Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 446 Guo Jia's plan, trade south for north!

Chapter 446 Guo Jia's plan, trade south for north!
Wanting to destroy Yuan Shu in half a year is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Although Cao Cao's battle against Yuan Shu went smoothly in the early stage, it became more and more difficult as it went on.Because in the early stage, Yuan Shu's troops were very scattered.In addition, Cao Cao took advantage of the Qin army's navy and caught Yuan Shu by surprise.It is precisely because of these many reasons that this can be played so smoothly.

However, it became more and more difficult to fight in the future, and now Yuan Shu concentrated his forces in the dozen or so cities around Shouchun.

It can be said that every city wall around Shouchun is a hard bone that can knock out teeth.

Yuan Shu couldn't beat Cao Cao. The reason why he preserved his strength and hid himself in Shouchun City was to wait for his elder brother to clean up Gongsun Zan, and then fight Cao Cao together with the two brothers.

"Half a year, half a year, I'm afraid I can't beat Yuan Shu, and I can't beat Shouchun either." Cao Cao hesitated.

After Cao Cao replied, Guo Jia continued to ask: "My lord, do you know what the world will be like if we can't defeat Yuan Shu and Shouchun within half a year?"

When Guo Jia questioned him like this, Cao Cao worried and said, Fengxiao, what time is this, and you are still playing tricks.

"Feng Xiao said it outright," Cao Cao said.

"King Wei, at that time, it must be Yuan Shu and the Yuan Shao brothers who will join forces to attack us. King Qin's next target must also be the south. Not to mention that we and King Qin have the same prey, even King Qin will take food from us."

"These Yuan Shu's territories we have laid down, if King Qin comes to attack, will we be able to defend them?"

"King Wei, the situation in this world can only be divided into three parts, not four parts. The world is divided into three parts, two are strong and one is weak, and the combination of the weak and the strong is the strongest."

"It goes without saying that the name of Zhuge Kongming's Crouching Dragon is worthy of the name. Liu Bei's entry into Xichuan is equivalent to first setting the weakest position in this three-point world."

"There is no doubt that the King of Qin, Li Chen, is the strongest now. In this way, it will be you and Yuan Shao competing for the last spot."

Guo Jiakai talked about it, and analyzed the situation in this world very thoroughly.

This world needs three points to be stable, and the weak and strong unite to resist the strongest, so that the world can be stabilized.If it is not the case, the whole world will be disturbed, and I don't know how many years of fighting without any results.

What kind of person is Cao Cao?

Cao Cao thought to himself at this time, what can he do if Liu Bei wins Zhuge Liang, he can only become the weakest family in the world.I have Feng Xiao, but I can become the second strongest family.

After Li Chen ruled Jiangdong, both the navy and the army are the strongest in the world. This is no longer in dispute.As long as Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shao, he can form an alliance with Liu Bei, and the two will fight against Li Chen together.

"What Feng Xiao said is reasonable, the lonely king should listen to what Feng Xiao said." Cao Cao said to Guo Jia.

The biggest advantage of Cao Cao is that he is good at listening to people, and he listens to Guo Jia the most. This is also the reason why Cao Cao can achieve great things.

"King Wei, before we can defeat Yuan Shao, we still have to form an alliance with Li Chen. With the Qin army as an alliance, we will give Yuan Shu to the Qin army to fight, and we will turn around and attack Yuan Shao."

"Let's take the north of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and let Li Chen take the south of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. As long as we take Yuan Shao's land, we may not be afraid of Li Chen in the future."

"You see, King Wei, if this plan is successful, although Li Chen occupies most of the world, there is also a disadvantage." Guo Jia said, pointing to the map.

Cao Cao also looked at the map, if Yuan Shu's territory was allocated to Li Chen, then Li Chen would really occupy most of the world.However, Cao Cao soon discovered the disadvantages of Guo Jia's words.


"The Qin army has no horses?" Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and he said to Guo Jia.

If the world is divided into three parts like this, Li Chen occupies the southeast and southeast, and the southeast and southeast are indeed good places.It can be said that the good places in the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Huaihe River basins are all occupied by Li Chen.However, although Li Chen's places are rich, they cannot raise horses with water.

And if Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, it would be equivalent to occupying the entire north.If you count Ma Teng, who has nominally joined Cao Cao, the two horse-producing places of Liangzhou and Youzhou are in Cao Cao's hands.

The most important things in this war are soldiers, food, generals, and counselors.And among the first soldiers and horses, not only soldiers but also horses are needed!

Almost all ancient emperors dominated the world from the north to the south, and there was only one Zhu Yuanzhang who dominated the world from the south to the north.

It is easy to fight from north to south, but it is because the combat effectiveness of ancient cavalry is too strong.The south does not produce horses, so it is impossible to build a strong army.

"Okay, Gu Wang will listen to what Feng Xiao said, let's hand over Yuan Shu to Li Chen, and let's fight Yuan Shao."

"Feng Xiao thought, who should we send to renew the alliance with the King of Qin?" Cao Cao said to Guo Jia.

After thinking about it for a while, Guo Jia suggested to Cao Cao: "Chen Qun, the chief clerk, can speak eloquently, so he can be a messenger."

"Okay, then send Chen Qun!" Cao Cao nodded.

Liu Bei was able to abandon Zhuo County and Beihai County, which he had acquired, and go to the land of Bashu to start anew, so how could Cao Cao not abandon the land of Huainan that he had already conquered.

Changing the south to the north, Li Chen ruled the south, and Cao Cao ruled the north. Only in this way can he compete with Li Chen for the world.

After Cao Cao listened to Guo Jia's suggestion, he immediately sent Chief Shi Chen Qun to Jinling to renew the alliance with Li Chen.

It is said to be a renewal of the alliance, but in fact it is Qin and Wei dividing up the territory of the Yuan brothers.Cao Cao took Yuan Shao and asked Li Chen to take Yuan Shu.

In this way, everyone has something to do, so there will be no conflict between Qin and Wei for the time being.

Qin, Jinling.

Although Li Chen has not formally moved the capital to Jinling yet, this Jinling has vaguely become the capital of Qin Dynasty.

After Chen Qun came to Jinling, he couldn't help admiring Li Chen.This Li Chen, from a bandit team of thousands of people, has developed into the number one prince in the world in just a few years.

This really is luck!
After Chen Qun arrived in Jinling, without the slightest delay, he immediately handed in Cao Cao's document to Li Chen.

After understanding Chen Qun's purpose, the civil servants and generals on Li Chen's side also blasted the country one by one.

These generals naturally want to fight, and the promotion channel for generals is military merit. Where do you get military merit if you don't fight.

The general of the water army thought that Yuan Shu should be attacked, because the water army was the main force to fight Yuan Shu.The army generals believed that they should not be led by the nose by Cao Cao.They want to fight Yuan Shao, we won't let them fight, let's just fight Yuan Shao.Because this is fighting Yuan Shao, the army is the main force.

"If my old Cheng sees it, let's just fight together. What Yuan brothers, Cao is lying, let's fuck the fuck together!" Cheng Yaojin said cursingly.

(End of this chapter)

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