Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 355 Living Dragon King, Gan Ning.

Chapter 355 Living Dragon King, Gan Ning.

"Great Commander, absolutely not, we Jiangdong only have so many ships. If the ship sinks, our Jiangdong navy will exist in name only." Lu Xun knelt down in front of Zhou Yu with a plop, begging Zhou Yu bitterly Don't sink the ship.

Is a navy without a ship still called a navy?These naval forces in Jiangdong can be accumulated bit by bit by Sun Jian.If the ship is sunk, what face do they have to go to see King Sun Jian of Wu after they die.

"Hey! Give up the boat and protect the land!"

"If we are reluctant to part with these ships, our Soochow will really perish." Zhou Yu said with a sigh.

Can Zhou Yu be willing to part with these ships?He was also reluctant, Zhou Yu was the governor of Soochow, and these ships were like his children.As a parent, who would be willing to strangle his own child to death with his own hands.

However, for Zhou Yu at this time, he had no other choice.Blocking the mouth of the two rivers by sinking the river, so that the large ships of the Qin army can be blocked from the mouth of the two rivers.In this way, Chanling County will be in a relatively safe position.

"Great Governor!" Lu Xun still wanted to persuade.

"Don't talk too much, execute the order!"

"Except for keeping the clippers for carrying troops, all the other ships will sink." Zhou Yu ordered firmly.

Although Zhou Yu's order was very cruel to the navy, it was the most correct decision.Today, these ships from Soochow can't go out at all, even if they go out, they are still a living target for the Qin army.

Moreover, judging from the current battle situation, it will be a matter of time before the Qin army occupies the entire river and transfers the battlefield to land.Is it possible that Zhou Yu can still order people to resist the ship to land at that time.

Since these ships will be lost sooner or later, why not sink them now so that these ships can also play their role.

There is no doubt about Zhou Yu's prestige in Soochow. It can be said that in the entire Soochow army, Zhou Yu is the same.But if Zhou Yu decides something, veterans like Cheng Pu and Zu Mao dare not say a word.

Zhou Yu ordered people to sink the river with a boat. Although everyone was reluctant to give up, they could only do so.The Soochow navy filled the boat with huge rocks in tears, and then drove the boat to Liangjiangkou.Some sailors dug a large hole in the hull.

The river water rushed towards the boat with a "gurgling, gurgling" sound. In addition, these boats were filled with boulders, and the gloomy boat sank very quickly.

The sinking of the ship is a big project. Before the ship sank, Wu Jun had to quarry the stone first, and then had to transport the big stones to the ship.Only in this way can the boat be sailed to Liangjiangkou to sink the river, so it took seven or eight days of tossing and tossing before Zhou Yu sank all the remaining boats to Liangjiangkou.

The Liangjiang Estuary is where the Youjiang River and the Yangtze River meet. A large amount of sediment has accumulated over the years.Now that Zhou Yu has blocked the two river mouths, it is completely impossible for large ships to pass through these two river mouths, and now they can only pass some fast boats with very shallow drafts.

On top of the Wu army's water village, Zhou Yu stood above the water village, looking towards the place where the Qin army camped.

"Zijing, how is the delivery of the Hanzhai soldiers?" Zhou Yu asked Lu Su.

Lu Su looked at the governor Zhou Yu, and replied softly: "If you go back to the governor, they have all been transported to Chanling County."

After the ship sank at Liangjiangkou, Zhou Yu ordered all the army in Hanzhai to be transported to Chanling County to strengthen the city wall of Chanling.

This is also Zhou Yu adding another insurance to Soochow. If the Shuizhai can't stand it anymore, in case the Qin army tries to cross the Liangjiangkou, then the city wall of Chanling County has been reinforced in advance, so that it can resist more Qin Jun for a few days.

Zhou Yu had already made a plan in his heart. He led the sailors first and defended the water stronghold.Of the nine water villages, if one was lost, he set fire to another water village to stop the Qin army.

In addition to the blocking of the Liangjiangkou, it should be able to block the Qin army on the river before Liu Bei sent troops.

Soochow has its own plan, and Qin Jun also has its own plan.Today, Zheng Chenggong, Qi Jiguang, and Gan Ning, the three navy generals, are training the captured Soochow navy.

The foundation of these Soochow navy soldiers is quite good. After a rough training, they are even slightly better than the soldiers of the Qin army navy.

You must know that the water quality of the Soochow navy is much better than that of the Qin army. The difference is nothing more than equipment, discipline and familiarity with the battle formation.

Gan Ning was sitting on a small boat, looking at the river with piercing eyes, as if something was wrong on the river.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Pan Zhang asked Gan Ning.

After Pan Zhang was named Zhechong Captain, he can also be said to be in high spirits these days.

Gan Ning frowned, and said to Pan Zhang, "There is something wrong with the water in this river."

A few days ago, Gan Ning discovered that something was wrong with the surface of the river. It's not the dry season, but Gan Ning felt that the water level of the river had dropped.And it dropped suddenly a few days ago.

In fact, these drops in water level are insignificant compared to the water depth of the entire Yangtze River, but such a small change has not been hidden from Gan Ning's eyes.Gan Ning is known as the dragon in the water, and no one knows the Yangtze River better than him.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Pan Zhang asked with a confused face.

"I suspect that Soochow has tampered with the upper reaches of the Yangtze River." Gan Ning said to Pan Zhang.

The water level of the Yangtze River has changed, but it is not the dry season, and the weather has not been very hot recently. If this is the case, there must be something wrong upstream.

But now Soochow is stationed upstream, and the Qin army is stationed downstream. According to such an analysis, it is only possible that people in the upstream have moved their hands and feet to change the water level.

Although Pan Zhang said that he didn't see anything unusual on the river, he believed in his elder brother's vision very much.

Let's put it this way, you don't care if it's the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, or the Huaihe River. Anyway, if it's a big river of this big man, then Gan Ning is the Living Dragon King, and there is nothing he doesn't know.

"Brother, what are you doing here? Let's report to King Qin!" Pan Zhang said to Gan Ning.

Gan Ning took Pan Zhang to find Li Chen. When he saw Li Chen, Gan Ning hurriedly said, "King Qin, there is a problem on the river now."

"Oh, what's wrong with the river?" Li Chen asked Gan Ning.

"King Qin, the water level on the river has dropped in the past few days. I suspect that the Wu army has moved upstream." Gan Ning said to Li Chen.

Upon hearing this, Li Chen didn't dare to delay, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are not ordinary people.No one knows what ghostly idea they will think of at this time.Li Chen quickly summoned Liu Bowen, Qi Jiguang, Zheng Chenggong and others to discuss countermeasures.

"King Qin, it's probably because Wu Jun's ship sank and blocked the river."

"We are all big ships, and the draft is not shallow. If Soochow finds a relatively narrow place to sink the ship, we will be stuck here."

After discussing with everyone, they basically guessed Zhou Yu's plan pretty closely.

(End of this chapter)

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