Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 37 The Betrayed Zhao Yun

Chapter 37 The Betrayed Zhao Yun
Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Jian Yong arrived in Danyang and invited three thousand soldiers from Tao Qian.On the other side, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong also happened to come to Youzhou.

Although Liu Yu is the shepherd of Youzhou now, almost all the military power in Youzhou is in the hands of Gongsun Zan, the prefect of Beiping.Liu Yu is in charge of the entire Youzhou in name, and Gongsun Zan also surrenders to Liu Yu on the surface. The two are currently in a fairly mild honeymoon period.

According to the historical records of previous lives, the honeymoon period in which Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan were in charge of the government and the army by one person lasted for a long time.Whether it is Liu Yu or Gongsun Zan, they all belong to the kind of people who have no ambitions, and they are all people who want to manage Youzhou well.

Unexpectedly, the reason why the two fell out.It turned out that there was a difference in the strategy for dealing with the alien races in the grassland. Liu Yu advocated enlightenment for the alien races in the grassland, and wanted to use the culture of the Han people to tame them.Gongsun Zan, on the other hand, advocated killing to stop killing. As for the prairie barbarians, the only way to make them obedient was to kill and fear them.

It is precisely because of the different understanding of "corporate culture" that the two can kill each other.Liu Yu had no soldiers in his hands, so he could only attract Yuan Shao to deal with Gongsun Zan, which eventually led to Gongsun Zan's death.

Gongsun Zan has no bad deeds, and most of his records are fighting against aliens.Adding the slogan of Baima Yicong, "Where righteousness lies, life and death follow each other! The sky can learn from it, and the white horse is the proof." It is enough to fool many young people in the second year of middle school to die for Gongsun Zan.

Zhao Yun, for example, is such a second-year middle school youth.

Gongsun Zan is very loyal, or in other words, he is talking about loyalty.This is his advantage, but also his disadvantage.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are brothers of the same school. They both studied under Lu Zhi, a great scholar in the late Han Dynasty.The brother Gongsun Zan did it, and everyone should give him a thumbs up.

Since the battle of the Yellow Turban against the rebellion, Gongsun Zan has been extremely benevolent to Liu Bei.Liu Bei gave people when he wanted them, and he gave money when Liu Bei wanted them. It can be said that he spared no effort to support Liu Bei.

"Kick, kick, kick."

As soon as he entered the border of Youzhou, Zhao Yun rushed straight to the border of Beiping. At this time, Gongsun Zan was usually in the army camp.

Galloping all the way, Zhao Yun came to Gongsun Zan's camp.After some inquiring, it was only then that Gongsun Zan had led troops to inspect the border.The grassland is vast, and it is definitely impossible to find it. In desperation, we can only wait for the time being.

After waiting for about two full hours, he saw a white horse cavalry not far away.

When the cavalry entered the camp, Gongsun Zan dismounted and handed the white horse to his followers.At this time, Zhao Yun rushed up to greet him, cupped his fists and said, "My lord."

Seeing Zhao Yun, Gongsun Zan was stunned for a moment, thinking that this person looked familiar, but couldn't remember.At this time, a general beside him reminded: "This is a small school you lent to General Liu, named Zhao Yun."

At this time, Zhao Yun was just a member of Baima Yicong, and he didn't leave any impression on Gongsun Zan.It also happened that Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun's martial arts, so he borrowed it from Gongsun Zan.

Logically speaking, I, Gongsun Zan, treated you like this.You Liu Bei discovered Zhao Yun's talent, you should remind me at least.However, instead of reminding Liu Bei, he deceived people away by cheating and abducting.The most important thing is that Gongsun Zan doesn't have any generals under his command, but Liu Bei has Guan Yu and Zhang Fei instead.

It can also be seen from this detail that Gongsun Zan really has a heart for Liu Bei, Liu Bei is also a real dog, Gongsun Zan is feeding his conscience to the dog.

Gongsun Zan looked at Zhao Yun, and asked with a smile, "You're not working by Xuande's side, why are you back?"

When Gongsun Zan asked this question, Zhao Yun immediately told Gongsun Zan what had happened these days back and forth like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

"What, Xuande was captured?" Gongsun Zan said in shock.

"That's right, my lord, General Liu has been captured," Zhao Yun said solemnly.

I have to say that Gongsun Zan is a fastidious person.Hearing that Liu Bei was captured, he didn't even think about it, and said directly to his brother Gongsun Yue: "I ordered three thousand white horses to rescue Xuande, and I will hand them over to you at the border in a few days."

"Promise." Gongsun Yue responded, and then asked: "Brother, do you want to inform Liu Zhoumu of this dispatch of troops?"

At this time, in the Central Plains, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Sun Ce, and Yuan Shu were holding back each other, and they were fighting hard.Liu Yu had an agreement with Gongsun Zan that Gongsun Zan would be in charge of military power, but he made a promise not to meddle with the Central Plains.

It was precisely because of this agreement that Gongsun Xu asked if he wanted to inform Liu Yu.

"I'm here to save Xuande, not to meddle in the affairs of the Central Plains. It's not a violation of the agreement. You don't need to inform him. You just need to guard the border in the past few days. If any prairie people invade the border, kill them directly. Exactly." Gongsun Zan said nonchalantly.

It can be seen from this that Gongsun Zan doesn't have much respect for Liu Yu, his boss, which must be one of the reasons why the two fell out later.

After arranging the frontier affairs, Gongsun Zan can lead the three thousand white horses to rush towards Xuzhou.

Danyang is a little closer to Xuzhou, but Jian Yong invited infantry.Although Youzhou is far away from Xuzhou, Baima Yicong's feet are faster.Therefore, the far and near that Jian Yong invited arrived at the city of Xuzhou just like Gongsun Zan.

Under Xuzhou city, Baima Yicong camp.

In the camp, Gongsun Zan, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Sun Qian, Jian Yong and others were discussing something.

"General Gongsun, we only have [-] cavalry and [-] infantry at all times. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to forcefully take back the lord." Sun Qian said in a deep voice.

The walls of Xuzhou City are solid and thick. With their strength, it is not only difficult to take back Liu Bei, it is simply a dream.

However, it is impossible to mobilize troops on a large scale.Baima Yicong has quick feet and is easy to move.If a large number of infantry is mobilized, Youzhou's frontier defense will inevitably suffer, and Liu Yu will certainly not provide food, grass and weapons.

At this time, Sun Qian glanced at Jian Yong.Jian Yong immediately understood, and said to Gongsun Zan, "General Gongsun, if you want to get back the lord, there is a way."

"Oh, is there any way to get Xuande back?" Gongsun Zan asked hastily.

Seeing Gongsun Zan's trick, Jian Yong said: "General Gongsun has a small school named Zhao Yun under his command, and Li Chen offered to exchange the lord for this person."

As soon as Jian Yong said this, Gongsun Zan fell silent.Using his own hands to exchange Liu Bei, how much it spreads is a stain on his life.Thinking of this, Gongsun Zan showed embarrassment.However, he weighed three, but he couldn't think of a way to save Liu Bei.Just waiting for the answer: "If that's the case, let's change it."
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(End of this chapter)

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