Chapter 44
How terrible Jin Yiwei's methods are. In the Ming Dynasty, there were too many officials who would rather commit suicide in order not to enter Zhao Prison.From this we can see that Zhao Prison is a place more terrifying than death.

As expected, in less than half an hour, the captured soldiers of the Mi family explained everything clearly.Under Jin Yiwei's tricks, they literally explained how many moles their wives had on their buttocks and what color aprons their best friends liked to wear.

Luo Yangxing was known as the last Jinyiwei commander of the Ming Dynasty.Although the character may not be good, but the means are definitely there.In terms of intelligence, interrogation and other work, he Vanke can be said to be a well-educated family.

His father, Luo Sigong, was the commander of Jinyiwei, so what he saw and came into contact with since he was a child was all related to the work of Jinyiwei.As for interrogation methods, the whole big man is afraid that he is second in number and no one dares to say number one.

Not long after, Luo Yangxing walked into the hall with a stack of thick files.He handed the things in his hands to Li Chen and said: "Master Dian, I vomited. Everything is here. There is a list of stewards who are responsible for distributing benefits to the people, and the whereabouts of the dead who participated in the case. where he hoarded his weapons."

Li Chen took the file in his hand, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help showing joy on his face.With a lot of things, it is enough to want to move Mi's family.

Today the people who are in charge of blocking the way are only doing things with money, and they don't know what to ask, but those who are responsible for distributing money to these people are all in charge of the Mi family.Once these people were caught, Mi's mouth would not be able to tell.

There are also those dead soldiers who have hidden themselves. Now that they have their hiding addresses, Li Chen can completely catch them all.

Moreover, there are hiding places for the weapons they use today.In this way, it can be said that everyone has stolen goods.

With these things, Li Chen had every reason to move the Mi family.Moreover, it will not cause a rebound from the local family.

"Let's do it. I'm relieved that you, Luo Yangxing, will handle things." After reading the file, Li Chen handed the file to Luo Yangxing.

Li Chen's words were light, but to Luo Yangxing's ears, they weighed tens of millions.Li Chen is tantamount to handing over all the matters to him, and Jin Yiwei seems to have begun to bloom their glory in this era.

Li Chen has always adhered to the principle that professional things should be done by professional people, and there is no need for non-professional people to point fingers.

This matter is still the first task since the establishment of Zhenfusi Yamen.Luo Yangxing knew in his heart that he did a good job in this matter. Only in this way can he prove the importance of their Jinyiwei.

The yamen of Zhenfusi is destined to be a yamen that does not please outsiders or colleagues.And Jin Yiwei's power comes entirely from Li Chen, Luo Yangxing clearly understands that if he wants to maintain his status with Jin Yiwei, he must be his own dog.Whoever Li Chen asked them to bite, they had to grab that person's throat fiercely.

It's night, after curfew.

Xuzhou City, Jinyiwei Town Fusi.

Luo Yangxing stood in the middle of the Jinyiwei hall, and under the hall stood each of the Jinyiwei's hundreds of households, the general banner, and the small banner.

"Gao Baihu, take someone to arrest and bring to justice the steward of Mi's family who participated in beckoning the people today." Luo Yangxing threw a list in his hand to the next person.

"No." The thin man in the flying fish suit under the stage took the list and responded.

"Zhang Baihu, you are responsible for arresting the dead who participated in the robbery of Liu Bei today." Luo Yangxing threw out another list next time.

"No." Another burly man in a flying fish suit from the audience responded.

Not much later, all the Jinyiwei guards in the two hundred households of the Zhenfu Division moved, and two hundred Jinyiwei wearing flying fish suits with embroidered spring knives across their waists filed out.

If such a big commotion occurred during the day, it would definitely startle the snake, but it is now at night, and Xuzhou is in wartime. After the curfew at night, the entire street is already deserted.

The whereabouts of all the people on the list have been checked by Jin Yiwei, and now they are arresting them one by one at a fixed point. The whole operation process is secret and fast, and no news of these people has been spread.

At the same time, Mi Mansion.

Mi Zhu was not at the mansion tonight. After robbing Liu Bei, in order to make sure everything was safe, Mi Zhu personally sent Liu Bei out of the city.So, now there is only the second master, Mi Fang, in the Mi Mansion.

Some of the dead soldiers who performed the mission today did not come back, this matter has actually been reported to Mi Fang.But unlike her elder brother Mi Zhu, Mi Fang is usually in charge of the Mi family's business.

Strictly speaking, Mi Zhu is a counselor, while Mi Fang is a businessman.Therefore, although Mi Fang is also very intelligent, he does not have the vigilance that a counselor should have.

There are many reasons why the dead man didn't come back, he was caught, or he died in the mission.These are all possible, but Mi Fang didn't ask people to investigate the hidden dangers.But he didn't regard this as an important matter. In his opinion, a dead man?Even if you are caught, you won't spit out anything.

It took at least an hour, and all the people on the list had already entered the prison of the Zhen Fu Division.As the saying goes, if you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening.In the past few days since the Zhenfu Division was established, the prison was empty, but today it was filled to the brim.

In addition to these people who were captured, Jin Yiwei also found the ledger that the Mi family used to buy off the people and the armor and weapons used when they robbed Liu Bei.

"Okay, you can get both the stolen goods and the stolen goods."

"Leave 50 people to look after the house, and the rest will follow me to the Mi Mansion. Today, all the young and old in the Mi Mansion have to come to my big prison for a while." Luo Yangxing ordered.

A moment later, more than a hundred Jinyiwei wearing flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives across their waists, under the personal leadership of Luo Yangxing, ran towards the Mi Mansion with a clear goal.

"Da da da."

For a moment, the entire street was full of footsteps, Jin Yiwei didn't shy away from it, and rushed straight to the Mi Mansion.Along the way, many people who had already rested were awakened by the sound of footsteps.Through the crack of the curtain door, quietly looking outside.

"Soldier, where are you going?"

"I don't know who to arrest?" Many people hid in their homes, and their wives, children, and children communicated with each other.

Although I think the clothes of these soldiers are very beautiful, but these ordinary people who don't know a single big character don't know what Jinyiwei is. For these people from the Gongmen, they collectively call them soldiers.

It doesn't matter if Jinyiwei is not serious now, but soon, they will know the difference between Jinyiwei and being a soldier.After today, the whole of Xuzhou will know that these Gongmen people wearing flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives on their waists are called Jinyiwei.
Today's Chapter 1--I am writing the outline in the morning--today's update starts now--there are three more chapters--
(End of this chapter)

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