Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 429 Zhuge Liang's guess.

Chapter 429 Zhuge Liang's guess.

Mouse shit!
Bacon powder!

How did these two unrelated things appear in the Eight Formation Diagram?
No, strictly speaking, these two things are not unrelated.

If a mouse eats bacon powder, it will inevitably pull out mouse feces?

How could these things appear here.Zhuge Liang can conclude that this must have come from the hands of Qin Jun.

Zhuge Liang stood in place, closed his eyes and meditated, his thoughts seemed to return to last night.

Zhuge Liang is such a smart person. Based on the two seemingly unrelated clues of bacon powder and rat droppings, Zhuge Liang began to reason about what happened last night.

It didn't take long for Zhuge Liang to understand the joints. Last night, when Zhao Yun entered the battle, he left bacon powder along the way, and then released mice to guide the way when he left.This scene echoed in his mind like a slide lamp.

"Ha ha!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"With such a clever method, I got out of my Eight Arrays. I think it's from Jia Xu's handwriting." After a long time, Zhuge Liang opened his eyes and laughed loudly.

Tai Shici was taken aback by Zhuge Liang's sudden smile, and when he heard Zhuge Liang's words, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Zhuge, do you know how Zhao Zilong broke your formation?"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Zhao Zilong has not broken my formation."

Upon hearing this, Tai Shici thought to himself, Mr. Zhuge, when is this, are you still stubborn?Last night, he clearly led thousands of people out of your Eight Formation Map unscathed, why are you so stubborn?
Zhuge Liang glanced at Tai Shici, and explained to him: "No one can break this formation, it is the big formation led by the mice."


"Rat?" Tai Shici was even more confused at this time, with black question marks on his face.

"Mr. Zhuge, if you say that they use dogs to lead the way, I will believe it, but this mouse leads the way, no one will believe it?" Tai Shici continued to ask.

Tai Shici himself is at a loss now, he can't understand what happened today at all.But if you don't understand it, it can be said that you feel uncomfortable all over your heart.

Tai Shici was in charge of guarding the eight formations, Zhuge Liang naturally had to explain to Tai Shici how the Qin army got out of the eight formations.

If he didn't explain clearly, Tai Shici would always have such a knot in his heart, how could he win the battle then.

"General Taishi, what's going on?"

"Look at where Cheng Yaojin was at the beginning, he is right at the eye of this small formation. Zhao Yun came in from the outside, no matter how he walked, he would still be able to meet Cheng Yaojin, right?" Zhuge Liang turned towards Tai Shici asked.

Tai Shici still knew the most basic principle of the Eight Formation Diagram. This is a big maze composed of eight small mazes.The location of Cheng Yaojin happened to be the junction of the two mazes.So no matter how Zhao Yun goes, he has to go through Yaojin first.

"That's right, Cheng Yaojin was led somewhere by me."

"Originally, I wanted to use the power of the formation to slowly grind him to death, but who knew that this grandson is a rascal, so he just set up camp and never left!" Tai Shici said indignantly.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and didn't say much, but continued to explain: "When Zhao Yun came in, he sprinkled bacon powder along the way. After he found Cheng Yaojin, he released the mouse he was carrying with him."

"These mice are very hungry, so they will naturally look for food along the way. At this time, the bacon powder that Zhao Yun sprinkled in advance will be useful. These mice are looking for food along the way, following the principle of the bacon powder sprinkled by Zhao Yun. In this way, Zhao Yun naturally led a group of people out of the Eight Formation Map."

After hearing Zhuge Liang's explanation, Tai Shici was shocked.He never thought that since there is such a way?

"These scholars are indeed scholars, there are so many twists and turns in their hearts!" Tai Shici muttered to himself.

"Mr. Zhuge, in this way, the Eight Formation Diagram has not been broken?" Tai Shici asked.

"Yes, of course not!" Zhuge Liang nodded confidently.

Hearing what Zhuge Liang said, Tai Shici felt much more at ease in his heart.As long as the Eight Arrays have not been broken, then Soochow still has hope.

These days Tai Shici stayed in the Eight Formation Diagram all day long, which gave Tai Shici a little understanding of the Eight Formation Diagram.Tai Shici thought that if ordinary people fell into the formation, they might not be able to get out no matter what.Trapped in this giant labyrinth, unless you can flap your wings, it is impossible to escape.

After hearing Zhuge Liang say that Qin Jun did not find a way to break the formation, but rescued Cheng Yaojin by a clever method.After understanding all this, Tai Shici let go of his heart.

"Defend with peace of mind, don't think so much. Soochow will surely win this battle!" Zhuge Liang said lightly.

"Master, there is one more thing!"

"If the Sui army sent people in here to test, and then used the same method to rescue people, how should I respond?" Tai Shici asked Zhuge Liang.

Tai Shici also thought about it just now, and found that he really didn't think of a way to deal with it.Before Zhuge Liang left, Tai Shici hurriedly asked for advice.

After Zhuge Liang thought about it, he said to Taishi Ci: "General Taishi, the main way for mice to distinguish paths is through their sense of smell. As long as they find a way to influence the sense of smell of mice, then their tricky method will not work."

After hearing what Zhuge Liang had said, Tai Shici's eyes lit up, and he said to Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Zhuge, I have a solution."

"If the Qin army is here, then we will fill the Eight Arrays with foul-smelling and filthy things. At that time, it will definitely affect the sense of smell of the mice!" Tai Shici said confidently.

Tai Shici's ordinary and confident appearance really makes people feel distressed.You know, a mouse's sense of smell is fifty times that of a dog's.

The mouse can easily distinguish the smell he needs among various smells.Therefore, judging now, using filthy things to affect the sense of smell of mice in the future is impossible to affect the judgment of mice.

"General Taishi, you think too much."

"Didn't Qin Jun sprinkle meat powder in the big formation, and then use it to guide the mice. If Qin Jun comes in, you will immediately sprinkle all the meat powder in the entire eight formations. At that time, the entire big formation will be full of meat powder Naturally, these mice can't tell the direction!" Zhuge Liang smiled slightly.

"Mr. Zhuge, what a great idea you have!" Tai Shici said and gave Zhuge Liang a thumbs up.

Zhuge Liang's method is really not bad. The way to cover up a smell is not to only take this smell, but to make the surroundings full of this smell.

(End of this chapter)

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