Chapter 396 Flesh Mill.

When the battle is fought for this kind of sake, it is the hard power of both sides that is fighting.Three gaps were blasted into the city wall of Chanling City, and where these three gaps were located, there were three main battlefields, and each battlefield was a flesh and blood mill.

The most primitive fight with this kind of cold weapon can be described as extremely tragic.Even the most spectacular scene in the movie cannot explain this confrontation of blood and iron.

Cruel, incomparably cruel.Almost every breath, someone fell into a pool of blood.Every second, someone was chopped into flesh by knives and axes.The fighting on the battlefield was extremely fierce, and everyone's eyes turned red.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A wave of passionate war drums sounded, and both sides kept beating the war drums.On the battlefield, the sound of drums is the only sound that can inspire people.

Soon it will be dawn.

This battle has been fought from midnight to dawn, and the two sides are still fighting fiercely at three gaps.Soldiers from both sides came and went, fighting fiercely for every inch of land.

When the war has reached such a level, neither the Qin army nor the Wu army can take a step back.If the Wu army retreats and the Qin army swarms in, Chanling City will be destroyed.And if the Qin army retreats, the gap in the city wall that was finally opened will inevitably be blocked by the Wu army again. If this happens, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Commander, there are more than [-] casualties, do you want to slow down the pace of the attack?" Qin Jun asked Chen Qingzhi.

"Continue to attack fiercely, Wu Jun's pressure is no less than ours. Now, the fight is which of the two sides has the stronger will." Chen Qingzhi calmed down.

In this kind of close combat, although the Qin army is more powerful, the Wu army, as the defensive side, has a slight advantage in terrain.Therefore, this battle has been fought until now, and there is still no winner.

Up close and personal combat without too many bells and whistles.That is, you cut me with a knife, and I stab you with a gun.At the pass of the entire city wall, it can be said that people are next to each other, people are crowded with people, and there is no chance to dodge at all.

At this time, it was like a person holding a flesh and blood body and forcing it up.At this time, the two sides are fighting skills and willpower.

At noon, the sun rises three poles.

Under the glare of the sun, there was blood red everywhere.At this time, on the main battlefield of the three city wall passes, the blood had solidified into scabs, and there was a strong and disgusting bloody smell all around.

Zhou Tai, the Pingtou brother of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, had already been carried down the pass of the city wall that Zhao Yun led the army to attack.The main general was seriously injured and left the battlefield, and the fighting will of the Soochow soldiers became even more depressed for a while.

At another pass in the city wall, Yuwen Chengdu waved his heavy gilt phoenix wings and rushed into the gap first.

What kind of room is Yuwen Chengdu? Wherever he goes, it can be said that it is like a meat grinder.


Yu Wencheng shouted loudly, and the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand smashed Mount Hua with a force, and a small Soochow school in front of him was immediately split in half.

This small Soochow school was cut in half, including people and armor, and immediately blood splattered and brains flew everywhere.

No matter how powerful this person is, he is limited.If you have the courage of a hundred men, I will defeat you with a thousand men.If you have the courage of a thousand people, I will defeat you with ten thousand people.

Therefore, although the role of a brave general on the battlefield is great, no one has ever been able to break through a city by himself.

However, under the leadership of such a brave general in the Qin army, even after the high-intensity battle has been fought until now, the morale of the Qin army is still high.In contrast, Wu Jun's morale was scattered one by one.

In fact, many soldiers of the Wu army no longer had the heart to fight. The reason why they rushed forward without hesitation was because the supervising team's strong attack crossbow was facing their backs, and they had no choice but to rush and fight.

At the three passes of Chanling City, the soldiers on both sides kept falling down, and then the soldiers behind stepped on the corpses of their comrades and rushed forward.

This is not fighting at all, this is going to die. The soldiers who rushed to the front knew that they were going to die, but they still had to rush up.At this time, it depends on which soldier on both sides is the first to start to have a nervous breakdown.

"Hey, I never expected Qin Jun to fight so decisively. I was completely caught off guard by the fight."

"Mr. Zhuge, I'm afraid Chanling City can't be defended anymore." Cheng Pu said with a sigh.

At this time, the Qin army blasted three gaps more than ten feet long into the city wall.If there were no these three gaps, then Zhuge Liang would have plenty of ways to defend Chanling City for more than a month.However, now that the city wall is broken, whether it can hold the key points of Chanling has become a tough battle around these three gaps.

When it comes to fighting tough battles, how can Wu Jun and Qin Jun compare.The prestige of the Qin army was earned through tough battles, but it is well known that the Wu army is not good enough.

This gap is not only a gap in the quality of soldiers, but often a gap in fighting will is even more fatal.Wu Jun can still hold on after hitting a dozen in a short period of time, but if it goes on for a long time, Wu Jun will definitely not be able to support it.

In fact, this is because the supervising team is supervising the battle in the rear. Without the deterrence of the supervising team, these Wu troops would have started to flee in all directions.

However, if this battle continues like this, Wu Jun will completely collapse sooner or later.

"Mr. Zhuge, we have to find a way." Cheng Pu said to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang thought for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "At this time, we can only abandon the city wall. The two generals Ding Feng and Xu Sheng who are in charge of supervising the battle, no matter what, the city wall must not be lost within an hour. If it is lost after an hour, I forgive them." The two are not guilty, and they were lost within an hour, let them come to see each other."

"Yes!" After receiving Zhuge Liang's order, the messenger rushed to the city wall to deliver the order.

After the messenger left, Zhuge Liang said to Cheng Pu: "Old General Cheng, since the city gate can no longer be guarded, if you want to stop the enemy, you can only fight in the streets. You have to go through the city."

"Since we can't fight the tough battle at the pass of the city wall, let's just give up the pass of the city wall. We will fight and fight with the enemy in the city. As long as the Qin army doesn't wipe out the Wu army in our Chanling city for a day, they won't be able to pass through the Chanling .”

Cheng Pu thought about what Zhuge Liang said, and felt that what Zhuge Liang said was very reasonable.It is really impossible for the Soochow army to fight tough battles. After fighting, the spirit will completely collapse.At that time, if there is a camp roar or something, this battle will really be impossible to fight.

Fighting a tough battle is simply taking advantage of one's own weaknesses and defeating the enemy's strengths.According to what Zhuge Liang said, they fought street battles with the Qin army based on their familiarity with the terrain in Chanling.Among the streets and alleys of Chanling City, swimming and fighting are the most beneficial to them.

(End of this chapter)

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