Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 39 The Role of Jin Yiwei

Chapter 39 The Role of Jin Yiwei
It was night, and Mi Zhu had already fallen asleep, but when he heard that Sun Qian was visiting, he couldn't help feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

If the plan remains the same, then there is no need for Sun Qian to venture into the city to meet him.Now that Sun Qian is here, it means that something unexpected must have happened.Moreover, Sun Qian came to visit late at night, which shows that this must be an urgent matter.

Mi Zhu hurriedly put on his clothes, went to the bedroom and walked towards the hall.

When Mi Zhu came to the living room, he saw Sun Qian standing in the middle of the hall, his brows were furrowed and his face was livid.That expression, in Zaan's words, is like holding a funeral for the family.

"Da da da."

In the stillness of the night, the sound of Mi Zhu's footsteps was extraordinarily clear.

"Zi Zhong, something is wrong." Seeing Mi Zhu, Sun Qian hurriedly went up to him and shook Mi Zhu's hand and said.

Seeing Sun Gan's appearance, Mi Zhu seemed to have a huge boulder hanging in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "What happened, please tell me clearly."

Sun Qian hurriedly explained the whole story clearly, and then asked worriedly: "Zi Zhong, it is impossible to replace the lord with Zhao Yun now, I wonder if there is any other way."

After listening to what Sun Qian said, Mi Zhu couldn't help cursing to himself: "Gongsun Zan, a fool, how could he use such a stupid trick. The master has orders, so how dare a soldier refuse to obey, and let him do something that is obviously very simple?" mess."

After scolding Gongsun Zan in his heart, Mi Zhu said: "Li Chen is quite tough, and he has always said what he said. Since he said that he would exchange Zhao Yun with the lord, if we can't hand over Zhao Yun now, the lord will definitely not come back." of."

"Hey, what should be done." Hearing this, Sun Qian's expression changed drastically, and he looked up to the sky and sighed.

Mi Zhu was also anxious in his heart. After thinking about it for nearly a quarter of an hour, Mi Zhu seemed to have made up his mind and said: "This is the only plan for now."

"Tomorrow, you will send someone to inform Li Chen that you will make a deal with him ten miles outside the city. At that time, let Gongsun Zan show up outside the city. As long as Gongsun Zan shows up, Li Chen will definitely not be suspicious. At that time, I will find a way to send someone Rescue the lord and send him out of the city."

After hearing Mi Zhu's plan, Sun Gan couldn't help but look solemn, and he asked, "Zi Zhong, wouldn't this implicate the Mi family?"

In the city of Xuzhou, the Mi family and Liu Bei were the only ones who were close. Once Liu Bei was rescued, even a fool would think that it was Mi Zhu's handwriting.

Mi Zhu pondered for a moment and then said: "It's okay, as long as our hands and feet are clean, if Li Chen can't find evidence, he may not dare to do anything to me, Mrs. Mi."

"That's true, Li Chen can still be as mad as Dong Zhuo back then!" Sun Qian agreed with Mi Zhu's words.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the greatest power in the world was not even the royal family, but the aristocratic family.The aristocratic families in various places control almost everything, and even the officials in various places are mostly from the aristocratic families.

Dong Zhuo was so powerful back then, he controlled hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry in Xiliang, and even his adopted son Lu Bu, who was unjustly brave, dominated Luoyang and raped the harem.But even such a madman, facing the court full of ministers, he only dared to kill a few officials with no background to vent his anger.

People from aristocratic families like Wang Yun have been plotting to kill him, but even so, Dong Zhuo still dare not attack him.

The reason for this is precisely because the Wang family is a big family.Some things are not enough just to have soldiers and generals. Your dispatch of soldiers and generals requires food and grass, and you need people.And the aristocratic family controls the people, once the aristocratic family is offended to death, it will be difficult to move a single step.

Although the Mi family can't compare to a family with a profound background like the Wang family, it is also a wealthy family. In Xuzhou, there is no real evidence. If Li Chen touches the Mi family, it will inevitably cause a rebound from the local family.

The next morning.

Xuzhou City, Yunlong Palace.

"Marshal Dian, the people of Jinyiwei have already dispersed. Cao Cao's territory has two hundred households, and Yuan Shao, Sun Quan, and Yuan Shu each have one hundred households. We have placed two hundred households in Xuzhou City, and one is in charge of military affairs. Intelligence, one is responsible for civil inspection."

"The remaining three hundred households have all been placed in the direction of Luoyang, and the focus is on infiltrating into the imperial palace." In the Yunlong Hall, only a feminine man wearing a flying fish suit with an embroidered spring knife on his waist was facing Li Chen. reports.

This person is no one else, it was Li Chen who opened the blind box that day, Luo Yangxing, the last commander of Jinyiwei in Ming Dynasty.

Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. It is not easy to be called the first in this world, and it is not easy to be the last one.Luo Yangxing can be called the last Jinyiwei commander of the Ming Dynasty, and he still has two brushes in intelligence work.

Li Chen doesn't like laymen commanding experts, so he simply told: "The infiltration in the direction of Luoyang must be fast. If there is not enough manpower, we can transfer from other places. Our eyes and ears in Luoyang must be clairvoyant and follow the wind."

Li Chen attaches great importance to Luoyang, because judging from the historical trajectory of his previous life.After the incident in Xuzhou, a major event that influenced the historical trend of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period occurred next.

Today, Luoyang and Han Xiandi Liu Xie are in the hands of Li Que and Guo Si.After the incident in Xuzhou, Li Que and Guo Si were in conflict.Emperor Xian of the Han escaped under the guard of all the ministers, and then Cao Cao coerced the emperor to order the princes.

Cao Cao hijacked Han Xiandi Liu Xie to Xuchang, proclaimed himself prime minister, and took the political initiative ever since.

What Li Chen wanted was not Liu Xie, but another thing that could occupy the political initiative.Originally, this thing should have been in the hands of Sun Jian, but it was a pity that Sun Jian failed to keep it and let him lose it again.

Li Chen concluded that the Imperial Seal must be in the hands of Liu Xie.

Li Chen is not interested in the matter of coercing the emperor to make the princes welcome an ancestor back, what he wants is the jade seal.Once he got the Chuanguo Yuxi, Li Chen had the political initiative.When he was weak, he could not show Yuxi to others.When he becomes stronger, he can use some means to kill Liu Xie.When the time comes, he has mastered the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and he has the initiative.

It can be said that Jin Yiwei came just in time, and Li Chen from Xuzhou was confident that he could defend it. With Jin Yiwei at this time, he just caught up with the layout of Luoyang.

Jin Yiwei can be said to be the emperor's dog. Luo Yangxing can feel that Li Chen attaches great importance to Luoyang, so he naturally tries his best to arrange Luoyang.

As soon as Luo Yang's front foot left, Chen Deng entered the Yunlong Hall with his back foot.

"My lord, Gongsun Bogui is seeking an audience outside the city." Chen Deng reported.

Hearing that Gongsun Zan was coming, Li Chen couldn't help being overjoyed.The good news is really one after another. It seems that Gongsun Zan is going to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei.
Today's Chapter 2 --- there are more than 300 votes away from Jiageng today --- it's up to you whether it's fifth or fourth ---
(End of this chapter)

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