Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 354 Zhou Yu's decision, shipwreck, blocked river.

Chapter 354 Zhou Yu's decision, shipwreck, blocked river.

Liu Bei is the hero of the world, and Cao Cao is also the hero of the world. It is precisely because of this that Zhuge Liang can conclude that once Liu Bei attacks Xiaopei, Cao Cao will definitely not offend Liu Bei.

Because, once Li Chen captured Jiangdong.Then you can rely on Xuzhou to advance, and you can defend Jiangdong when you retreat.Moreover, Xuzhou is already a rich place in Jiangdong. Once Li Chen's goal is achieved, then Li Chen will become the only prince in the world in one fell swoop.

Once that time comes, let alone whether Cao Cao can defeat Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others, even if he wins, he may not be able to compete with Li Chen if he takes all the land of the Yuan brothers.

Cao Cao is Li Chen's ally, and now he needs to rely on Li Chen to deliver food to him. Because of this, he can't offend Li Chen himself.However, this does not mean that Cao Cao does not want to trip Li Chen.

After Zhuge Liang's analysis, Zhou Yu and Lu Su also understood the joints.Once Liu Bei sent troops to attack Xiaopei, Qin's army would inevitably have to withdraw his troops. Even if he didn't withdraw his troops, he would have to transfer a large number of troops back to defend Xiaopei.

Xiaopei is Xuzhou's barrier. If Xiaopei is lost, Xuzhou will be in danger.It is impossible for Li Chen to lose Xuzhou again because of a Jiangdong that has not been taken down.

"Mr. Kong Ming, who can persuade Liu Bei to send troops to help?" Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang murmured: "Great Governor, this trip needs a three-inch tongue to understand reason and emotion, so that Liu Bei can send troops. I have to go in person."

"Well, since that's the case, I'll leave this trip to Mr. Zhou Yu." Zhou Yu nodded at Zhuge Liangliang.

At this time, Lu Su stood up and said: "The governor, Mr. Kong Ming, since it is an alliance, how can we go empty-handed."

"We King Wu has a younger sister named Sun Shangxiang. From my point of view, it is better to marry Liu Bei with Qin and Jin, so that the alliance can be secure."

The king of Wu that Lu Su was talking about was none other than Sun Ce and Sun Bofu.The old King of Wu, Sun Jian, was dead, so Sun Ce naturally inherited his father's legacy and became the new King of Wu.

What Lu Su said is also very reasonable. The interests of the princes are the first. If one can conclude an alliance today, the next one will be able to tear up the alliance.Therefore, this marriage is undoubtedly a layer of insurance for this unreliable alliance.

Zhou Yu nodded, and said to Zhuge Liang: "Mr. Kong Ming can mention this matter to Liu Bei, the King of Shu, when he is an envoy to Zhuo County. If Liu Bei wants to, he can have this marriage. I will go to Bofu. persuade."

Although Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are not biological brothers, they are better than the Qin brothers.Sun Shangxiang is Sun Ce's younger sister, so naturally she is also Zhou Yu's younger sister.Therefore, it is not considered overstepping for Zhou Yu to decide on this marriage.

"Such and such, of course it can't be better." Zhuge Liang nodded in response.

"Mr. Kong Ming, I don't know why you are going to Zhuojun as an envoy?" Lu Su asked Zhuge Liang.

After pondering for a moment, Zhuge Liang said: "There is no time to delay this matter. I'll go back and freshen up and leave today."

"So, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Kong Ming." Zhou Yu said with a deep bow to Zhuge Liang.

"Gongjin, it will take some time for me to go to Zhuojun as an envoy this time. Even if Liu Bei agrees to send troops, it will take time to dispatch troops."

"During these days, the Qin army must not be allowed to land." Zhuge Liang urged Zhou Yu.

Zhuge Liang deliberately studied Li Chen's combat methods, and he knew that Li Chen was actually a very adventurous person.If Li Chen's troops hadn't landed on Soochow's territory before Liu Bei dispatched troops, then Li Chen would definitely return to help Xiaopei.

However, if Li Chen sees the hope of winning Soochow, he may not exchange the land of Xiaopei County for the land of the six Jiangdong counties.

Zhou Yu was also a smart person, so he naturally understood what Zhuge Liang meant, and quickly responded: "Mr. Kong Ming, don't worry, if I, Zhou Gongjin, can't keep up these days, I'm not trusting the king of Wu."

After the two finished talking, Zhuge Liang went back to freshen up, changed his clothes, and then set off for Zhuojun.

After Zhou Yu sent Zhuge Liang onto the boat, he immediately said to Lu Xun, "Bo Yan, prepare a fast boat. I'm going to check the river bank. Think about how to keep the Qin army in the river."

"Governor, your body is still in good shape. Otherwise, why don't you go tomorrow?" Lu Su persuaded from the side.

"No, it's not too late, let's go today."

"Mr. Kong Ming has contributed so much to our Soochow, how can I, Zhou Yu, fall behind others." Zhou Yu said in a loud voice.

What is important in war is weather, location, and harmony.Zhuge Liang borrowed the time for Wu Jun, but it was a pity that he was defeated in that battle.Today, Zhou Yu is patrolling the river's bank, just to find a good place to stop the Qin army by virtue of the location.

Zhou Yu knew that under the strong boats and guns of the Qin army, his water fortresses would not last long.If you want to stop Qin Jun, you have to find another way.

Zhou Yu took a fast boat and patrolled the river until it was dark. Zhou Yu finally found a good place.

Here, surrounded by mountains, the river level is gentle, and the terrain is very narrow. It is the narrowest part of the river along the way.

"Bo Yan, where is this place?" Zhou Yu looked around and asked Lu Xun.

Lu Xun thought for a moment and replied: "Great Governor, this is called Liangjiangkou, also known as Youjiangkou, where the Youjiang River flows into the Yangtze River."

"Further on, is Chanling County?" Zhou Yu asked.

Chanling County is the boundary of Soochow Wu. When Sun Liu united against Cao Cao in history, Liu Bei was stationed in Chanling County and changed Chanling County to Public Security County.

Zhuge Liang is not a general, since he can choose this place to be stationed, it shows that Chanling County is a very suitable place to be a base camp.

Zhou Yu concluded that once the Qin army was about to land, it would inevitably choose Chanling County as its base camp, in order to devour the entire Soochow.

"Chanling County cannot be lost. Once Chanling is lost, Soochow will be lost."

"In any case, Qin's army cannot be allowed to cross the Liangjiangkou." Zhou Yu said solemnly.

Zhou Yu was standing on the boat, facing the wind, not knowing what he was thinking.Zhou Yu didn't speak, and Lu Xun didn't dare to act without authorization. The boat just circled around in place.

After a long time, Zhou Yu seemed to have made up his mind. He said to Lu Xun, "The ship sinks and the river is blocked."

Hearing this, Lu Xun was stunned.What, the governor wants to sink the ship and block the Liangjiang Estuary, so that the Qin army's large ships cannot pass through the Liangjiang Estuary.

You must know that the Qin army is dominated by large ships, and the draft of this large ship is very deep.Since these two river estuaries are where the Youjiang River flows into the Yangtze River, the Youjiang River has a lot of quicksand, which has accumulated over the years, and these places are already very blocked.Once the ship sinks, the big ship of the Qin army will inevitably be unable to cross the Liangjiang Estuary.

In all fairness, Zhou Yu's method is indeed a good one.However, sinking a ship is such a heavy matter for the navy.

(End of this chapter)

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