Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 36 Tao Qian's Decision

Chapter 36 Tao Qian's Decision

Three days later, Danyang.

Danyang County belongs to the territory of Sun Jian of Eastern Wu, and this Danyang County is the ancestral land of Tao Qian.And because Danyang is not far from the territory of the Shanyue people, from time to time, some Shanyue people would come down the mountain to cause disaster, so Sun Jian of Eastern Wu did not have much control over this place.

Cao Cao once said: "Danyang is dangerous, the people are many and vigorous, good at martial arts, noble strength, and a land of elite soldiers."

It is also this sentence that made Danyang the place where the major warlords recruited soldiers during the Three Kingdoms period, and Danyang's elite soldiers can be said to be famous all over the world.

Sun Jian set his sights on the Central Plains, so he did not clean up the Shanyue people in the territory.However, the local Han people naturally could not let the Shanyue people bully them, so the local tyrants spontaneously formed forces and recruited young and strong to resist Shanyue.

It is said that Tao Qian led three thousand confidant soldiers back to Danyang, and was immediately honored as a guest of honor by the local county magistrate.There is no other, because Tao Qian's three thousand confidant soldiers are all elite soldiers, a regular army with complete armor.

To say that Tao Qian really knows the current affairs, he knows that although staying in Xuzhou can be a Xuzhou shepherd in name, he has also put himself in the center of the whirlpool.Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and even the smaller Yuan Shu, anyone can crush him to pieces.

Although this Danyang is small, he has money, food and soldiers here, and lives comfortably and worry-free.

However, Tao Qian wanted to avoid trouble, but trouble came to him by himself.

People of Tao Qian's age are most afraid of what, what they are most afraid of is not being safe at the end of the festival.Jian Yong is a lobbyist, and what he is good at is this kind of sophistry.Therefore, it is extremely accurate to judge people's hearts.

It was because of Tao Qian's mentality that Jian Yong came to Tao Qian with a big swagger, without hiding his whereabouts.

Danyang County is not big, so almost the whole of Danyang knew that Jian Yong came to Danyang and asked Tao Qian for help.

Danyang County, Tao Qian's residence.

After returning to Danyang, Tao Qian no longer had to worry about the future, and his health improved in Xuzhou. Today, he happened to be basking in the sun in the backyard garden.

"Push, push, push." ​​The pottery merchant rushed in from the outside, and whispered into his father Tao Qian's ear, "Father, Jian Yong has come to Danyang?"

"What?" Tao Qian stood up abruptly.

These days, Xuzhou City was tricked by Li Chen, and Cao Pi's two attacks were defeated, including Liu Bei's begging for Xiapi, which Tao Qian knew.

However, this is nothing to Tao Qian.Before he left, he handed over Xuzhou to Mi Zhu. For Tao Qian, I gave it to you. Whether Liu Bei is capable or not is your own business.But Tao Qian never expected that Jian Yong would come to Danyang.

The pottery merchant immediately whispered in his father's ear, telling about Liu Bei's defeat and capture, including the battle between the three heroes in Xuzhou City and Yuwen Chengdu.

The more Tao Qian listened to it, the more frightened he became, and his complexion became clearer and clearer.Although he is old, he can guess Jian Yong's intentions.

Tao Qian said with a livid face, "He, Jian Yong, purposely announced his intentions. He is trying to defeat my army."

"Father, we have already handed over Xuzhou to them. Now that Liu Bei himself has been defeated and captured, he has peace with us." The pottery merchant said unhappily, obviously not wanting to go into this troubled water.

Tao Qian's complexion changed again and again, he gave up Xuzhou to stay away from the center of the storm.If it wasn't a last resort, he absolutely didn't want to go through the muddy waters of Xuzhou.But at this time because of Xuzhou, Jian Yong came to the door again, if he didn't help, it would be late.

When a person is about to die, the most important thing is the name behind him.No one wants to be cast aside like Zhang Rang and Dong Zhuo.

Speaking of which, Tao Qian still cherishes feathers.

If it were Cao Mengde, who would rather me bear the world than the world bear me, he would definitely say what he loves, what does it have to do with me Cao Mengde if you kill him Liu Xuande.

"Shang'er, how many new servants are there?" Tao Qian looked at his son and asked.

The potter pondered for a moment, then replied: "We have recruited more than [-] people so far. Our business has not yet spread out, so it is enough for the time being."

"Business can be done slowly. If you don't bring money with you, you won't take it with you when you die."

"Shang'er, go and call Cao Bao here." Tao Qian ordered.

Not long after, I saw a pottery merchant leading a rough man to see Tao Qian.

"My lord." Seeing Tao Qian, Cao Bao hastily bowed his hands and saluted.

Cao Bao is Tao Qian's absolute confidant. This can be seen from the fact that Tao Qian left Xuzhou, except for his own family and only brought Cao Bao, an outsider.

"Cao Bao, you are a general who fights on the battlefield. You haven't made a name for yourself yet, but it's a shame to be a domestic servant with me in this small Danyang. I intend to ask you to lead [-] elite soldiers back to help Liu Xuande and rescue Liu Xuande Afterwards, you can seek refuge with your own master. These three thousand elite soldiers will be compared to a promotion gift." Tao Qian looked at Cao Bao and said with piercing eyes.

When Cao Bao heard this, he immediately knelt down on one knee and expressed his opinion: "My lord and Cao Bao have the kindness of knowing each other, how can Cao Bao betray my lord."

When Tao Qian heard this, he hurriedly said, "I told you to go, so why talk about betrayal?"

Cao Bao also understood that Tao Qian had made up his mind, so he simply didn't want to shirk it, he just waited to bow his hands and said: "I am the master, since the master has made a decision, I can only act according to his orders."

"You can act with confidence, the family is urinating in Danyang. If I, Tao Qian, eat a bite of meat, I won't let your Cao Bao's wife and children drink soup." Tao Qian patted Cao Bao on the shoulder and said.

"No, if Cao Bao is outside, he will definitely not lose face to the lord." Cao Bao expressed his opinion.

Speaking of Jian Yong, he did not visit Tao Qian immediately when he came to Danyang, but first visited some local celebrities, and then intentionally or unintentionally stated the purpose of his trip. ,

Jian Yong put Tao Qian on fire, and Tao Qian naturally had a way to deal with it.

Before Jian Yong could go to Tao Qian's mansion, the pottery merchant came to him first.

At noon, Jian Yong had just returned to the inn from going out, and saw the pottery merchant waiting for him with Cao Bao.

"Brother Xianhe." Seeing Jian Yong, the potter hurriedly saluted.

Seeing Jian Yong, a pottery merchant, hastily greeted him, and asked with concern: "Has your father's health improved a lot?"

The pottery merchant replied: "After not worrying about Xuzhou's government affairs, my father's body has indeed been numbered a lot."

After some politeness, the pottery merchant said straight to the point: "My father already knows about the Xuzhou matter, and it happened because of Xuzhou. Naturally, my father will not sit idly by."

"When my Tao family moved back from Xuzhou to the ancestral land of Danyang, General Cao led three thousand elite soldiers to guard them. Today, my father entrusted me to hand General Cao and three thousand elite soldiers into the hands of brother Xianhe."

The Tao merchant has already understood what he said, my Tao family will give you three thousand elite soldiers, now you can go, don't disturb my stable life.

Jian Yong's purpose is to ask for help, now that the purpose has been achieved, naturally there is no need to make more entanglements.Hastily cupped his hands in thanks: "My lord, I would like to thank my lord first."
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(End of this chapter)

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