Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 309 Zhou Yu's argument.

Chapter 309 Zhou Yu's argument.

At this time, Lu Su hurriedly and secretly gave Zhou Yu a wink, which meant that the governor, you should make things right.

Among the ministers of Soochow Wu, whoever Sun Jian listened to the most was Zhou Yu's.Who made Zhou Yu capable? The most capable person in Jiangdong must belong to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu smiled at Lu Su, which meant, Zijing, don't panic.

Zhou Yu could see that Sun Jian didn't intend to kill Sun Ce, but Sun Jian was teaching his son.

When it comes to Sun Ce's martial arts, it can be said that the blue comes from the blue and wins the blue, and he is not inferior to Sun Jian at all, and he even wins.

However, compared with Sun Jian, Sun Ce did not have Sun Jian's calmness and wisdom, but instead had more recklessness.If Sun Ce is a general, then this recklessness is indeed good, but he said that if he wants to be the master of Soochow Wu, if he wants to be the master of Soochow Wu, then this recklessness must be changed.

"King Wu, although Bo Fu was wrong this time, it's not like he didn't gain anything at all. This time, he recovered the Jinfan bandit Gan Ning."

"I've seen this Gan Ning. He has the talent of a great general, and he is currently listening to orders in my navy." Zhou Yu said to Sun Jian, this is a credit for Sun Ce.

Jinfan thief Gan Ning is a well-known existence in Jiangdong.Jiangdong has well-developed waterways, and most merchants rely on water transportation.The Jinfan thief Gan Ning and his eight hundred sons, can be said to be in the limelight on the Jiangdong water for a while.No one can hold him, and now he is subdued by Sun Ce.

Moreover, Zhou Yu commented on Gan Ning's talent as a general, Zhou Yu is a person who cherishes words like gold, and usually he seldom evaluates others, let alone his talent as a general.

"How did you subdue Gan Ning?" Sun Jian asked Sun Ce.

Sun Ce told Sun Jian what had happened in the past few days, how he was rescued by Gan Ning after he jumped into the river to escape, and how he fell in love with Gan Ning at first sight, and then persuaded Gan Ning to join Soochow.

After Sun Jian heard that his son Sun Ce had soaked in the river for three days and three nights, his heart ached for a while.

After listening to what Sun Ce said, Sun Jian said: "You have to repay the favor of saving your life. Since you promised him 2 taels of gold as a thank you, you can't give up just because he has taken refuge in our Soochow. You will go to your mother later. , Pay 2 taels of gold from our family and give it to Gan Ning as a reward."

Sun Jian is a reasonable person, after listening to what happened to Sun Ce in the past few days, he exhorted Sun Ce.

"Don't kneel on the ground, hurry up and stand up." Sun Jian told his son Sun Ce.

After Sun Ce stood up, Sun Jian turned to Zhou Yu and asked, "Gongjin, how should we, Soochow, deal with this battle?"

After asking this question, Sun Jian waved his hand, and several guards brought a huge military map.

After the map was brought up, Zhou Yu was not polite, and strode forward to the side of the map.Zhou Yu stepped forward, and the hall was immediately silent.All the people stood there quietly, waiting for Zhou Yu to give advice.

In front of Sun Jian, although Zhou Yu is a junior.But regarding military matters, whenever Zhou Yu said something, the old generals Cheng Pu, Zu Mao, Han Dang, and Huang Gai didn't dare to say anything.

As the saying goes, contemptuous people are guilty.This sentence means that it is a crime to despise superiors.Who is the tallest person, Zhou Yu is the tallest person in Soochow.So don't look at him as a junior, now that he is about to start, the big guy stops talking and waits for Zhou Yu to speak.

Zhou Yu stared at the map for a long time. In fact, Zhou Yu had expected that Qin would attack Wu, so he had already figured out this countermeasure.After looking at the map for so long now, it is nothing more than sorting out the language in my heart.

Zhou Yu pointed to the map, and then said: "Everyone, let's talk about the land of Qin. Xuzhou is an important road for transportation and a place where merchants gather. Although Xuzhou has a large population, it is also very rich. But again, this is the place where the Fourth World War was fought. "

"Everyone is looking at Luoyang. Luoyang is also the same. It has a large population and is also very rich. But this is an enclave. King Qin defended Luoyang entirely because he had a tiger prison in his hands."

"But Luoyang's success is at the Hulao Pass, and its defeat is also at the Hulao Pass. If there is a war together and the Hulao is in hand, it is true that no one can attack, but the same Luoyang's soldiers and horses cannot get out?"

"Everyone, what do you see from King Qin's territory?"

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he asked the civil and military officials of Soochow.

As soon as Zhou Yu's words came out, these civil and military officials fell into deep thought.After a while, Lu Su was the first to react.

"More than enough offense? But not enough defense?" Lu Su asked tentatively.

Zhou Yu looked at Lu Su, his eyes were full of praise, Zhou Yu thought to himself, this Lu Zijing is really extraordinary, his talent is probably not inferior to his own.

"Zi Jing is smart."

"That's right, it's because the offense is more than sufficient, but the defense is insufficient?"

"The general trend of the world, what we pay attention to is a word of potential, what is potential, and potential is ground."

"Our terrain in Soochow is more than adequate for defense but insufficient for offense. The navy is strong and the army is weak, which means that offense is our army's shortcoming."

"The Qin army is the exact opposite of my Soochow. Although their territory is not small, it is all the land of the Four Wars. Qin wants to swallow my Soochow's heart, which is the same as my Soochow wants to swallow Qin."

"If I, Soochow, took Qin, I would have the potential to win the world. Similarly, if Qin took over my Soochow, I would also have the potential to aspire to the world." Zhou Yu analyzed.

"Gong Jin, can Eastern Wu defeat Qin?" Sun Jian asked Zhou Yu.

"When it comes to land battles, Dongwu and Qin Yijiu have two points, and our side has no chance of winning."

"When it comes to water warfare, I still don't know how the Qin army's water army is? But I guess that in less than two years, I can't build a strong water army. In this water army battle, I will be the seventh of the Eastern Wu and the third of Qin." Zhou Yu After talking about all this, he looked at Sun Jian and said, "It is very difficult for me in Soochow to win, and I have to seek opportunities if I want to take Qin, but I have an invincible plan."

"I had expected that the King of Qin would take over my Eastern Wu, so I established nine water villages in Fankou early on. Our Dongwu's waterways are complicated, and Fankou is the only place where we can land in large numbers."

"Therefore, the battle of Fan's mouth water is extremely important. If Fan's mouth water wins, Soochow will be invincible. If Fan's mouth water is defeated, the flames of war will spread to the interior of Soochow Wu." Zhou Yu said to Sun Jian.

"Gong Jin, can Fan win the war of words?" Sun Jian asked Zhou Yu.

"King Wu, I expected Dongwu to win the water battle. But after all, I don't know the strength of the Qin army's water army, but I have already left behind."

"In the waters of Fankou, I have already set up nine water villages, and these nine water villages stretch for hundreds of miles. Even if my Eastern Wu navy is unfortunately defeated, these nine water villages will be difficult for the Qin army to break through." Zhou Yu said confidently .

(End of this chapter)

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