Chapter 42
Just outside Xuzhou City, Baima Yicong was entangled with Xuanjia Army.At this time, the dead men raised by the Mi family in Xuzhou City had already quietly moved towards a small courtyard in the city.

Liu Bei was not sent to a big prison, but was detained in a house in Xuzhou City.On weekdays, there are dozens of soldiers guarding it, and the defense is not considered tight.

Once they came to Xuzhou city, there was no need for Li Chen to work too hard in this small courtyard.Secondly, Li Chen fell into a misunderstanding that Gongsun Zan would definitely exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei, but he never thought that Zhao Yun would run away by himself.

In a grain store not far from the house where Liu Bei was detained, the dead soldiers raised by the Mi family disguised themselves as ordinary people who came to buy grain, and then entered the backyard of the grain store to assemble without anyone noticing.

In the backyard, in the large warehouse that was originally used to store food.In the dark environment, a candle was dimly lit.

Several men in black who looked like leaders were surrounding a map.The center of this map is the house where Liu Bei was imprisoned. In addition to marking the environment of the house on this map, it can be seen from this simple map that Mi Zhu did everything in order to rescue Liu Bei. , is a lot of effort.

"After a stick of incense, we will act. There is not much time. Everyone must rescue the target as soon as possible. If you hear three bells ringing, it means that the patrolling soldiers in the city are coming. The Patriarch will find a way for us to delay the time for a cup of tea. After tea, everyone must evacuate quickly."

"If you are unfortunately captured, you all know what to do. Don't implicate the master." The leader of the man in black looked at the map and gave instructions on all the places to pay attention to.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, and more than a dozen carriages with weapons hidden were being pushed.Mi's slain man pretended to be a porter and moved towards the house where Liu Bei was imprisoned.

At the same time that the dead soldiers of the Mi family were moving, a guard in Jinyi hurried into the yamen of the Zhenfu department, and whispered in Luo Yangxing's ear, "Master Commander, all the businesses of the Mi family are closed today, buddy, porter, coolie!" Wait, all gathered in the street."

Hearing this, Luo Yangxing's face turned cold, he paused for about three or five breaths and said, "Quick, get all the troops to go to support, they want to rob Liu Xuande."

"No." The Jin Yiwei turned around and went to check people.

However, just as he turned around, he heard Luo Yangxing shout: "Wait, go and inform General Li and General Guan first, the lord may be in danger."

Luo Yangxing judged that since the Mi family was planning to rob Liu Bei, the exchange outside the city was naturally a trap.And when Li Chen left the city, he only brought a thousand Xuanjia troops, if he fell into a trap, the consequences would be disastrous.

Send someone to inform Guan Sheng that after Li Siye and Li Siye supported Li Chen, Luo Yangxing quickly led the two hundred households of Jinyiwei to the compound where Liu Bei was detained for support.

However, the Mi family also came prepared, and the whole plan was rigorous and thorough.When Luo Yangxing led people to the alley not far from Liu Bei's house, he suddenly found that the nearby alley was crowded with ordinary people.

Among the tens of thousands of people, there are tenants, clerks, porters, and coolies.These are people who rely on Mi's family for their food. Today they received orders from Mi's family to block the roads around here to let out their differences.Let alone a human being, not even a mouse can get out.

This is the power of the family, they control the people.Even if you have soldiers in your hands, so what, they have food and people in their hands, and after completely offending the family, you will have no food to recruit and no soldiers to recruit.

Just one Mi family can control tens of thousands of people. You must know that there are no less than a hundred families in Xuzhou.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Just when Luo Yangxing and the others were blocked outside, three loud bells rang, and Luo Yangxing knew that it was the people outside who were reporting to the people inside.

"Master Commander, do you want to kill or not?" A member of Jin Yiwei Baihu had already reached out to touch the Xiuchun knife on his waist. Once Luo Yangxing gave the order, they would kill and enter.

Seeing this scene, even the crazy Luo Yangxing couldn't help shaking his head secretly.Kill, how to kill.If he was given two thousand royal guards, he would be sure to control the situation.But now he only has 200 people in his hands. Once he kills the people, how will he control the situation.

When Luo Yangxing was worried, Zang Ba and Chen Gong arrived with [-] elite soldiers.

"Master Chen, General Zang, can you cooperate with Jin Yiwei?" Luo Yangxing said straight to the point without wasting any time.

Chen Deng and Zang Ba naturally knew Luo Yangxing, knowing that he was the leader of the intelligence agency newly set up by Li Chen.Nowadays, Chen Deng and other local civil servants and military generals have become accustomed to the strange people under Li Chen's command from time to time.

Chen Gong nodded towards Zang Ba, and Zang Ba responded: "Okay, we will cooperate with Jin Yiwei."

After receiving Zang Ba's reply, Luo Yangxing gained confidence.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yangxing yelled: "Everyone listen, move forward, if anyone obstructs, shoot and kill."

"Rub, rub, rub."

In an instant, the sound of swords being drawn echoed around, Jin Yiwei had already drawn out the Xiuchun swords from his waist, and the soldiers brought by Zang Ba also aimed their weapons at these common people.

Killing the common people was not what Chen Deng wanted, even though they were blocking Jin Yiwei from enforcing the law.Chen Deng stood up and shouted to the people: "I know that you have taken advantage of the Mi family, and you all have wives and children. You should understand that the benefits they gave you are important, or your own wealth and old age. Small lives matter."

"Brothers, they dare not do it."

"I don't believe that the soldiers chased and killed us."

Among the crowd, Mi's hidden son stirred up the atmosphere, wanting to continue delaying the time for the people inside.

"Hey." Seeing this scene, Chen Deng sighed and didn't try to persuade him. This is a ghost who seeks death with good words but hard to persuade.


The cold killing word was spit out from Luo Yangxing's mouth, and in an instant, the people blocking the way in the front row fell into a pool of blood.


"The soldiers killed"

"The soldiers killed"

Seeing that Jin Yiwei really dared to kill people, the common people panicked and fled in all directions.

"Quick, quick."

"Don't worry about them, help them quickly." Luo Yangxing didn't care about these people, and quickly led people to squeeze into Liu Bei's house.

However, they were still a step too late.When they arrived at the house where Liu Bei was imprisoned, they only entered the corpses of guards lying on the ground, and Liu Bei had disappeared.

"What a Mi family, what a Mi family."

"I really think that I, Jin Yiwei, cannot be displayed."

"Send people to block all the roads out of the city. If they rob people, they will definitely leave the city." Luo Yangxing said angrily.
Today’s Chapter 4—ninety votes left—everyone hurry up and vote—only a dozen or so people vote—today we’re adding a new chapter——
(End of this chapter)

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