Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 426 Zilong is even better.

Chapter 426 Zilong is even better.

At this time, Tai Shici's throat was salty, and there was still a smell of blood, and he was now fighting towards Zhao Yun while enduring the pain.

This Tai Shici is indeed one of Jiangdong's most powerful generals, but he still dared to fight with him on his body.

Needless to say, these generals in Jiangdong have pretty good defense attributes.It was the same with the Zhou Tai from a few days ago, Zhao Yun left dozens of wounds on his body, but he still held on all night.

It was a serious injury that could not leave the front line of fire. In the end, he was stunned because of severe blood loss all over his body and passed out. Then he was forcibly carried off the battlefield by his generals.

Of course, the injuries on Tai Shici's body today are nothing compared to Zhou Tai's that day.

Tai Shici also went all out, waving a short halberd with his left and right hands, like two big windmills, and the surroundings were airtight.

At this time, Tai Shici was not seeking merit but seeking no faults. He was thinking at this moment that he could live with Zhao Yun after a few tricks.Then he feigned surrender and retreated, wanting to take the opportunity to shoot Zhao Yunlai with an arrow.

Zhao Yun's marksmanship is fast and skillful, he kept pointing Tai Shici's short halberd with his silver spear as if he saw every stitch in the gap.



Zhao Yun fired his spears very quickly, and each shot almost pierced the joints of Taishi's Cihalberd technique.The spears and halberds intersected, making crisp sounds.

Zhao Yun didn't use much force with each shot, and Tai Shici could clearly feel that Zhao Yun's strength was comparable to his, but he had nothing to do with Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's moves are too clever, for some reason, every move of Zhao Yun is at a time when his old strength is getting old and new strength is not born.

This is equivalent to an 80-year-old old man boxing with a 20-year-old young man. How good the old man was when he was young is a matter of the past. Now, he is no match for the young man.

Zhao Yun is doing this at this time, every move he hits is based on the changes of Tai Shici's new and old moves.As a result, Tai Shici's moves became more and more chaotic, and the moves he used became more and more deformed.

Tai Shici really got more and more aggrieved, the two fought against each other, if Zhao Yun's moves and phrases are more fashionable now, it means that I predicted your prediction.If Tai Shici is on the fifth floor, then Zhao Yun is on the atmosphere.

Zhao Yun seemed to be able to predict how Tai Shici would make a move, and he was always able to stop Tai Shici's new moves first, which made Tai Shici not aggrieved.

After fighting for another twenty or thirty rounds, Tai Shici only felt a slight pain in his tiger's mouth, so let it go.Physical torture is nothing, but mental torture, for Tai Shici, is real torture.

At this moment, Tai Shici felt that he was being tortured by Zhao Yun.If he didn't really want to keep Cheng Yaojin, Tai Shi really didn't want to beat Zhao Yun at all.

"Damn it, why should I suffer this?"

"It's almost done, if not, I will lose, right?"

"See how I shoot him with an arrow?" Tai Shici thought inwardly, having already made a decision.

"Dang! Dang!"

Tai Shici raised his two halberds and knocked at Zhao Yun's silver spear, only to hear two "dang" sounds, Zhao Yun actually picked up the two halberds in Tai Shici's hands and flew out.

"What a Changshan Zhao Zilong, so powerful."

"We will fight in the future." Tai Shici shouted, turned his head and galloped away.

At this time, the big formation is the first priority, Zhao Yun originally didn't want to pursue it.However, the Zhaoye Jade Lion under Zhao Yun's crotch had already chased after Tai Shici with reluctance.

On this normal battlefield, if the enemy is about to run, he will naturally chase him and kill him, or capture him alive.This time, the Zhaoye jade lion under Zhao Yun's crotch has committed an occupational disease.Without waiting for the master's order, the horse hurriedly chased it out.

Zhao Yun originally wanted to retreat with a horse, but the Zhaoye Jade Lion under his crotch was a horse that could run a thousand a day and eight hundred a night.In the blink of an eye, the horse had already chased it a long way.

Zhao Yun thought to himself, I have been chased, so I simply captured Tai Shici alive and brought him to my family, King Qin.If you can persuade him to surrender, it will be better to understand the current situation of Soochow.

In fact, Zhao Yun was purely comforting himself at this time.It's like when a man gets into a tank when he's making an appointment with a p, he feels lonely and unbearable if he wants to leave, but if he doesn't, it's really hard to do it.

At this time, I can only use the words "it's all here" to comfort my young heart.

This is what Zhao Yun thinks now, since he has been chasing after him, if he doesn't capture Tai Shici alive, it will be a waste of time chasing him.

Zhao Yun rode his horse galloped forward to chase, and the Zhaoye Jade Lion under his crotch leaped forward, which was several feet away, directly passing over the heads of these Wu Jun.

"Taishi Ziyi, quickly dismount and accept surrender!"

Zhao Yun shouted loudly, as a final reminder to the defeated Tai Shici.

As soon as Tai Shici saw Zhao Yun chasing him, he thought to himself, You Zhao Zilong did not fall into my trick.

At this moment, Tai Shici came and hid in the belly of the horse, and shot towards Zhao Yun with his bow and arrow.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Zhao Zilong, take an arrow from me!" Tai Shici yelled, and at the same time, the arrow shot towards Zhao Yun.

What Tai Shici called out was an arrow, but what he shot was not just an arrow, but a three-star Lianzhu.

Three-Star Lianzhu is an extremely advanced archery technique. It is said that Yang Youji can shoot Nine-Star Lianzhu, and Xue Rengui in the Sui and Tang Dynasties can shoot Seven-Star Lianzhu.Huang Zhong, the most powerful archer in the Three Kingdoms period, was able to shoot a five-star streak.

Tai Shici shot three arrows, Zhao Yun's eyes flickered slightly, he took the reins of the horse with his left hand, and shook the spear with his right hand.

There was a sound of "dang", Zhao Yun picked the first arrow aside.Tai Shici's first arrow arrived first, but the second and third arrows arrived together.

The silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand shook again, only to hear the sound of "dang", the second arrow was swung away by Zhao Yun, but the third arrow shot past Zhao Yun's left wrist.


I saw that the third arrow hit Zhao Yun's left and right wrists. The injury was not serious, but the blood still flowed out.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Instead of retreating, Zhao Yun advanced, and the Jade Lion Zhao Ye under his crotch leaped to Tai Shici.As soon as Zhao Yun swung his spear, he swung it towards Tai Shici.

"Get off my horse!"

Zhao Yun yelled, and threw the silver spear in his hand at Tai Shici.


Tai Shici's twin halberds had already been picked up by Zhao Yun and flew away. At this time, he only had a bow in his hand. How could he block Zhao Yun?

"Zilong played beautifully!"

"Thief general, eat my old Cheng with an axe!"

When Cheng Yaojin saw Tai Shici falling off his horse, he shouted excitedly, and his horse was about to cut at Tai Shici.

(End of this chapter)

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