Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 35 Liu Bei for Zhao Yun

Chapter 35 Liu Bei for Zhao Yun

"Da da da."

Li Chen was still immersed in the surprise of driving out of Jinyiwei, when a sound of footsteps approaching from a distance woke him up.

The person who came was Chen Deng. He leaned over to Li Chen and whispered, "My lord, Mi Zhu asks to see you."

"Mi Zhu?"

"It's probably because of Liu Bei's affairs." Li Chen said softly.

Ever since he occupied Xuzhou, Mi Zhu resigned from office, and the Mi Mansion closed its doors to thank guests.Mi Zhu put on an appearance of not having any contact with Li Chen. He asked to see him today, undoubtedly because of Liu Bei's arrest.

"See, let him in." Li Chen nodded and said to Chen Deng.

Mi Zhu came at the right time, the shit stirring stick is only useful if it is placed in the latrine, but it will be disgusting if it is placed on the dining table.

It is useless for Li Chen to hold Liu Bei in his hands now, only by letting Liu Bei out now can he continue to disturb the wind and rain.

Li Chen remembered that in the battle of Xuzhou in the previous life, Liu Bei was also captured by Lu Bu.Then he took refuge in Cao Cao when he had nowhere to live. Of course, instead of helping Cao Cao, he abducted Cao Cao's [-] elite soldiers.

Therefore, Li Chen felt that Liu Bei should be driven to the territory of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the early days of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei was really a well-deserved shit-stirring stick. Wherever he went, there would be chaos.

However, since Liu Bei has been captured, he cannot be released for no reason, and he must pay a price.Today's Liu Bei is poor and poor, so let his senior brother Gongsun Zan buy this order.

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

Under Chen Deng's leadership, Mi Zhu came to this familiar place again.

Back then, Tao Qian also handled Xuzhou government affairs with them in this place.However, now the place has been renamed "Yunlong Palace," which is really a good name.

When I saw Mi Zhu, he was no longer Xuzhou Biejia, but a middle-aged literati in common clothes.

"Greetings to the Commander-in-Chief." Mi Zhu bowed his hands to Li Chen.

Since he was asking for help for something, it was natural to assume the attitude of asking for help, so Mi Zhu put his position very low.

Li Chen pointed to the empty seat on the left, and said, "Zi Zhong, please sit down."

Li Chen sits on the main seat, Chen Deng sits on the right, and Mi Zhu sits on the left.After the three of them sat down, Li Chen ordered his attendants to pour tea for the three of them.

After drinking a cup of Qingming, Mi Zhu said what he came for: "Master Dian, my Mi family is willing to offer three thousand gold, how about temporarily protecting Liu Xuande's safety?"

Three thousand gold, I have to say that the clans of this era are really rich.Not to mention the Yuan family, big clans like the Cao family, and even small clans like the Mi family don't seem to put three thousand pieces of gold in their eyes.

As soon as Mi Zhu finished speaking, Chen Deng looked at Li Chen, as if he wanted to say something.Li Chen nodded slightly at him, indicating that he could speak.

Chen Deng looked at Mi Zhu and said with a smile, "Zi Zhong, Ming people don't whisper. The three thousand gold is unnecessary. I want you to buy food and grass from Tao Qian."

When Tao Qian left Xuzhou, he sold the stored grain in the warehouse to the three families of Chen, Mi and Zhen.Among them, the Chen family has the most, and the Mi family has the least.But this small amount is also for the base of grain storage in Xuzhou as a whole.

Mi's stockpiled grain bought from Tao Qian, let alone a lot, still has tens of thousands of dans.

Chen Deng probably knew how much grain the Mi family had bought from Tao Qian.At that time, the price of Tao Qian's grain sales was extremely low, so although the batch of grain was slightly more expensive than three thousand gold, it was not much more expensive.

Chen Deng felt that this condition was within Mi Zhu's acceptable range.

As expected, Mi Zhu didn't even hesitate for a moment, and agreed very readily.

Mi Zhu knew very well that it was wartime, and Mi's food was all in Xuzhou city, and it was impossible to transport it out of the city now.And once the battle situation in Xuzhou gets tight, Li Chen may requisition this batch of grain at any time.Instead of this, it would be better to keep Liu Bei with this batch of grain for the time being.

Li Chen originally wanted to exchange Liu Bei for Zhao Yun, so it was a surprise to be able to get tens of thousands of dans of grain for nothing.

Li Chen looked at Mi Zhu, and asked nonchalantly, "Zi Zhong, do you want to save Liu Xuande?"

Li Chen asked so directly, which made Mi Zhu a little surprised.He froze for a moment and then said: "That's right, brother Xuande has a very good personal relationship with me, so it's a great thing to be able to save him."

After getting Mi Zhu's affirmative answer, Li Chen didn't bother to go around the corner, but straight to the point and said: "In fact, Liu Xuande is useless in my hands, but people make mistakes, and they have to pay for their own mistakes. Lost battles Naturally, you have to pay the price of losing the battle, Zizhong, if you say yes or no."

As soon as Li Chen said this, Mi Zhu thought, it seems that there is something to talk about.If Liu Bei can be rescued easily, there is no need to ask for help everywhere.

"Marshal Dian, I wonder what price brother Xuande will have to pay?" Mi Zhu simply asked bluntly.

Li Chen didn't bother to go around any detours, and said directly to Mi Zhu, "I want that young general in white robes under the city today."

It is undoubtedly a very cost-effective deal for Mi Zhu to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei.

However, at this moment, Mi Zhu was sitting in front of the desk, frowning.After a long time, he said to Li Chen: "Commander, you don't know. That young general is named Zhao Zilong, and he was not deployed by Brother Xuande. He is a subordinate of the White Horse General Gongsun Zan. I will say no to whether this can be changed." Calculate."

Li Chen stood up, walked towards the door with big strides, and said calmly: "Since what you say doesn't count, then find Gongsun Zan to talk to me. I don't care whether you send it or tie it, in short When I saw Zhao Zilong, I released Liu Xuande."

After finishing speaking, Li Chen left Yunlong Palace.

As soon as Li Chen left, Mi Zhu naturally turned around and went back to the mansion to discuss with Sun Qian.

Xuzhou, Mi Mansion.

"Brother Gongyou, Li Chen's request is exactly the same. Do you think General Gongsun can talk about it?" Mi Zhu looked at Sun Qian and asked frankly.

In Mi Zhu's view, it would be great if Zhao Yun could be replaced.After all, now that Liu Bei is in Li Chen's hands, even if Gongsun Zan and Tao Qian come to help, if they rob him by force, they will inevitably hurt Liu Bei, the hostage.

Today, Liu Bei's safety comes first.What Mi Zhu could think of, Sun Qian could naturally think of too.After pondering for a while, Sun Qian said: "When General Gongsun arrives, I will mention it to him. Given the friendship between General Gongsun and the Lord, this matter should not be a big problem."

Zhao Yun was just an inconspicuous young general under Gongsun Zan's command. In this era, it is not surprising that it is rare and common for people to befriend each other and ask for one or two generals from each other.

Temporarily protecting Liu Bei's safety, and getting Li Chen's exchange terms, Sun Qian can also leave the city to discuss with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

In Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's temporary camp, Guan Yu frowned when he heard Sun Qian's exchange terms, but he didn't say much.Although Guan Yu felt that this was a bit unfair, but for the safety of his elder brother, he didn't say much after all.

On the contrary, Zhang Fei yelled: "Change it, change it. If Zhao Zilong doesn't want to, I, Lao Zhang, will tie him up, and I will change the eldest brother back."
Today’s third update——There will be another update tonight——If there are more than 200 votes today——I can add another chapter——
(End of this chapter)

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