Chapter 45
In Xuzhou city, there are three great families, Chen, Mi and Zhen.Among the three families, the Chen family is the strongest, the Zhen family is the weakest, and the Mi family is the same.

As the second family in Xuzhou, the Mi Mansion is naturally extremely grand.The Mi Mansion occupies a very large area, with front yards, backyards, corridors, and gardens all available.

Luo Yangxing ordered people to block the front and back doors of Mi Mansion, and then ordered people to come forward and smash the door.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"Mi Zhu, something happened to you, open the door as soon as possible."

A Jin Yiwei slammed on the door with a scabbard and shouted at the mansion.

In the middle of the night, the sudden knock on the door woke up the servants and servants of the Mi Mansion in an instant.But without the order of the master, they dare not open the door.

At this time, Mi Zhu's confidantes also woke up.Hearing the loud knocking on the door, he naturally knew what happened to what Jin Yiwei said. Thinking of this, he immediately said to the servants and servants around him: "You hold the door, there is no order, no matter what, you can't open the door."

After giving orders to the servants, the confidants immediately ran to the backyard in a hurry.In this ancient house, the front yard is basically some living rooms, kitchens, and places where servants live.And this backyard is the residence of the main family, and supporting facilities such as gardens.

"Second Master, disaster is coming, disaster is coming."

"People from Zhen Fusi surrounded our house." The confidant said in a hurry.

"Is there any leak in today's matter?" Mi Fang frowned and asked immediately.

The confidant quickly replied: "Except for the few missing dead soldiers, there is absolutely no clue left."

"There shouldn't be any problems with the dead man, maybe Li Chen jumped the wall in a hurry."

"Go, go and have a look, I want to see how Li Chen touched my Mi family without evidence." Mi Fu said nonchalantly.

This is the confidence of the aristocratic family in this era. A family may not be terrible, but the cohesion of the family is beyond imagination.

In this era, even Liu Biao and Liu Yu, the royal relatives who were sent down to be state shepherds, had to cooperate with the local aristocratic family to secure this position.

Outside Mi Mansion, Jin Yiwei knocked on the door for a long time, but no one opened the door.

"Back away, let's break the door." A Jinyi guard waved his hand, and saw more than ten Jinyi guards coming directly carrying a rolling log, and they were about to smash the door.


Seeing that Jin Yiwei was about to forcibly break down the door, the two gates of Mi Mansion also slowly opened, and Mi Fang walked out surrounded by a group of servants.

Mi Fang looked around and asked, "You guys, who is in charge?"

At this time, the neatly arrayed Jinyiwei stepped aside, and Luo Yangxing came out from the rear: "Commander of the Zhenfu Division, Luo Yangxing."

Mi Fang looked at Luo Yangxing, and asked angrily, "Break into my Mi residence in the middle of the night, what do you mean?"

Luo Yangxing glanced at him coldly, and said lightly: "What do you mean, what did your Mi family do, you should know better than me, right?"

"You are not Mi Zhu, let Mi Zhu come out and speak?"

Mi Fang didn't know why, when he looked at Luo Yangxing, he couldn't help feeling a little terrified.Forcibly strengthening her mind, Mi Fang bit the bullet and said: "My Mi family is a serious businessman, how can I do something that violates the law?"

"My elder brother went to other places to do business, and he is not in the house now. I can decide the affairs of Mi's house."

"Ha ha!"

"A businessman is a businessman, so it's hard to say whether it's serious or not. I believe that your elder brother has gone out to do business, but the item in this transaction is Liu Bei, right?" Luo Yangxing sneered.

Hearing that Luo Yangxing clicked it directly, Mi Fang couldn't help but panicked, and his palms were sweating.

"Commander Luo, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. These groundless things will kill people."


"Mi Fang, celebrities don't speak in secret. I, Jin Yiwei, do business, and if I don't make a move, it's fine. Once I make a move, I will definitely not return empty-handed."

"Tell you, since I, Luo Yangxing, have come, I have enough evidence to betray you." Luo Yangxing laughed.

"Come here, check everyone in the mansion one by one according to the list. Except for the servants, all the children of the Mi family and those who participated in this matter will be taken away." Luo Yangxing directed to the Jinyiwei behind him.

Seeing that Jin Yiwei really wanted to arrest someone, Mi Fang immediately shouted: "Where's Li Chen? I want to see Li Chen?"

"I'll see you, just not now."

"If you take someone, if you resist, you will be shot." Luo Yangxing said coldly.

As soon as Luo Yangxing finished speaking, two Jin Yiwei stepped forward and held Mi Fang down.

"Luo Yangxing, I, the Mi family, belong to an aristocratic family."

"Do you know what the price is for offending the family? In the future, your Yunlong army will not be able to recruit a single soldier or receive a grain of food in Xuzhou." Mi Fang shouted while struggling.

However, how could Luo Yangxing be intimidated by him.Luo Yangxing looked at Mi Fang coldly and said: "Your Mi family can't represent the aristocratic family, you are just a family of Mi. If you do something wrong, you have to be responsible for your own actions."

Half an hour later, except for the family servants, the entire Mi Clan was trapped together like candied haws on a string by Jin Yiwei. There were Jin Yiwei guards in flying fish suits with spring knives embroidered on their waists.

Another Jin Yiwei carried out a large box from the Mi Mansion, and these boxes were full of two or thirty taels of carriages.

Taking people, ransacking the house, Jin Yiwei did the whole process in one go, it can be said that it was all based on muscle instinct.

"Master Commander, two of Mi's direct descendants are missing." After counting everything, Jin Yiwei Gao Baihu said in Luo Yangxing's ear.

Luo Yangxing frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, "One Mi Zhu, who is the other?"

Gao Baihu picked up the roster in his hand, checked it once and said, "The other one should be a little girl named Mi Zhen."

"A little girl shouldn't be an important person, but since she is a direct descendant of the Mi family, she can't let it go easily. So, let's go to sea with Mi Zhu to catch documents." Luo Yangxing ordered.

The fact that Mi's house was ransacked would undoubtedly spread throughout Xuzhou at dawn tomorrow.Since Mi Zhu has not been caught now, the only way to catch people is to catch documents at sea, which has little hope.

However, Li Chen's goal is to clean up the Mi Mansion.It doesn't matter if Mi Zhu is missed or not.

Now that something happened, Luo Yangxing and other Jinyiwei returned to Zhenfusi's yamen, suppressing the Mi clan's people and the gold and silver treasures they obtained from the house raids of Mi's house.

At the same time, Li Chen, who was resting in the mansion, heard a system prompt in his mind.

[Complete the mission to raid the Mi Mansion. 】

[Reward gold blind box. 】
Today's Chapter 2—two more chapters to follow—
(End of this chapter)

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