Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 46 Chen Deng's Heartfelt Words

Chapter 46 Chen Deng's Heartfelt Words
It was already midnight when Jin Yiwei brought the members of the Mi clan back to Zhenfusi Yamen.There is no doubt about Jin Yiwei's efficiency in handling affairs. As soon as he came back, he immediately started a comprehensive interrogation work.

The dead fighters of the Mi clan can't survive Jin Yiwei's methods, let alone these pampered members of the Mi clan.After witnessing Jin Yiwei's torture, some people were like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube without even being tortured, and recruited everything they knew.

However, because too many people were arrested this time, by the time Jin Yiwei finished sorting out all the confession files, it was almost dawn.

Xuzhou City, Yunlong Palace.Li Chen was sitting in the middle of the lobby, with a stack of files on the low table in front of him.

"My lord, in these files, apart from the evidence about Mi's abduction of Liu Bei yesterday, there are also Mi's Zhuangzi, shop, and some secret births in Xuzhou area." Luo Yangxing pointed to the information on the table and said.

Li Chen held the files in his hand, and carefully looked at them one by one. These evidences were enough to betray the Mi family.Moreover, the family property obtained by copying Mi's mansion, excluding the fixed assets of Zhuangzi's shop, is completely enough for an army of more than [-] people for three to five years. It has to be said that Mi's family is indeed very rich.

After a long time, Li Chen put down the file in his hand and said to Luo Yangxing: "This matter is done beautifully. Children under the age of seven of the Mi family, as well as women and children of the side branch, can be pardoned. The rest will be executed outside the city at noon, and their bodies will hang in the city. Three days away."

"No." Luo Yangxing clapped his hands in response.

The Mi family is a big family, and this big family naturally leads the family.Even though Li Chen pardoned the seven-year-old and the women and children of the side branches, there were still more than a hundred heads rolling to the ground.

Luo Yangxing left, and he was a little tired after a busy night. The dirty work of beheading at noon had to be done by their Jinyiwei people.

After Luo Yangxing left, Li Chen said to the guards beside him, "Go and call Chen Deng and Zang Ba."

Not long after, Chen Deng and Zang Ba walked into the Yunlong Hall step by step.The two of them stood on the left and right sides of the lobby, quietly waiting for Li Chen's order.

Li Chen took out a dossier, handed it to Zang Ba, and ordered: "These Zhuangzi are the places where Mi's soldiers are hiding. You should quickly lead your troops to control this place. Remember, don't let them be used by Liu Bei."

When Tao Qian was in charge of Xuzhou, the source of soldiers in Xuzhou City mainly came from the tenants of Chen, Mi and Zhen.Since Li Chen took charge of Xuzhou, Mi's tenants have all returned to the army to become farmers.

Today, Li Chen moved the Mi family, but Mi Zhu was still outside the city.There is no doubt that as soon as the city gate is opened at dawn, the news will inevitably spread, and Mi Zhu will definitely organize the soldiers in these places first.Even if there is no hope of revenge, Mi Zhu will inevitably bring these people to Liu Bei.

Li Chen finally disabled Liu Bei, the purpose was to make Liu Bei desperate, to seek refuge with Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, and continue to be his crap stick.But if Liu Bei was supplemented by Mi Zhu's source of troops, then he might not necessarily seek refuge.

It was also reasonable for Li Chen to let Zang Ba go, these people used to serve as soldiers under Zang Ba.Moreover, Zang Ba is quite good at leading troops, and the relationship with his soldiers is also very harmonious.Let him go, the resistance of these people should be much smaller.

"No." Zang Ba took the order and left.

Not long after, Zang Ba gathered his soldiers and horses, the gate of Xuzhou City was opened wide, and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses came out.

After Zang Ba left, only Chen Deng and Li Chen were left in the Yunlong Hall.Chen Deng lowered his eyebrows and was silent.The Mi family is from a family, and so is his Chen family, so at this time, Chen Deng naturally wanted to keep silent as much as possible.

He talked too much, and it was inevitable that the Chen family wanted to kill the Mi family and wanted to dominate the family.If he said less, it would give people a feeling of sorrow.At this time, Chen Deng said more and made more mistakes, said less and made fewer mistakes, and did not say that it was good.

Li Chen naturally understood Chen Deng's thoughts. Although he was not that kind of mediocre lord, Chen Deng was a courtier, and behind him was the lives of hundreds of members of the Chen family.At this time, when the sensitive topic of the family was touched, he naturally had to be cautious.

Li Chen glanced at Chen Deng, smiled slightly and said, "Yuanlong, when the sky is bright and the city gates open, the threshold of your Chen family may be broken through."

The aristocratic family can become the mainstream of this era, they are not afraid of the government, they are not afraid of the court, and the main reason why the aristocratic family can develop to this point is that they are united.Even clans that are hostile to each other will unite when someone touches on their collective interests.

Li Chen ransacked Mi's family and exterminated it, which inevitably made the Xuzhou family feel a sense of crisis.And the Chen family is the largest family in Xuzhou, and the first family to take refuge in Li Chen. There is no doubt that tomorrow the Xuzhou family will come to Chen Deng's mansion together to discuss strategies.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Chen Deng hurriedly expressed his opinion: "As the saying goes, evil committed by heaven can be forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot be lived. The Mi family can only be blamed on themselves, and death deserves to be punished. My Chen family will definitely follow in the footsteps of the lord."

Li Chen looked up at Chen Deng, and said, "Of course I trust Yuanlong. I want to ask Yuanlong, how do you think these aristocratic families will react."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Deng said: "My lord, this matter has been made into an iron case by Jin Yiwei. We have all the witnesses and evidences in our hands, and these aristocratic families should not have any big reactions, but it will not be very serious in the future. Cooperate."

After finishing speaking, Chen Deng pondered for a moment and then said solemnly: "My lord, although Xuzhou City only has a population of more than 50, if we add the five counties and counties, we have a total of 5 households in Xuzhou, with a population of more than 47 million. And among these people, nearly half are tenants, coolies, porters, and fellows who rely on the family for food. My lord, if the relationship with the family intensifies, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to move forward in the future."

What Chen Deng said at this time can be said to be from the bottom of his heart. He, Chen Deng, is also from an aristocratic family, and it concerns such a sensitive topic as the aristocratic family. After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Deng still spoke his mind.

The aristocratic family is powerful, which cannot be changed by anyone.Yuan Shao is a family, Cao Cao is a family, Yuan Shu is a family, and Sun Ce is also a family. Looking at the great forces in the world today, you can see that they are all families.

The peak period of the Han Dynasty did not solve the problem of the aristocratic family, and Li Chen, who only occupied one state, naturally couldn't solve it either.Since it can't be solved, we can only find a way to integrate, let the Li family also become a family, and use the family to rule the family.

Thinking about Chen Deng's words, Li Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.Chen Deng is right, no one can change the family.Which new dynasty Wang Mang, who cut the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty into two sections, tried it, but was crushed to pieces by the aristocratic family.

Li Chen knew in his heart that he also couldn't change the situation in the world where the aristocratic family was powerful, at least he couldn't change it now, maybe one day he could sit in that position, but he could give it a try.
Today’s Chapter 3—there’s another chapter to follow—continue to ask for recommendation tickets—weekly recommendation votes to 4 votes plus update this week’s Chapter [-]——
(End of this chapter)

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