Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 38 The Disappointed Zhao Zilong

Chapter 38 The Disappointed Zhao Zilong
After weighing the pros and cons in San Zai, Gongsun Zan still made the decision to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei.Although it is not an honorable thing to exchange one's own subordinates for one's junior, but speaking of both sides, from another perspective, doesn't this just explain Gongsun Zan's righteousness?

If Gongsun Zan wanted to be right with Liu Bei, he must be sorry for Zhao Yun.It is a matter of weighing the pros and cons. People are close and distant. From the standpoint of Gongsun Zan, it is understandable to replace Liu Bei with Zhao Yun.

All in all, such an exchange of Liu Bei can be exchanged for freedom, Gongsun Zan achieved his goal of saving Liu Bei, and Li Chen also got Zhao Yun.In this way, it can be described as a win-win outcome.

The only loser is Zhao Yun who has nothing to do with this matter.Zhao Yun felt wronged, since Liu Bei was arrested.He was rushing to Youzhou non-stop, eating and drinking on horseback, and he didn't dare to rest for a moment.But who would have thought that he would be exchanged in the end.

"General Gongsun, you need to discuss this matter with your junior, Zhao Yun." Seeing that Gongsun Zan agreed, Jian Yong hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot.

The exchange of hostages has to be agreed by both parties. The current plan is to ask Zhao Yun to agree.

In this era, exchanging generals is also common.Let alone a small school, there are often partial generals.Jian Yong thought that if Gongsun Zan had confessed his heart to Zhao Yun about this matter, Zhao Yun would agree to it.

However, Gongsun Zan is a person who wants face, how can he open his mouth to talk to Zhao Yun.After thinking about it, Gongsun Zan said: "Since you are a bitch, why did you set up a chastity memorial archway? Then, I will order people and the school to deliver food later, and put drugs in the food. After bewitching people , just order someone to send him away."

Although Sun Qian, Jian Yong and the others felt that this was inappropriate, they also knew that Gongsun Zan was afraid that it would be difficult to speak, so they obeyed him.After all, everyone's goal is to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei. As for how to exchange it, it's just a process, and it doesn't matter as long as the result remains the same.

Gongsun Zan didn't know, it was because of his so-called face.This good thing turned into a bad thing, and eventually the Mi family was wiped out.

Naturally, Gongsun Zan would not do such indiscriminate things as drugging Zhao Yun himself.So he handed over the matter to a confidant, the general, who took the order, and ordered two people to prescribe medicine to Zhao Yun.

Coincidentally, one of these two people is named Zhao Quan, and the other is named Zhao Ming.These two happened to be from Zhao Yun's hometown, and Zhao Yun was highly skilled in martial arts, so it can be said that he took care of them a lot on the battlefield.

Zhao Quan and Zhao Ming are both older than Zhao Yun, and they voted for Baima Yicong a few years before Zhao Yun.Because of this, this general does not know the relationship between several people.

"Brother, Zhao Yun is very kind to us. Without him, we would have died countless times on the battlefield. We can't just watch General Gongsun hand him over. Why should we use our Baima Yicong? Someone to exchange for Liu Xuande?" Zhao Mingshi said honestly.

"The righteousness of that shit is evidenced by the white horse. Damn it, I quit. In Gongsun Zan's view, we are outsiders, and Liu Bei is his younger brother."

"He doesn't care about Zhao Yun, so we have to save him. Zhao Ming, you've always had a good brain, so think of a way." Zhao Quan was also very angry and cursed angrily.

In Zhao Quan's view, Zhao Yun fought bravely against the alien races in the grassland all these years, and his military achievements were not small.In the end, he was just a small school, looking at the generals that Gongsun Zan used. Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Fan were his brothers, and Gongsun Xu was his son.

The entire Youzhou Army was turned into a "family business" by Gongsun Zan, and now he agreed to hand over Zhao Yun to save his younger brother Liu Bei.

Although you, Gongsun Zan, are resisting the foreign races and are honorable, but treating your brothers like this is unavoidably chilling.

Zhao Ming pondered for a while, and then whispered in Zhao Quan's ear for a while.Zhao Quan patted his thigh and said, "Okay, let's do it like this."

Not long after, Zhao Ming and Zhao Quan came to Zhao Yun's tent with drugged wine and food.Zhao Yun has a very good personal relationship with the two of them on weekdays, and the three of them are fellow villagers, so they have no defense against Zhao Yun.

However, as soon as the food was eaten, Zhao Yun immediately felt something was wrong.Then, it was too late, Zhao Yun only felt dizzy: "Brother Quan, Brother Ming, what do you want?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yun tilted his head and passed out.

"Zhao Ming, help him up and let's go, we don't care if this white horse is righteous." Zhao Quan slammed on the ground hard.

Zhao Quan and Zhao Ming helped Zhao Yun into the carriage, hit the horse and walked out of the barracks.Zhao Quan and Zhao Quan had the release document signed by the partial general in their hands, so they left the barracks smoothly.

However, originally the two of them were supposed to leave Gongsun Zan's barracks and go to Liu Bei's barracks, and then asked Guan Yu and others to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei.But when the two of them left the barracks, the carriage ran straight in the direction of Changshan Zhending.

Zhao Quan and Zhao Ming ran away with Zhao Yun.

Speaking of Liu Bei's barracks, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and others waited from noon to evening, but they never waited for Zhao Yun.Guan Yu thought to himself, could it be that Gongsun Zan had repented, so he ordered Jian Yong to ask.

Jian Yong didn't know if he didn't ask, but he was shocked when he asked.It was only after the meeting between the two parties that Zhao Yun had just run away.

However, Zhao Yun had been running for an entire afternoon, and he didn't know which direction he was going, so there was no way to chase him. In desperation, Jian Yong had to go back and think of a way.

Liu Bei's barracks, the big tent of the Chinese army.

Hearing that Zhao Yun had run away, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Sun Qian and others also jumped in a hurry.But anxious is anxious, but it is just anxious.It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and Sun Qian and Jian Yong are helpless.


"For the current plan, I have to go to the city overnight to discuss with brother Zizhong and see if he can do anything." Sun Gan said with a sad face and sighed.

Speaking of Zhao Yun, at night, Zhao Quan and Zhao Ming were resting in front of the bonfire.On the carriage, Zhao Yun also woke up from his drowsiness.

After getting off the carriage, Zhao Yun looked at the two of them and asked in a daze, "You two big brothers, why did you bring me here?"

"Zilong, do you know that General Gongsun wants to trade you for Liu Xuande?" Zhao Quan asked angrily.

Now that this matter is brought up, Zhao Quan is still indignant.

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"General Gongsun, is he such a person?" Zhao Yun said with disbelief.

"Zilong, it was General Gongsun's order that we drugged you to stun you. It's just that he didn't know the relationship between the three of us. How could you, Brother Zhao Quan, and I send you into a tiger's mouth? Since this white horse is never righteous, Let's not wait."

"With Zilong's ability, he can't become famous anywhere." Zhao Ming comforted him.

Speaking of this, how can Zhao Yun not know that what the two elder brothers said is true.The man didn't cry easily, but he didn't reach the sad point.

At this moment, Zhao Yun burst into tears, and couldn't help shouting up to the sky: "My lord, if you want to exchange Zilong for that Liu Xuande, to put it bluntly, why would Zilong refuse to do so. But, why do you use such means."

What Zhao Yun yelled out was resentment, and it was also disheartened towards Gongsun Zan.
This is today's Chapter 1--there are three more chapters to come--still asking for tickets--[-] tickets plus one update--two updates have been added this week--
(End of this chapter)

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