Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 310 Lu Su recommends Zhuge.

Chapter 310 Lu Su recommends Zhuge.

Ever since Li Chen started building ships, Zhou Yu had already started building water villages in Fankou.Now in the entire Fankou generation, there are nine large water villages, and these water villages stretch for hundreds of miles.It can be said that even Soochow was defeated in the battle of the navy.Wherever these nine water villages lie, the Qin army will have to fight tough battles on the water.

Hearing Zhou Yu's explanation, the ministers of Soochow all lamented Zhou Yu's foresight.This is their Soochow master, Soochow's Dinghaishenzhen.

"This battle is the battle of our country of Soochow Wu. We must use all the power of the whole country to be invincible. With me, Zhou Yu, in front, the king does not have to worry about the frontline battle. If Zhou Yu is not dead, I will not let the Qin army Take one step past Fankou." Zhou Yu said firmly.

"The king is aware of Gong Jin's talent. With Gong Jin in front, the king is naturally relieved. However, Gong Jin still needs one person to sit in the rear. I don't know who Gong Jin thinks is competent?" Sun Jian asked Zhou Yu road.

Zhou Yu is responsible for coordinating the entire army on the front line and strategizing.Then there must be someone in charge of logistics in the rear. With so many people fighting in the front, the pressure in the rear is no less than that in the front.Therefore, the person in charge of logistics must also be a capable person.

Today's Soochow only has the territory of the six counties of Jiangdong. Although the land of these six counties is rich, but among the princes of the whole world, the territory is not considered large.Therefore, the population of Jiangdong is actually not that large, and this talent is far inferior to that of Wei and Qin.

This is a national war with all the power of the whole country, and the person in charge of the rear cannot just find someone to fool him.Among these Soochow ministers, only Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong, and Lu Su were able to take charge of this matter.

Among the three, Lu Su was Zhou Yu's favorite.But Lu Su is a junior after all. Although he is smart, he is inevitably lacking in experience after all.

"King Wu, I think it's better to let Master Zhang Zhao take charge of the rear. Master Zhang Zhao and I will be invincible." Zhou Yu said to Sun Jian.

Sun Jian himself said that if you are not sure about internal affairs, you should ask Zhang Zhao, and if you are not sure about foreign affairs, you should ask Zhou Yu. This shows that Sun Jian still has great confidence in Zhang Zhao's ability.

"Zibu, I wonder if you are willing to take on this important task?" Sun Jian asked Zhang Zhao.

Upon hearing the words, Zhang Zhao's head shook like a broken wave drum.Zhang Zhao didn't take the lead in the battle. In his opinion, it was best not to fight this battle. How could he be willing to do such a thankless thing?

Zhang Zhao is an important minister under Sun Quan's command, and Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong are also representatives of the local aristocratic families in Soochow.Zhang Zhao knows better than anyone else how many families there are in Soochow, if this national war breaks out.Those of Sun Jian's families can last half a year or a year at most if they pick up the bottom line.

Then when Soochow's food and grass run out, then it's time to ask for food from these big families who shop in the southeast.If Zhang Zhao accepts this task, then he will have to lead the way.

In this era, for the children of a family like Zhang Zhao, the interests of the family are greater than the interests of the country.Therefore, Zhang Zhao would never take the initiative to take up this position anyway.

Zhang Zhao intends to refuse, but he can't just say that I quit.He had to find a reasonable excuse to reject the mission without arousing Sun Jian's suspicion.

"Cough cough!"

"The King of Wu trusts me and gives me such a heavy responsibility. It stands to reason that I shouldn't shirk. But I am old and weak, and I am willing to take on such a heavy responsibility, but I am afraid that I am powerless to do it." Zhang Zhao Said to Sun Jian.

As soon as Zhang Zhao said this, Sun Jian really couldn't fault it.Zhang Zhao was not young, and among the civil servants of Soochow, he also belonged to the oldest group.

When the battle is really fought, the logistics scheduling must be a very high-intensity job, and Zhang Zhao's body may not be able to support it.

At Zhang Zhao's age, he was unwilling to take on such an important task, and Sun Jian was too embarrassed to force him to appoint him.So, Sun Jian looked at Gu Yong who was at the side again.

Among the civil servants of Soochow Wu, Zhang Zhao was the first, and after Zhang Zhao, it would be Gu Yong.Gu Yong's ability is not inferior to that of Zhang Zhao, and he is also younger than Zhang Zhao.Gu Yong studied under Cai Yong, a great Confucian, so he can be regarded as a teacher from a famous family, and he is indeed a capable person.

"Yuan Tan, I don't know how about you taking on this heavy responsibility?" Sun Jian asked Gu Yong again.

Gu Yong is the same as Zhang Zhao, what Zhang Zhao can think of, Gu Yong can also think of.They are all big families in Soochow, and it was inevitable that Sun Jian would ask them for food.Whoever takes on this important task will have to bleed.

For people like them, that is a thankless job.Therefore, how could Gu Yong be willing to take on such an important task.

"King Wu, I have little talent and learning, I'm afraid I'm holding back the governor." Gu Yong said to Sun Jian.

Upon hearing Gu Yong's words, Sun Jian's complexion changed a little.If Zhang Zhao just said that there are legitimate reasons, Gu Yong is just talking nonsense.

Gu Yong's words are no different from saying that I can't do this job.But there was nothing he could do about it, Zhang Zhao could still use his old age and infirmity as an excuse.He, Gu Yong, really couldn't find any excuses, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and make one.

Gu Yong was unwilling to do it, but Sun Jian really couldn't force him.This is a battle about the fate of Soochow. If Gu Yong is forced to do it, then if Gu Yong comes to the last job and fails to work hard, it will be a big disaster.

Zhang Zhao is not willing to do this important task, and neither is Gu Yong.Lu Suxin said, the next king of Wu should call my name.Come on, don't wait for King Wu to call the roll, I'll stand up by myself.

Of course, Lu Su did not come forward to recommend himself, he wanted to recommend someone.

"King Wu, I, Lu Su, recommend a person who is not under the command of the governor. If we can invite this person, it will definitely increase our chances of winning." Lu Su stood up and said.

Hearing Lu Su's words, Sun Jian was startled.Lu Su is not a random person. Since he said that there is a talent who is not under Zhou Yu's learning, then this must be a great talent.

"Oh, I don't know who Zijing is talking about?" Wu Wang Sun Jian asked.

"King Wu, I don't know if you've heard that one of the crouching dragons and phoenix chicks can bring peace to the world?" Lu Su asked.

The crouching dragon and the phoenix chick can secure the world if they have one. This sentence was said by Sima Hui, a famous hermit in the Han Dynasty.Nowadays, this saying is actually not very widely spread, and the ordinary people don't know it, it's just spread among scholars.

Coincidentally, Sun Jian had heard this sentence before.So, Sun Jian asked Lu Su, "I heard that Wolong and Fengchu have not become an official. I don't know if Zijing is talking about Wolong or Fengchu?"

(End of this chapter)

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