Chapter 41 Hit the Trick

Thinking of his coming to Zhao Yun soon, Li Chen felt a little excited.This man's possessiveness for men is no worse than that for women.

Li Chen took big steps and small steps, three steps and two steps, in short, he rushed towards the city gate very quickly.At this moment, Li Chen was eager to reach some kind of not-so-bright deal with Gongsun Zan.

Below the city, the famous white horse general Gongsun Bogui, with his white horse, silver armor and white cloak, stood in the strong wind.

"Gongsun Bogui, have you brought the person I want?" Li Chen stood on the city wall and shouted at Gongsun Zan who was below the city.

Gongsun Zan looked up at Li Chen, and then replied loudly: "I can't trust you, you are ten miles away from the city. Let me see Xuande first, and then I will deliver him to you ten miles away from the city."

Gongsun Zan has Zhao Yun in his hand at this time, so he has to be more cautious. The more cautious he is, the more convinced Li Chen will be.

Indeed, seeing Gongsun Zan being so cautious, Li Chen's doubts were really dispelled.After all, according to the history of the previous life, Gongsun Zan didn't care much about Zhao Yun, and Li Chen couldn't find a reason why Gongsun Zan didn't agree to the exchange.

It was precisely because he fell into the vicious circle of history known in his previous life that Li Chen did not have any doubts about Gongsun Zan's words.

"Chengdu, go and bring Liu Xuande." Li Chen turned his head to Yuwen Chengdu and ordered.

In Li Chen's hands, Liu Bei's thing is purely useless, he can't use it, and he doesn't want to kill it.Instead of keeping him in his hands, it's better to let him out and continue to be his own shit stick.

Not long after, Yu Wencheng pressed Liu Bei onto the city wall.In the past few days, Li Chen didn't do any petty tricks to abuse Liu Bei.On the contrary, he took care of Liu Bei with no shortage of food or drink.This also made Liu Bei look very energetic.

Gongsun Zan deserves to be called a special person who touched the big man, a good brother of the big man.After seeing Liu Bei, he immediately asked with concern: "Xuande, are you all right these few days?"

Liu Bei quickly replied: "Except that there is no freedom, everything else is fine."

At this moment, Li Chen interrupted their conversation, and shouted at Gongsun Zan, "How about it, I'll show you the person too, shall we exchange hostages?"

"Okay, I'll meet you ten miles outside the city in half an hour." After finishing speaking, Gongsun Zan rode away.

"Hostage, brother Bogui has one of your people in his hand?" Liu Bei asked a little puzzled.

Li Chen smiled slightly: "No, I traded you for Chang Shan Zhao Zilong."

Hearing this, Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and now that he was in Li Chen's hands, it was a great fortune to be able to escape.What he didn't expect was that Li Chen actually cared about Zhao Yun so much.

Half an hour later, it was ten miles away from the city.Two cavalry, one black and one white, stood facing each other. The cavalry wearing black bright armor was naturally Li Chen's Xuanjia Army.The cavalrymen in white robes are Gongsun Zan's followers on the white horse.

According to Li Chen's request, Gongsun Zan had to hand over Zhao Yun to Li Chen first.After Li Chen brought Zhao Yun to the city, Liu Bei would be released from the city.

Why did Gongsun Zan hand over the hostages first, instead of both sides exchanging hostages at the same time.This is a kind of psychological suppression by Li Chen. Li Chen wants to let them know what it means to be a weak country without diplomacy.

The same is true between two forces, I am strong and you are weak, and I have an advantage, so you have to follow my rhythm and act according to my arrangements.

Surrounded by the Xuanjia Guards, Li Chen looked at Gongsun Zan who was not far ahead and asked, "Where's the person?"

Gongsun Zan pointed to the carriage between the two camps, and said, "People are disobedient and fainted. They are in the carriage."

Li Chen cast a glance at Gongsun Zan, and then said to Yuwen Chengdu, "Chengdu, let's go and see it?"

"Promise." Yuwen Chengdu responded, and then urged the Sailong Wuban horse under his crotch to go to the side of the carriage, and picked the golden phoenix wings towards the curtain of the carriage in his hand.


"Crackling." Suddenly, Yu Wencheng seemed to hear two slight noises coming from the carriage, almost in the blink of an eye, Yu Wencheng could tell that it was the sound of bow and crossbow going up.

Yuwen Chengdu's reaction was also extremely fast, almost as soon as he heard the sound, the phoenix-winged gold-plated boring in his hand immediately changed from picking to sweeping, and the entire carriage roof was chopped off.


Almost at the same time, the two crossbowmen hidden in the carriage imagined their arrows at Yuwencheng.

At this time, it was too late for Yuwen Chengdu's phoenix-winged gold-plated boring to take back, so he had to stretch out his left hand to hold an arrow that was aimed at him.However, at this time, two arrows were shot at him, he held one of them, and the other shot straight into his shoulder blade.

Li Chen's eyes revealed a cold light, and he cursed: "Gongsun Bogui, it seems that you want to collect Liu Xuande's body."

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Li Chen considers himself not a gentleman, and usually avenges him on the spot.Seeing that he was plotted by Gongsun Zan, Li Chen wanted to kill Liu Bei for no reason to vent his anger.

"Since we have decided to plot against you, the city has already made complete preparations." Gongsun Zan replied coldly.

"Mi Zhu?" Hearing Gongsun Zan's words, Li Chen figured out what was going on even with his thumb and toe.

Li Chen really couldn't figure it out. According to the importance Gongsun Zan attached to Zhao Yun in the memory of his previous life, he didn't use Zhao Yun to exchange Liu Bei at all, but wanted to grab it by force.

"Where's Zhao Yun?" Li Chen asked suddenly.

Hearing the word Zhao Yun, Gongsun Zan couldn't help but coldly snorted, "This person has already betrayed me, so don't mention it."

Hearing this, Li Chen understood everything.It turned out that Zhao Yun had left, and Gongsun Zan had no one in his hands, so naturally he couldn't exchange with him.So, this idea came up with this method.

After chatting, Li Chen waved his hand, and Xuanjiawei took the lead in attacking Baima Yicong.

Yuwen Chengdu's arrow cannot be taken in vain, Gongsun Zan must pay some price today.

Baima Yicong is a cavalry archer who is good at guerrilla warfare.But now, in order to entangle Li Chen and buy time for Mi Zhu in the city, Gongsun Zan had no choice but to order Baima Yicong to fight Xuanjiawei.

Frontal combat has never been what Baima Yicong is good at. In his previous life, Gongsun Zan died in the battle of the pioneers who led Baima Yicong to charge Juyi.How can one win with one's own weaknesses and overcome the enemy's strengths.

Two groups of cavalry, one black and one white, collided together. Although the white horse Yicong had the upper hand, the situation on the battlefield shifted towards Xuanjiawei.

Not only did he have an advantage in the battle of soldiers, even in the battle of generals, Li Chen also had an absolute advantage.

Yu Wencheng was shot with an arrow for no reason, and his heart was full of resentment.At this time, with an arrow stuck in his shoulder, he crushed Gongsun Zan like a God of War and beat him fiercely.If it weren't for some generals who risked their lives to save him, Gongsun Zan would have died on the spot.But even so, there were still a few who would die to save Gongsun Zan.
Today's Chapter 3——There is still a guaranteed update of the chapter——There are still more than 100 votes before the update——I feel that you should work harder——I will add another——
(End of this chapter)

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