Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 375 The battle is approaching.

Chapter 375 The battle is approaching.

Liangjiangkou, the camp of the Qin Army.

Li Chen was wearing a black gown and golden python robe, and was sitting in the large tent of the Chinese army. There were more than ten command arrows placed on top of the crime.

"Gan Ning listen to the order!" Li Chen ordered.

"The last general will obey the order." Gan Ning came out and knelt on one knee.

"I order you to lead the Jinfan Battalion and [-] soldiers to land on the beach from the left!" Li Chen picked up a command arrow and threw it to Gan Ning.

"The last general takes orders!" Gan Ning took the command arrow and returned to his position.

"Qi Jiguang listen to the order." Li Chen continued to give orders.

"The last general is here." Qi Jiguang also stood up and went out, kneeling on one knee.

"I order you to lead [-] soldiers to land on the beach from the right wing!" Li Chen picked up a command arrow and threw it to Qi Jiguang.

"The last general takes orders!" Qi Jiguang received the order.

"Governor, the [-] Chinese Army is under your command. Let's land from the front." Li Chen handed Zheng Chenggong another command arrow.

After the task of the water army was arranged, Li Chen turned his head and said to Chen Qingzhi: "Qingzhi, all the troops are ready. Once the water army successfully lands on the beach, the subsequent task of attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold will be handed over to Chen Qingzhi." You are in the army."

"King Qin, don't worry, our army is always ready." Chen Qingzhi promised.

Li Chen did not assign specific tasks to the army, but only asked them to prepare for battle at all times.Whether the army can use it depends on whether the navy can successfully land on the beach.If you can't even wait for the land, even if there are many armies, you won't be able to use it.

Li Chen glanced at the generals, and said in a very serious tone: "Everyone, before dawn tomorrow, we will fight to the city of Chanling. I don't know you, but you have confidence."

"We must win! We must win!"

"We must win! We must win!"

"We must win! We must win!"

The generals of the Qin Army bent their arms on their chests and shouted loudly.

At this time, the morale of the generals of the Qin Army can be said to be very high. It can be seen from this that Li Chen's corporate culture is still doing quite well.

"At noon, all the ships of the navy withdrew from Liangjiangkou, giving the Wu army and our army the illusion of returning to help Xiaopei."

"After it got dark, everyone supported the rafts and boats and returned, and caught Soochow by surprise." Li Chen finally ordered to the generals.

At noon, as planned, the Qin army slowly withdrew from Liangjiang Estuary.

In Chanling County, by the river, the Chinese army tent.

There are still more than ten miles from the riverside to Chanling County. Today, Chanling is almost a line of defense laid out by the Eastern Wu.

From the riverside to Chanling City, the soldiers in charge of defense and guarding the city have a full army of nearly 40.In fact, there is not much difference between the water armies of the Soochow and Qin armies today.Of course, in comparison, the combat effectiveness of the Qin army is far stronger than that of the Soochow army.

"Great Governor, Great Governor!"

"Good news, good news."

"The Qin army has retreated. It seems that Mr. Zhuge's strategy has taken effect." Lu Su came from outside excitedly and said to Zhou Yu.

After hearing the news, Zhou Yu was not only unhappy, but also worried.

"Governor, what's wrong with you?" Lu Su asked puzzled.

Lu Su also murmured in his heart, and said to himself, when I first came, the governor still looked normal.What's the matter, when I said that the Qin army had withdrawn, I became worried instead.

"Zijing, don't dare to be negligent."

"I reckon that the Qin army will launch a general attack tonight." Zhou Yu said solemnly.

"Governor, are you confused?"

"I mean, the Qin army has returned to aid Xiaopei. Why do you say that they are going to launch a general offensive instead?"

"As I said before, the Qin army didn't have small boats, so how could they cross the two rivers?" Lu Su asked puzzled.

Lu Su was puzzled, thinking, what's wrong with the governor today, like a layman who doesn't know how to fight.The Qin army has already left, how can it launch a general offensive.

"Zijing, you don't understand King Qin."

"He Qin Wang Li Chen has made his fortune from a bandit to now, why has he fought such a battle before retreating without fighting? If Li Chen was retreating last time, I would not doubt it."

"Now that he is retreating without a fight, most of it is deceitful. From my point of view, he is using the retreat to let us relax our vigilance. Then, give us a surprise attack!" Zhou Yu said to Lu Su.

Needless to say, Zhou Yu has obviously studied Li Chen seriously, and he knows Li Chen's style of play very well.Therefore, I guessed Li Chen's mind very closely.

Of course, Li Chen didn't want to hide it from Zhou Yu so simply. What Li Chen wanted was to make the soldiers of the Wu army negligent.

You know, the withdrawal of the Qin army will inevitably spread throughout the Wu army camp.Even a wise man like Lu Su has a careless heart, let alone an ordinary soldier.

"Great Governor, this can't be done!"

"The Qin army's navy is dominated by large ships, and there are not many small boats. Their small boats can land more than 10,000 people at most. We have deployed [-]+ navy along the river. How can they break through our defense line?" Lu Su asked puzzled.

Zhou Yu didn't know how Qin Jun solved the ship problem.Zhou Yu racked his brains and couldn't figure out how these cow and sheep skins could be used as boats.

Although he couldn't figure it out, it didn't affect Zhou Yu's emphasis on Li Chen.He said seriously: "Zijing, order the various ministries along the river to strengthen their defenses tonight. If the Qin army wants to land, it will definitely be tonight."

Zhou Yu's order was conveyed, but the Soochow navy by the river did not take it seriously.

Because all the ships of the Qin army had already withdrawn from Liangjiangkou, this was witnessed by someone with their own eyes.Now that the Qin army has left, who can believe that they will attack again.

After the order was conveyed, Zhou Yu paced back and forth in the large tent of the Chinese army. For some reason, he always felt uneasy.

Today, there are 10,000+ troops deployed along the river, and there are also 10,000+ troops inside and outside Chanling City.With an army of 40 to [-] in hand, Zhou Yu's heart is still not stable.

This battle can be said to be the battle of Soochow's national destiny.If this battle is lost, Chanling City will be destroyed once.Then Soochow will be faced with a situation where there are no soldiers available. To the Qin army, Soochow will be a big girl who is forced to a dead end, and can only let the Qin army attack the city.

"Four generals, I'm sure that the Qin army will definitely attack tonight. Now that the soldiers in the army are lax, if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal."

"General Huang, you guard the front yourself tonight, General Han, and General Zu, you two guard the left and right respectively."

"Old General Cheng, you guard Chanling City."

After assigning the task, Zhou Yu continued: "Three generals, if the front line of the river is broken, remember not to return to Chanling City, and you will disperse along the river to other counties."

"In order to prevent the Qin army from pretending to be our defeated army and defrauding the city, all defeated troops are not allowed to return to Chanling County. If there is a defeated army in Chanling, General Cheng is not allowed to open the city gate, but shoot them with random arrows."

Zhou Yu gained wisdom by eating a pit. The last time Qin Jun used this method to burn the food and grass in his Fankou water village. It is impossible for him to fall down twice in the same pit.

Zhou Yu's exhortation made Huang Gai blush.Last time, Qin Jun was able to set fire to the Fankou granary, and he was a key figure.

"Everyone, you must not be negligent in the battle of national destiny." Zhou Yu instructed everyone.

After some instructions, the four veterans of Soochow also went to prepare separately.

(End of this chapter)

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