Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 374 Qin and Cao help each other.

Chapter 374 Qin and Cao help each other.

As Guo Jia expected, it didn't take much effort to convince Cao Cao.Guo Jia knows Cao Cao too well, he understands that his master is also a man with the heart to dominate the world.It is precisely because of this that Guo Jia dared to agree to join forces with the Qin army without communicating with Cao Cao.

"It's not a problem for Fengxiao to send [-] troops, but from Fengxiao's point of view, who should we take as the commander in chief?" Cao Cao asked Guo Jia.

When the Yuan brothers, Ma Teng, and Liu Bei divided Cao, in order to resist the combined forces of these three, Cao Cao increased his troops on a large scale. Now the entire Cao Wei has a total of 80 million troops, and it is known as a million-strong army.

Now Yuan Shao, the strongest of the three, has gone north to fight Gongsun Zan in Youzhou, and most of Cao Cao's troops have been liberated.Therefore, it is not a big deal to mobilize an army of [-] to attack Liu Bei in Zhuo County.

There is no shortage of soldiers for Cao Cao, but Cao Cao is really not sure about sending that general to lead the troops.You know, although Liu Bei in Zhuojun only has more than [-] soldiers and horses, and there are only four famous generals, but the four generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan, and Huang Zhong are all generals who can stand alone.

Now Cao Cao's general Cao Ren is leading the army to fight Ma Teng, and the two brothers Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan are leading the army to fight Yuan Shu.The remaining generals are probably very difficult to be opponents of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Guo Jiana can be said to be the person who knows Cao Cao best, and he naturally knows what Cao Cao thinks.Among the generals in Cao Ying, if it is said that they can win the four generals of Liu Bei, there really is no one.However, who is Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, he naturally already has a countermeasure in mind.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said to Cao Cao: "Wei Wang, I recommend Yu Jin as a general and Yue Jin as a vanguard."

"Yu Jin?" Guo Jia actually recommended Yu Jin, which surprised Cao Cao.

Of course, this is not to say that Yu Jin is not powerful. Yu Jin is in Cao Ying, and he is also a general who can stand alone.

But one thing, Yu Jin is good at defending the city, and he is the most famous defender of Cao Ying.This time sending troops to Zhuojun is an active attack.

Regarding the attack, Guo Jia actually recommended a defender, how could this not surprise Cao Cao.

Hearing that Guo Jia recommended him, Yu Jin also froze there.Yu Jin said in his heart, did I offend the military advisor there? Didn't the military advisor flatter and kill me?
Yu Jin is because his family knows his own affairs, if he is given a city and asked to defend the city, then Yu Jin is confident that there will be no mistakes.But if you let him lead someone to attack, and you are facing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the first-class generals in the world, it is a bit embarrassing for Yu Jin.

"Please ask the military commander to replace him with another person. I know how capable Yu Jin is. If I come to lead the army, I'm afraid I won't be able to take down Zhuo County." Yu Jin bowed to Guo Jia.

This is not because Yu Jin is afraid of taking responsibility, but mainly because Cao Cao is now fighting on multiple fronts.If he leads troops forward, if one of them accidentally loses his troops, it will be Cao Cao's troops who are lost.

"Military division, if General Yu is not going, I will go." Li Dian stood up and said as soon as Yu Jin's voice fell.

Li Dian thought to himself, this man's achievement will be achieved soon, there is no reason why Yu Jin will not go.It's just right if you don't want to go. I, Li Dian, lead the expedition.


"General Li Dian, sit down first." Guo Jia pressed his hand towards Li Dian, motioning Li Dian to sit down first.

Then he said to Jin, "General Yu, you don't need to take down Zhuojun on this trip."

After Guo Jia said that, everyone in Cao Ying was puzzled. This 10 army is fighting against Zhuo County. If we don't take the opportunity to take Zhuo County, will it be possible for [-] people to travel to Zhuo County?
Looking at the bewildered crowd, Guo Jia explained: "The purpose of our troops dispatching to Zhuo County is to force Liu Bei to divide his troops to take precautions. Once Liu Bei divides his troops, it will be regarded as breaking the siege of Xiaopei."

"We can't take this Zhuojun for the time being, we have to leave it for Liu Bei as a place to settle down."

As soon as Guo Jia said this, Cao Ying's civil and military staff were all happy.Everyone thought to themselves, Military Adviser Feng Xiao is really kind-hearted.The two sides are at war, and they still want to leave a safe place for the enemy.

"Everyone, if we take Zhuojun now, then Liu Bei will have nowhere to go. At that time, he can only go north to join Yuan Shao. If so, Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan and won the land of Youzhou. After taking Liu Bei's soldiers Horse, general. Then his threat is no longer under Qin Wang Li Chen."

"At that time, we will have Li Chen to the east and Yuan Shao to the north. Even if we win Yuan Shu, we will still be defeated."

"Everyone, I can't take Zhuojun for the time being. Leave Zhuojun to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei can become a buffer between us and Li Chen. If the King of Qin plots against Cao Wei, he must first destroy Liu Bei." Guo Jiakai said. arrive.

All in all, the reason why Guo Jia agreed to send [-] troops to relieve Xiaopei's siege.The main purpose is to exchange for the help of the Qin army and the navy, so as to defeat Yuan Shu and take all the land of the Jianghuai River.Driving Liu Bei away now will only prompt him to defect to Yuan Shao.On the contrary, it will encourage Yuan Shao's power.

After Guo Jia's explanation, everyone present finally understood why Guo Jia recommended Yu Jin to lead the army to Zhuojun.

Because of Yu Jin's good defense, although it seems that he is the least likely to win, but he is also the least likely to lose.

"In this way, I can lead the army on this trip!" After figuring out the reason, Yu Jin complied.

After finalizing the details of dispatching troops, Guo Jia returned to the mansion to ventilate Liu Bowen.After Liu Bowen got the news, he was naturally overjoyed.

After the two sides agreed on the date of dispatching troops, Liu Bowen and Guo Jia said goodbye, and returned to the Jiangdong front to report to Li Mu.

Liangjiangkou, the camp of the Qin Army.

At this time, nine out of ten preparations for the Qin army's general offensive have been done.In the entire camp, there are sheepskin rafts, cowhide rafts, horse rafts, etc. everywhere.


"Report to King Qin, the military division is back." The guard at the gate hurried into the camp to report.

Not long after, Liu Bowen walked in from the outside, with a dusty look.Apparently, Liu Bowen should have been running fast and didn't take much rest along the way.

"King Qin, good news, good news."

"Wei King Cao Cao has promised to send [-] troops to attack Zhuo County, and the siege of Xiaopei has been lifted." Liu Bowen said to Li Chen.

"I already knew that if the military adviser goes out, he will definitely succeed." Li Chen laughed.

"King Qin, our army still needs to allocate a partial army from the navy to help King Wei defeat Yuan Shu's navy and help King Wei transport troops along the Huaihe River." Liu Bowen stated Cao Cao's conditions.

Li Chen nodded, since Cao Cao agreed to send troops when there is no pie in the world, he naturally has to ask for it.

"Well, the military adviser will arrange for this matter." Li Chen replied.

(End of this chapter)

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