Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 428 How did you get out.

Chapter 428 How did you get out.

In this eight map, if you want to go out, any Gaode map or Baidu map are all nonsense and useless.

Of course, there are no Gaode maps or Baidu maps in this era.Although there is no, it is useless to have.It's not easy to use indoor maps when you go to a shopping mall, let alone in this maze.

But don't say it.Jia Xu's method of using mice to lead the way is really useful.Under the leadership of these dozens of mice, Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin really came out of the eight formations without any danger.

In the eight formations, Taishi Ci's camp.


"General Taishi, something is wrong, something is wrong."

"Zhao Zilong, Zhao Zilong led Cheng Yaojin and the others out."

The soldiers Tai Shici sent out to follow Zhao Yun hurriedly came to report, at this time, his face was flustered.

Now it's not just these soldiers who are panicking, Tai Shici himself is also panicking.If Zhao Yun was able to lead people out, wouldn't it mean that the formation was broken.

This eight formation diagram is the last hope of Soochow. If this eight formation diagram can't stop Qin Jun, then Soochow is really hopeless.

"What? Did they really go out?"

At this time, Tai Shici was somewhat unbelieving.He knew that this Changshan Zhao Zilong was good, but he hadn't heard that he could break the formation.

"It's true, it's true!"

"General Taishi, the villain will not dare to lie to you even if he has the guts of a bear. He really went out, and now there is no one left in the big formation." Wu Junding said with a mournful face.

"How did they get out?"

"What method was used?" Tai Shici also realized the seriousness and asked solemnly.


"How did you get out?"

"That's right, I just walked out, I walked out after a stroll, not fast!" The Soochow soldier replied.

Although Tai Shici sent people to secretly follow Zhao Yun's army, but Zhao Yun was so powerful that these followers did not dare to get too close.Those who present said that there are more than 2000 soldiers and horses behind this.

Therefore, when Zhao Yun and the others released the mice, the people following behind couldn't see clearly at all.In their eyes, Zhao Yun just led people to stroll in the big formation, and the eight formations were drawn out of the stroll.

"Could it be that this Zhao Zilong hides his body and is still a master of war." Tai Shici was also confused at this time.

"No, I have to inform Mr. Zhuge immediately." After Tai Shici said that, regardless of his own injuries, he got out of the camp and got on his horse, rushing to see Zhuge Liang.

Tai Shici thought that Zhao Yun had already seen through the formation, and thought that since he could get out, he would naturally be able to get out.I have to hurry up and invite Mr. Zhuge, otherwise if the Qin army comes to attack, it will be troublesome.

Of course Tai Shici didn't know that Jia Xu had come up with a trick for Zhao Yun, and they couldn't break Zhuge Liang's eight formations at all.

The eight diagrams are said to be a maze, but they are actually a stone city.The position where Tai Shici and others are now is a small formation on the side closest to the Qin army.Going in the direction of Dongwu Shanyin Pass, there are still eight small formations to go.

After Tai Shici invited Zhuge Liang, it was already dawn at this time.Tai Shici didn't come and said more, first invited Zhuge Liang to the Wu army camp in the eight formations.

"General Taishi, what happened last night, you can tell me first, so I can make a judgment." Zhuge Liang was quite steady, he didn't panic, but asked very calmly.

Mainly, it is also because Zhuge Liang is very confident in his eight formations.This thing was researched by himself. Although it came from the Eight Diagrams Formation, it has already been completely reborn.Ordinary people, no matter how familiar they are with the Eight Diagrams Formation, it is difficult to break his Eight Diagrams.

Zhuge Liang was very confident in his heart. He believed that his eight formations could not be broken.It is precisely because of this that Zhuge Liang appears very stable and confident.

Tai Shici told Zhuge Liang everything that happened last night, how Zhao Yun broke into the Eight Formation by himself, how he defeated him, and how he brought Cheng Yaojin and others out of the battle.

At this time, Tai Shici couldn't care less about embarrassment, and it was crucial to understand how Zhao Yun formed last night.

After hearing all this, Zhuge Liang frowned, thought for a moment and said: "Qin Jun should not have been able to break my eight-formation diagram, otherwise it would not be Zhao Zilong who came here last night, but Qin Jun's." Thousands of troops."

Zhuge Liang's words can be said to awaken the dreamer, and Tai Shici was right after thinking about it.If Zhao Yun was able to break through the eight formations, why did he come in by himself last night, and left after saving Cheng Yaojin and others?

If it was Qin Jun's thousands of troops who came in last night, then I am afraid that Shanyin Pass will be taken by Qin Jun now.

"But, Mr. Zhuge, since the Qin army has no way to break the formation, how did they get out?" Tai Shici asked the doubts in his heart.

Tai Shici, the person involved, didn't know how Zhao Yun took Cheng Yaojin out under his nose, and Zhuge Liang didn't even know.

"What kind of person, has he been captured?" Zhuge Liang asked after thinking for a moment.

"No, Mr. Zhuge, these soldiers are carefully selected, and they all have poisonous sacs in their mouths. Once they are captured, they will bite the poisonous sac immediately, and they will definitely not say a word." Tai Shici said.

In this way, Zhuge Liang was also confused.If it wasn't leaked by his own people, then Qin Jun would not be able to get out.

The best way to find out the unsolved is to visit the scene and take a look to see if you can find any clues.

"Let's go to the place where we fought yesterday first!" Zhuge Liang said to Tai Shici.

Tai Shici took Zhuge Liang to the place where the battle was fought yesterday. Zhuge Liang searched here for a long time, but did not find any clues.

A group of people continued to walk forward, and soon came to the place where Zhao Yun ordered people to release the mice last night.

Soon, Zhuge Liang discovered the abnormality. Many small black particles appeared on these grounds.

At first Zhuge Liang didn't pay attention to it, but soon, Zhuge Liang discovered that this was not an accidental phenomenon, but would appear from time to time along the road, and these black particles were not rare.

"General Taishi, what do you think is this?" Zhuge Liang picked up a black grain and asked.

Tai Shici hesitated for a moment, and replied in a very uncertain tone: "This is a bit like rat droppings."

"It's not like, it is." Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuge Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed it on the place with the most mouse droppings, his hands were covered with oil.

Zhuge Liang put his hand on his nose and smelled it, and a very familiar smell of bacon floated into the tip of his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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