Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 353 Liaison with Liu and Break Qin.

Chapter 353 Liaison with Liu and Break Qin.

On Soochow's side, Zhou Yu, the chief governor, has been ill in bed for several days, and his body has not improved at all.Zhuge Liang stayed in the tent all day, studying the plan to break Qin.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

On this day, only the sound of laughter came from Zhuge Liang's tent.

Lu Su happened to come to look for Zhuge Liang, and when he heard Zhuge Liang laugh out loud, he was taken aback.

"Mr. Kong Ming, what's wrong with you?" Lu Su strode into the tent and asked Zhuge Liang.

Lu Su thought to himself, my good fellow, Zhou Yu will be sick next time, and Zhuge Liang, the military adviser, will also be crazy. Then our Soochow will be completely finished.

Lu Su just wanted to persuade Zhuge Liang a few words, and said in his heart, even if he can't think of a way to break Qin, don't panic, just calm down and think about it slowly.

Unexpectedly, before Lu Su could speak, Zhuge Liang said to Lu Su: "Zijing, I have thought of a way to defeat the enemy. Come on, take me to see the governor."

Hearing this, Lu Su was shocked, and said pleasantly, "Mr. Kong Ming, have you really thought of a way to break Qin?"


"Zijing, can this be tolerated? Quickly take me to see the chief governor. I, Zhuge Liang, will heal him if the chief governor has a heart disease." Zhuge Liang laughed.

"Come on, let's go then." Lu Su grabbed Zhuge Liang, and the two walked towards Zhou Yu.

Zhuge Liang didn't take a shower for several days, didn't change his clothes, and even his hair was messed up.

Lu Su and Zhuge Liang came to Governor Zhou Yu's tent, Zhou Yu was half lying on the bed reading a book, his face was very pale.

"Governor, are you feeling better?" Lu Su hurriedly asked Zhou Yu when he saw him.

Zhou Yu sighed and said, "Hey, it's still the same. There is no cure for medicine and stone."

At this time, Zhuge Liang said: "Gong Jin, your illness is a heart disease, and heart disease needs to be cured by heart medicine. Today, I brought this heart medicine to the governor."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu's spirit was lifted immediately, and his face became much rosier.Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang, "Kong Ming, did you think of a way to defeat the enemy?"

"That's right, there is a strategy to defeat the enemy." Zhuge Liang nodded and said.

As soon as Zhou Yu heard that Zhuge Liang had a strategy to defeat the enemy, Zhou Yu didn't feel dizzy anymore, and his eyes didn't blur.

"Kong Ming, break up with me quickly." Zhou Yu asked hastily.

Zhuge Liang told the attendants on the left and right: "Bring the map."

Zhuge Liang gave an order, and the attendant who was waiting by the side immediately came up carrying the map. After repelling the attendant next to him, only Lu Su, Zhou Yu, and Zhuge Liang were left in the big battle.

"Gongjin, now that our navy has lost all of its strength, the remaining water fortresses will sooner or later be unable to defend the Qin army's strong ships and sharp guns."

"The water can't be defended, and the battlefield is about to spread to the six counties in Jiangdong. I wonder if the commander-in-chief Lu Zhan can be sure?" Zhuge Liang asked Zhou Yu.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yu's face immediately turned bitter.Why did Zhou Yu fall ill? Isn't it because of this?
The army of the Qin army is number one in the world, and it defeated the two princes Cao Cao and Yuan Shao one after another.Soochow's army is a weak brigade, how can it be the opponent of Qin army.

"To be honest with Kong Ming, this army is probably even more invincible." Zhou Yu said frankly.

The water army that Soochow is proud of is not the opponent of the Qin army, let alone the army battle, which is the strength of the Qin army.

"Captain, since the army is invincible, then we have to find help."

"Now as long as we find a helping hand, flank the Qin army from the rear, and attract the main force of the Qin army, the pressure on our Soochow will be greatly reduced, and there is hope for Fang to hold on." Zhuge Liang said to Zhou Yu.

"Mr. Kong Ming, the Central Plains is raging now, who can be our helping hand?" Lu Su asked Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang looked at the map and said to Zhou Yu, "Zhuo County, Liu Bei!"

"Please look, Commander, the war in the Central Plains has calmed down. Gongsun Zan attacked Yuan Shao from behind, and Yuan Shao's army has already gone to meet Gongsun Zan. Now, Yuan Shu, Ma Teng, and Liu Bei are besieging Cao Cao, but it is difficult to gain an advantage. Now Cao Cao has stabilized the battle situation, and even faintly has the tendency to counterattack."

"After Liu Bei took down Zhuojun, his army has expanded to more than [-], and there are two generals in his hands, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. However, once Yuan Shao withdrew, Cao Cao's pressure was greatly reduced, and it was already difficult for Liu Bei to attack the city."

"It is really inappropriate to rely on the land of Zhuojun and Beihai to support 20 troops. I want to persuade Liu Bei to attack Xiaopei. Xiaopei and Zhang Liao have only [-] troops. He will definitely ask Li Chen for help. In this way, the pressure on me at Soochow will definitely be reduced."

Zhuge Liang's strategy is indeed good, but in fact, he is wrong about one thing.That is, Liu Bei has more than Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as two generals.A few days ago, Wei Yan, Wei Wenchang, Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng also voted for Liu Bei.In this way, Liu Bei has four generals under his command.

"Mr. Kong Ming, now that the Qin army is powerful, Liu Bei may not be willing to send troops to attack Qin?" Zhou Yu asked Zhou Yu, frowning slightly.

"That's right. Although Liu Bei has 20 troops in his hands, this is nothing compared to the strong Qin. But now, the Qin army is fighting on two fronts, and Liu Bei may not have no chance."

"It's not easy for Liu Bei to attack Cao now. Juojun alone, the two counties of Beihai can't support 20 troops. Liu Bei is the hero of the world. If he can take the opportunity to capture Xiaopei at this time, Liu Bei will have a chance Fight for the capital of the world." Zhuge Liang said to Zhou Yu.

"Mr. Kong Ming, if Liu Bei turns to attack Xiaopei, won't the pressure on Cao Cao be relieved? If Cao Cao counterattacks Zhuojun, Liu Bei will not be able to capture Xiaopei, and even Zhuojun will not be able to keep it?" Zhou Yu looked at it. Looking at the map, he frowned and said.

Zhou Yu thought to himself, let's ask Liu Bei for help, even if Liu Bei is willing.Now that Li Chen and Cao Cao are also allies, it is impossible for Cao Cao to just sit back and watch the opportunity disappear.Once Liu Bei turns his head to fight Xiaopei, Cao Cao can also free his hands to counterattack Cao Cao.

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Liang said to Zhou Yu, "Gong Jin, you have underestimated Cao Cao. If Liu Bei attacks Xiaopei, Cao Cao will definitely not offend Liu Bei."

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Zhou Yu was confused. What's the matter? Could it be that Cao Cao was able to take back Zhuojun, but he didn't send troops. There is no such reason.

"Gongjin, once Li Chen conquers Soochow, he will really have the potential to swallow the world."

"It can be said that in the whole world, no prince wants to watch Li Chen conquer Jiangdong. Therefore, I conclude that as long as Liu Bei sends troops to attack Xiaopei, Cao Cao will definitely not send troops." Zhuge Liang said confidently to Zhou Yu .

(End of this chapter)

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