Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 397 Street fighting, entanglement.

Chapter 397 Street fighting, entanglement.

Because of the gap in the quality of soldiers and willpower, Cheng Pu and Zhuge Liang believed that the battle at the pass of the city wall could no longer continue.If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Soochow army collapses across the board.

On the contrary, if you abandon the pass of the city wall and let the Qin army enter the city to fight in the streets, this will be a beneficial choice for the Wu army.

Firstly, compared with Qin Jun, Wu Jun, who has lived in the city for many days, is obviously more familiar with the conditions in the streets and alleys. In this way, there are many benefits in the process of street fighting.

Secondly, once street fighting is carried out, the Wu army will fight in small groups.In this way, even if there is a collapse of the fighting spirit, it will only be the collapse of a small group of combat troops, and will not implicate the rest of the troops.

"Mr. Zhuge, please order." Old General Cheng Pu said to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang came to the side of the map and told Cheng Pu: "Tianzifang, Luomashi, and Qinghua Lane need to deploy heavy troops. As long as these three places are contained, the Qin army's army will not be able to pass through."

"Now that nearly half of the city has been burned to ruins by the Qin army, the remaining people in the city must have hatred for the Qin army. We must make full use of this emotion and let the people in the city help us cover."

"Since the Qin army has broken through the city, it stands to reason that it will appease the people and not easily embarrass the people. Our soldiers can take off their military uniforms and hide among the people. As long as the people cooperate, we can hold the Qin army for more than a month. It's not a problem."

Zhuge Liang gave Cheng Pu detailed instructions on where to deploy heavy defenses and where to disperse defenses.Where swords and shields are deployed, where archers are deployed.In this city, wherever there are dense buildings, the Wu army has deployed a full defense in the city.

While Cheng Pu was laying out defenses in the city, the three battlefields at the pass of the city wall finally showed signs of impending collapse.

At this time, Ding Feng and Xu Sheng had already led the supervising team to the battlefield, but even so, it was still difficult to resist the charge of the Qin army.

At this time, many soldiers of the Wu army were already war-weary.They even would rather stand there and be slaughtered by the Qin army than do more resistance.

However, fortunately, under the insistence of the two generals Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, they forcibly held on for another hour.Once this hour passed, let alone ordinary soldiers, even Ding Feng and Xu Sheng were exhausted.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"Quick, quick, run to the city." Ding Feng and Xu Sheng retreated to the city with the defeated soldiers.

As the saying goes, don't chase after the poor. After the Qin army occupied the pass, they deployed heavy troops at the pass, and did not pursue these remnants of Soochow's defeated generals.

Outside Chanling City, the Qin army camp.

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, all three passes have been captured, and the generals ask for instructions on the next step." The messenger hurried over and knelt down in front of Chen Qingzhi and asked.

"Marshal, it's been a day of fighting. Brothers, let alone eat, they didn't even drink a sip of water. It's enough to occupy the wall of the pass. It's not appropriate to attack today." Jia Xu said from the side.

Jia Xu's words are true, the soldiers of the Qin Army are still dripping water. In order to fight the Chanling City, all the soldiers have exhausted their strength and have no time to eat at all.

Chen Qingzhi looked at the sun, it was already afternoon, and it would be dark soon.If the fight continues, there will be no reason for it today.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that the pass has been laid down, the Chanling City is already in the bag.It's better to bury the pot and make a meal, so that the brothers can eat hot.

"Enter the city with [-] soldiers and advance three miles into the city. Put all the artillery on the city wall for me to prevent the Wu army from retaking the city wall at night."

"In addition, let the head camp kill pigs and sheep, and let the brothers open it for me today." Chen Qingzhi ordered.

Chen Qingzhi understood that although the Soochow army did not defend the pass.However, Soochow will definitely not give up Chanling City easily, and there must be a fierce battle in Chanling City.

What Chen Qingzhi didn't expect was that this vicious battle in Chanling City was not a vicious one, but a disgusting one.

That's right, the street fighting in the city wasn't actually brutal, but it was disgusting.In the next few days, the Soochow army in the city did not fight the Qin army head-on at all, but harassed and fought in various ways.

Anyway, I'm not going to call you Qin Jun, and I'm blocking you from passing Qin Jun.With the cover of the people in the city, Qin Jun was like hitting the cotton with his fist, and he had nowhere to use his strength.

Seven days later, in a private house in the city.

"Ha ha!"

"Exhaust, exhale. Playing with this group of Qin soldiers all day long finally eased my anger." Cheng Pu hid in the house and couldn't help laughing.

This street fighting was fought comfortably, and what the street fighting is about is cooperation with the common people.After these few days of fighting, although not many Qin troops were killed, they were firmly blocked by the Qin army in the city.

This kind of street fighting is not very lethal to the Qin army, but it is extremely insulting.

"Aggrieved, really fucking aggrieved."

"I wish he could burn the other half of the city." Chen Qingzhi said angrily in the large tent of the Chinese army.

However, this is just angry talk, can it really burn?Now that the Qin army has entered the city, it stands to reason that this is already the city of Daqin.If they burned the city, wouldn't it be tantamount to slaughtering the city.

"Hmph, let me tell you, even if the city is really slaughtered, it won't hurt."

"The people in this city are fighting with Wu Jun who is hiding in the dark, and they are deliberately delaying the speed of our payment." Yuwen Chengdu also said unfairly.

Everyone is angry, these days they are chasing the Wu army in the city street by street and alley by alley.But with the cover of the people, this progress is very slow.It took seven full days, but it advanced twenty or thirty miles.

All the generals of the Qin Army were indignant, but Cheng Yaojin remained silent, his eyes rolled cunningly, wondering what he was thinking.

"You generals have worked hard recently, let's go back and rest first, I'm thinking of a way with the military adviser." Chen Qingzhi said to the generals.

It's night, it's midnight.

Cheng Yaojin sat up from the bed with a "teng", and then quietly touched Chen Qingzhi's handsome tent.

Although there is no one in a place like Shuai Zhang at night, there are still guards guarding it.

"General Cheng, why are you here at this point?" asked the two soldiers guarding the door of the handsome tent.

"Cough cough!"

"Well, I left something in the tent." Cheng Yaojin was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Cheng Yaojin is a general of the Qin Army and Li Chen's favorite general. Naturally, the two guards did not dare to stop him, so they let him in.

Actually, Cheng Yaojin was not looking for something, he was going in to steal something.

(End of this chapter)

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