Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 291 What is the difference between me and Cao thief

Chapter 291 What is the difference between me and Cao thief (third update, please subscribe.)
Li Chen always understood why Cheng Yaojin was able to live from the end of the Sui Dynasty to Wu Zetian's time, and was able to win the favor of every emperor.No matter how the emperor is changed, his old Cheng is always a tumbler in court.

This guy has arranged everything for you, and has won the Lord's favor. Everything has been arranged in your heart, how can this be unfavorable to others.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, it is said that this Ganmei's skin is as white as jade, just like a finely carved jade man." Cheng Yaojin approached Li Chen and whispered in his ear.

Li Chenxin said, I've heard of it, I just saw it.

As soon as this was mentioned, the image just now appeared in Li Chen's mind, those shoulders, that back, that big white rabbit, who the fuck can resist.Li Chen felt that there seemed to be a flame burning in this lower abdomen.

Li Chen also saw Ganmei's appearance just now, she has a baby face, the most important thing is her childlike face.Not to mention the stunning beauty, this skin is another bonus item, Li Chen has never seen a person with such good skin.This is even if you take a bath with deluxe every day, you can't get this skin tone.

At this time, Li Chen thought of a sentence in Mr. Ji Xianlin's diary
"Hey, this is the Seventh Man. If I'm like this, then what's the difference between me and that Cao thief?" Li Chen rubbed his chin, thinking a bit embarrassed.

Seeing that Li Chen hadn't spoken for a long time, Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, could this not suit King Qin's taste.So Cheng Yaojin asked tentatively: "His Royal Highness, if you don't like it, then I'll give you another yard to rest."

Li Chen straightened the black python robe on his body, paused and said: "What white as jade is not white as jade, this king mainly likes the decoration style of this courtyard."

"Well, His Royal Highness King Qin, the decoration style of the rest of the courtyard is the same as this courtyard." Cheng Yaojin continued from the side.

"Get out, I don't want to see you tonight." Li Chen pointed at the gate of the courtyard and cursed at Cheng Yaojin.

After a while, Gan Mei in the bedroom had already put on her clothes, sitting on the bed, Gan Mei's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.Gan Mei recalled the black python robe on the man just now, he didn't know that the man just now was Li Chen.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the status of this woman was already low, not to mention the current era of war and chaos. Under such circumstances, women are more like accessories of men.Like the situation after the Ming Dynasty, when one looks at the body and is about to jump into the river, it is impossible to happen at this time.Even in this era, when a man is killed, it is common for a woman to commit herself to the enemy and give birth to children for the enemy.

Therefore, Gan Mei was fine when Li Chen looked at her body, except that she was a little shy.

In the courtyard, Li Chen straightened his body and pushed the door of the bedroom open.


Li Chen pushed the door, and when the door slammed, Gan Mei's heart skipped a beat.

"See King Qin."

Gan Mei saw Li Chen walking in, and quickly bowed down.When she bent down, the pair of bunnies on her chest almost jumped out.

"Ahem!" Li Chen coughed a few times and asked, "I wonder what Mrs. Gan thinks about my Xuzhou scenery?"

Li Chen was just looking for something to talk about. Since Gan Mei was captured by Cheng Yaojin, she has been locked up in this yard all day long, and she didn't get it out. What is the scenery like?

When Li Chen asked this question, Gan Mei didn't dare not answer.Gan Mei said: "Through the journey, His Royal Highness King Qin's territory is indeed rich and the people live and work in peace and contentment."

Gan Mei walked from Beihai County all the way, passing through many counties and counties in Xuzhou.She found that the life of the people in Xuzhou was indeed very good, much better than that of the people in Beihai County.

"Then Mrs. Gan might as well stay for a few more days." Li Chen said smoothly.

As soon as Li Chen said this, Gan Mei's face immediately turned red, Gan Mei thought, even if I want to leave, you can't let me go.

"Yeah." Gan Mei replied softly.

"King Qin, it's so late, what are you doing here?" Gan Mei asked Li Chen cautiously.

Li Chenxin said, what am I doing here, do you even need to ask?Of course it did.

"My king is very happy today. I don't know who to talk to, so I came here to have a heart-to-heart talk with Mrs. Gan." Li Chen looked at Gan Mei and said solemnly.

"Well, it's a concubine's honor to have a heart-to-heart talk with His Highness King Qin." Gan Mei had a serious expression on her face.

Ganmei has heard of Li Chen's reputation, he is the most powerful king in the world.But he is much more powerful than Liu Bei. Even Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in the Central Plains, the two biggest princes in the world, are defeated by him.

In this world, there are no beauties who do not yearn for heroes.In the past [-] years, Gan Mei married Liu Bei, a bad old man in his forties.Most of these are political marriages, but there is actually no relationship.

"When King Ben came here today, the people of Weishan greeted him spontaneously. The people love him so much, how can this King bear it?" Li Chen said with a sigh.

"His Royal Highness, I heard from my servants. In the past, the people in Weishan used to have enough to eat. When the lake was frozen in winter, they often starved to death. Now the people can live a good life, all thanks to King Qin. .”

"The people are grateful for King Qin's kindness, and naturally they are willing to welcome King Qin." Gan Mei said softly.

"Then I don't know if Madam Gan is willing to greet her?" Li Chen asked solemnly.

"Of course I am willing." Gan Mei replied.

Of course, the greeting that Li Chen said was different from the greeting that Gan Mei understood.

The two chatted for a long time, Li Chen was very good at making people happy, and Gan Mei was so teased that she trembled wildly.

Li Chen saw that the heat was almost ready, so he asked Gan Mei: "I heard that Mrs. Gan's skin is as white as jade, this king doesn't believe it."

"Why don't you believe it? Take a look if you don't believe me." Gan Mei said, stretching out her hand and rolling up her sleeves, as if she was afraid that Li Chen would not believe it.

Li Chen looked at Gan Mei, and said solemnly: "The color of some people's arms may not be the same as the color of their body."

Hearing Li Chen's words, Gan Mei's face turned red again.Of course she understood what Li Chen meant, and Gan Mei also had a good impression of Li Chen at this time.She thought to herself, it was better to be the concubine of King Qin than to be the concubine of King Shu.

It seems that she used this excuse to convince herself. Thinking of this, Gan Meikuan took off her clothes.

"Good guy, it's really like a finely carved jade, and this must be the best Hetian jade to have such a complexion." Li Chen thought in his heart.

"This jade has warm jade, and she also has cool jade. I don't know if Mrs. Gan is warm jade or cool jade. How about letting me try it?" Li Chen asked seriously.

Li Chen is the man who brought my thermometer with him. It's not too much to help Ganmei take her temperature.

Having said that our Li Chen is an upright gentleman, he now has a scientific and sophisticated attitude, and wants to try this person who is like a jade carving, whether she is a warm jade or a cool jade.

"Hmm." Gan Mei blinked her eyelashes and said shyly.

Li Chen quickly got into the bed, and then began to let the bed bear the burden it shouldn't bear.

An hour later, Li Chen couldn't help but want to shout, "I'm no different from Thief Cao."

"Being a Cao thief is really fucking sweet."

(Brothers please subscribe, and I hope that brothers who watch pirated versions can come to qq to read and subscribe. Hey, my grades are not very good recently, and I will not be able to afford food soon. The author is full-time and relies on writing books for a living. I hope I can subscribe one time.)
(End of this chapter)

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