleman, what can I think."

"Yes, yes, the King of Qin is a gentleman, but now he is considerate and comforts this Ganmei, so what can we do?" Cheng Yaojin said nonsense in a serious manner.

(End of this chapter)

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