Chapter 43
Liu Bei was blatantly snatched away in broad daylight, and what remained in the small courtyard were the corpses of dozens of guards.

Although Liu Bei was not rescued by Jin Yiwei's palmistry, Luo Yangxing still felt that this was a slap in the face, a slap in the face.

"Commander Luo, what should we do with these people?" Seeing that people were being rescued, Zang Ba blocked some civilians who had come and fled every now and then.

With a gloomy face, Luo Yangxing glanced at the detainees and said, "Let them go, it's useless to keep them. They are members of the Mi family, so they can't escape."

What Luo Yangxing said is correct, everyone knows that these people are acting with Mi's money, but apart from doing things with money, they don't know anything at all.

Half an hour later, Yunlong Palace.

"Master Dian, it was my incompetence that made Liu Bei escape."

"Luo Yangxing, please punish me." Luo Yangxing cupped his hands and said.

"Liu Bei didn't hand over Jin Yiwei to you, how could he blame you." Li Chen said indifferently.

Li Chen is a person who distinguishes between rewards and punishments, rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits.When Liu Bei was captured alive, there was no Jin Yiwei at that time.After Jinyiwei was established, Liu Bei was not handed over to them.The guilt of Liu Bei's loss cannot be attributed to Luo Yangxing anyway.

At this time, Luo Yangxing had already told Li Chen everything before and after.Li Chen murmured to himself: "Mi's, what a Mi's, more than fifty soldiers, none of them survived, it seems that it has been planned for a long time."

That's right, Mi Zhu already had the idea of ​​forcibly robbing him.It was only later that Li Chen proposed to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei. The risk of exchange was smaller than the risk of robbery, so Mi Zhu stopped the plan of robbery.After Zhao Yun ran away, Mi Zhu had no choice but to rob him.

"Mi's, Mi's..." Li Chen already had the idea of ​​moving Mi's, but Mi should not move lightly.

From the fact that the Mi family can easily mobilize tens of thousands of people today, it can be seen that the aristocratic family in this era is too terrifying.Moreover, if the aristocratic family is united, if they want to move the Mi family, they must make the case an iron case, a death case. Only in this way can the aristocratic family's mouth be blocked.

In Xuzhou city, plus the subordinate counties, countries, and counties, there are hundreds of families, large and small.If you want to move the Mi family, you have to separate the Mi family from their small group. For evidence, Li Chen urgently needs hard evidence now.

There is evidence to move the Mi family and there is no evidence to move the Mi family are two concepts. In the absence of evidence to move the Mi family, these aristocratic families will panic.They will think that if you can move the Mi family for no reason today, you can move the Zhang family, the Li family, and the Wang family tomorrow.

A single Mi family controls tens of thousands of people, if hundreds of powerful families, big and small, riot, the consequences will be disastrous.In other words, even if they don't mess up, just cutting off Li Chen's military rations and the source of troops is enough for Li Chen to bear.

Once there is solid evidence to attack the Mi family, no one will be able to find fault at that time.When the time comes, the aristocratic families will only scramble to separate themselves from the Mi family.

The environment in Yunlong Palace was very oppressive, everyone knew what Li Chen was thinking, but they couldn't come up with any good suggestions.

In this era, the aristocratic family has no solution, not to mention Li Chen, even the emperor dare not use too much force on the aristocratic family.If you use too much strength, it will turn the world against you.This was not the case with Yang Guang in his previous life. The world's aristocratic families are against each other, so what can you do.

Li Chen said that he was an outsider in Xuzhou, and the way to get Xuzhou was not correct.To put it bluntly, Li Chen from the Xuzhou family really can't afford to offend him.

When everyone was silent, one of Luo Yangxing's Jinyiwei hundred households came in a hurry, whispered a few words in Luo Yangxing's ear, and left in a hurry.

In an instant, Luo Yangxing was overjoyed: "My lord, Liu Bei has been sent out of the city by Mi Zhu. However, my people caught several dead soldiers of the Mi family at the north city gate."

"Scholar, are you sure you can get them to speak?" Li Chen hurriedly asked.

Because of the particularity of dead soldiers, the host family generally does not fortify them.Therefore, normally speaking, dead men know a lot.But getting them to talk is a challenge.

A cold light flashed in Luo Yangxing's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Master Dian, give me an hour, and I promise to make them spit out everything they know."

Jin Yiwei's interrogation method, let alone a dead man of flesh and blood, is a lump of iron, and he can speak to the interrogator.

"Let's go to Zhenfusi Yamen." After Li Chen finished speaking, he walked out first, followed by everyone.

In the lobby of Zhenfusi Yamen, there is a lifelike picture of a tiger descending the mountain. In the picture, the tiger's eyes are round and its mouth is wide open, as if it can eat people.

However, this town Fusi is really not a good place.This place is easy to get in and hard to get out, and the skin can fade even if you don't die.

After passing the lobby of Zhenfusi, walking all the way in, a group of people came to the dungeon.The guards around the dungeon were wearing flying fish suits, guardsmen in brocade clothes with embroidered spring knives on their waists.

Lishi, Captain, Small Banner, General Banner, and Hundred Households, this is the structure of a Jinyiwei Hundred Households Office. In Xuzhou City today, there are only two Hundred Households Offices.

"Marshal Dian, if you don't, go to the lobby to rest first, the next method may be a bit unsightly." Luo Yangxing cupped his hands and said to Li Chen.

Today, the Zhenfusi in Xuzhou is still a simple yamen that lacks people and people.However, although this dungeon is not the prison, all the methods used are the prison.

"It's okay, just do what you want." Li Chen said indifferently.

Li Chen was very curious about Jin Yiwei's methods.After all, Zhao Prison in the previous life was an existence feared by gods and ghosts throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Soon, Jin Yiwei's staff brought out a few strong men whose teeth had been smashed to pieces.The dead usually have poisonous sacs hidden in their mouths, and when they cannot escape, they will bite the poisonous sacs and commit suicide.However, Jin Yiwei's people are too familiar with this situation. After controlling the people, they immediately controlled their mouths, and then smashed all their teeth with the scabbard.

Suicide failed, but if he entered the Zhen Fusi, even if his wife had a few moles on her buttocks, he had to explain clearly in the end.

Li Chen didn't know how many punishments Jin Yiwei had. Anyway, he didn't even finish three sentences, so he went back to the Zhenfusi lobby to wait.This kind of punishment method is not only unsightly, it is simply appalling.

Li Chen was propped on the low table with one arm, half lying down and dozed off, with a tiger skin spread under his body.

"Damn it, these grandsons are too ruthless, I am creepy to see." Not long after, a group of civil servants and generals also came back, Cheng Yaojin said cursingly, and he swore that he would never fall into Jinyiwei in his life. hand.

Even Yu Wencheng, who had always been reticent, said, "This method is somewhat harsh."

Kill people, they don't know how many people have killed.But Cheng Yaojin and Yu Wencheng thought that their killing methods were a bit too childish compared to Jin Yiwei's methods.

At this time, Li Chen also opened his eyes, and said to everyone: "Where there is light, there is darkness. You are light to me, and Luo Yangxing is darkness."

"My lord, I'm afraid it won't take an hour, at most half an hour, Commander Luo should have the result somewhere." Chen Deng cupped his hands and said.
This chapter is an update of [-] votes this week--there are four more chapters today-everyone continues to vote-[-] votes plus one update--
(End of this chapter)

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