Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 427 The mouse leads the way.

Chapter 427 The mouse leads the way.

Zhao Yun swept Tai Shici off his horse with one shot, but he did not continue to kill Tai Shici.

Zhao Yun didn't intend to take Tai Shici's life, but Cheng Yaojin beside him was not happy.Cheng Yaojin had been trapped in the formation by Tai Shici for several days, and he was so aggrieved that he wished he could be killed quickly.

As soon as Cheng Yaojin urged the tiger with a big belly in his crotch, he raised the big ax in his hand and slashed towards Tai Shici.


There was a sound of weapons clashing, beyond Cheng Yaojin's expectation, the person who stopped Cheng Yaojin's ax was actually Zhao Yun.

"Bit gold, save his life!"

Zhao Yun raised his gun to hold Cheng Yaojin's axe, and said calmly.

Cheng Yaojin deliberately wanted to take Tai Shici's life.However, Tai Shici was defeated by Zhao Yun, and now Zhao Yun wanted to keep him alive, so it was difficult for Cheng Yaojin to do it.


"It's Zilong you. If it's not the case, the Heavenly King Lao Tzu will not be able to save his life when he comes. I, Cheng Yaojin, said so." Cheng Yaojin said in succession.

"Boy, it's your fate!" Cheng Yaojin muttered and put away the axe.

"Zhao Zilong, you don't need to be a good person. If you want to kill or cut him up, it's up to you." Tai Shici said angrily, clutching his chest.

"You are not an opponent, and neither are your brothers. I want to persuade you with a good word, but you should not block it." Zhao Yun said lightly.

Although Tai Shici hurt Zhao Yun with a dark arrow, Zhao Yun was magnanimous and spared Tai Shici's life without saying anything, and he was neither annoyed nor angry.

At this time, Tai Shici was also very embarrassed.You say this to stop, he severely injured himself in a few hits, and he can't stop himself?But if this is not stopped, right?That's the task Zhuge Liang entrusted to him. If it doesn't stop him, how can he explain it to Mr. Zhuge.

However, Tai Shici changed his mind and thought again.He thought to himself, Mr. Zhuge's eight formations are easy to get in, but difficult to get out.You, Zhao Zilong, are really good, so don't even think about going out this time.

"Zhao Zilong, don't waste your energy!"

"You can't get out of the fallen formation. I would like to advise you to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and take refuge in Jiangdong, and I, Tai Shi Ci, will protect your life." Tai Shi Ci said to Zhao Yun.

This Tai Shici's mouth is probably the hardest part of his body.Now they have been beaten into this look by Zhao Yun, and they are still thinking about persuading Zhao Yun to surrender.

"Whether you can go out or not is not up to you!" Zhao Yun said coldly.


After saying this, Zhao Yun urged his horse to come to the front of the battle.As soon as Zhao Yun came, the Wu troops along the way retreated one after another.

Zhao Yun's prestige is known to the Wu army. The most important thing is that all the generals who can fight in the whole Soochow Wu are beaten by Zhao Yun.These Soochow soldiers, can they not be afraid of Zhao Yun?

Zhao Yun took the reins of the horse and came to the front.At this time, how dare these Soochow soldiers stop him.Not to mention these soldiers, even the chief general Tai Shici was shot down.

This Zhao Zilong could be stopped if they wanted to?That is to stop, and he can't stop it.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yun waved his hand and led the soldiers of the Qin Army towards the front.

"General Taishi, General Taishi, are you alright?" Zhao Yun took his men away, and only then did the lieutenants of Soochow dare to go forward to help Taishi Ci.

Not to mention that Tai Shici was defeated by Zhao Yun within a few moves, the most important thing was that he stabbed someone in the back, Zhao Yun not only did not kill him, but spared his life.

This made Tai Shici feel a little ashamed, and his face felt a little hot.Tai Shici just stared at Zhao Yun's release. At this time, he was still a little unconvinced.

"General Taishi, even if we let them go, they won't be able to get out of this big formation."

"Don't worry, when they are tired from traveling in the battle, hungry, and have no energy, then we will deal with them when there are plenty." You Pian deputy general comforted Tai Shici.

Hearing this remark, Tai Shici thought for a moment, there is some truth to what he said.Although he, Zhao Zilong, is brave, but if he wants to make such a big formation, it doesn't mean that you can do it just because you are brave.

"Send someone to watch them!"

"Return to the camp!" Tai Shici ordered, and returned to the camp with his soldiers and horses.

After talking about Zhao Yun's side, after staying away from the battlefield, Zhao Yun ordered someone to fetch the box he had brought.



As soon as the box came over, there was a burst of "cheeping" sounds, and the sound was accompanied by the sound of mice scratching and gnawing on the box.Such voices mixed together, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Zilong, what are you doing with these mice?" Cheng Yaojin asked puzzled.

Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said, "Whether we can go out or not depends on these rats."

When Zhao Yun said this, Cheng Yaojin became confused.Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, but Fan Zilong, you bring a dog in, I can believe what you say.

The box was placed on the ground, Zhao Yun flicked the silver gun in his hand, and opened the lock.As soon as the box was opened, dozens of fist-sized mice jumped out of it.

These mice are all very hungry, and these hungry mice are not afraid of people, let alone not afraid of people coming, even eating people is not impossible.

The mouse's nose is the sharpest, and the mouse's sense of smell is fifty times that of the dog's, but the mouse can smell any smell.

When Zhao Yun came, bacon powder was sprinkled along the way.As soon as the mice were released, they immediately smelled the smell of the bacon, and they all began to lick the bacon powder on the ground.

This bacon powder is equivalent to leaving a mark on the mouse, why leave such a mark.The main reason is that it is useless for you to leave other marks. If you draw a --> on the stone wall, the people under Tai Shici are not fools, and they would have erased it for you long ago.

The bacon powder sprinkled on the ground is the same color as the dust on the ground. It is difficult for human eyes to distinguish it, but these mice can easily distinguish it.

The amount of bacon powder left on the ground was very small. After these mice finished eating one place, they had to wander around to find another place. Going all the way, they could come up with Zhuge Liang's eight formations.

In the final analysis, the eight-array map is the vision of a confused person. If there is a problem with the visual sense, naturally it will not be able to distinguish the correct path.

However, mice rely on their sense of smell to identify their paths.This maze can deceive people's vision, but it can't miss the mouse's sense of smell.Soon, the mice really started to move forward.

"Quick, follow them!" Zhao Yun saw the mouse moving, and hurriedly ordered to the left and right.

This group of soldiers hangs behind these mice in a leisurely manner.Whether Zhuge Liang's eight formations can be produced now depends entirely on these mice.

At this time, the soldiers of the Qin army were also happy. They have seen dogs lead the way before, but it was the first time to use mice to lead the way.

(End of this chapter)

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