Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 447 Qin and Wei Discuss the Alliance Again!

Chapter 447 Qin and Wei Discuss the Alliance Again!
Cheng Yaojin's so-called three families fighting together is pure nonsense.Just listen to it and enjoy it, but don't take it seriously.

Now that Soochow has just been won, Li Chen has thrown away all the chassis in the fight against Soochow.In order to take down this Soochow, although Li Chen would not say that he was hurting his muscles and bones, it would take a lot of trouble to go there.

Now, for Li Chen, the afternoon is to digest Jiangdong well, not to engage in any big battle.As the saying goes, if you eat too much, you will not be able to chew it. If you eat too much, it will make you sick.

"This Cao, you really have offered a bargaining chip that I can't refuse! If we are taking Yuan Shu's land, we will take most of the world."

"Yuan Shu's territory is all rich." Li Chen said with a sigh.

I have to say, Cao ah, this kid is very understanding of people's hearts. Li Chen really couldn't refuse the bargaining chip he offered.

The reason why Yuan Shu was able to become one of the most famous princes in the world is precisely because his territory can be said to be rich.

Li Chen has already said so, how can these civil servants and military generals not understand Li Chen's meaning.From Li Chen's point of view, he agreed to Cao Cao's request.

Liu Bowen came in front of Li Chen and reminded: "King Qin, I'm afraid Cao has evil intentions in hiding it. This is a trick of the ghost Guo Fengxiao."

"King Qin, if we are taking over Yuan Shu's territory, we will occupy half of the world in one fell swoop. However, it is almost all in the south. Since ancient times, not many princes in the south have won the world."

"There are no horses in the south! If Cao Ahmao defeats Yuan Shao, then this remote area and the land of horse production in Erzhou will all be in Cao Ahmad's hands. I'm afraid Cao Ahmad thinks that as long as we cut off our horse source , even if we win the entire south, he can compete with us in the world."

Horse, this is indeed a very important factor in the struggle for world hegemony.

As the saying goes, cavalry has horses, but infantry has no horses.

Only with horses can cavalry be developed, and without horses, only infantry can be developed, and cavalry is the most powerful arm in ancient warfare.

The cavalry's war horse is not just any horse, just like the pony that Yu Qian's family raises, it will definitely not be a cavalry war horse.Cavalry war horses must be carefully selected and excellent breeds, so that they can become cavalry war horses.

Once Cao Cao controls Ma Yuan, the development of Li Chen's cavalry will naturally fall into a state of being constrained.

Why since ancient times, it has always been the princes in the north, or the nomads in the north who have won the world.It is precisely because they have the resources of war horses that the strong cavalry can conquer the world.

Calculated from ancient times, there is only one Hongwu Emperor who conquered the world by conquering the north from the south.The most critical factor why Emperor Hongwu was able to successfully conquer the North with the South was that the Ming Dynasty had gradually replaced cold weapons with firearms.

The cavalry is powerful, but they are restrained by artillery.Is Nurhachi powerful or not, thirteen sets of armor set out to fight the world, but in the end he died under the red-clothed shells.

Cao Cao wanted to use the world's horses to restrain Li Chen, but Li Chen was really not afraid of such constraints.

Cannons have been used on the ships of the Qin Army early, and the manufacturing process of artillery is mature for the Qin Army.The artillery used on the ship can be used on land as long as a base is added.

The times are changing. Cao Cao thought that he could dominate the world with the advantage of cavalry, but he didn't know that the times had changed.

"Cao Cao, this little black fat man, doesn't look very good, but he thinks beautifully. He really thinks that cavalry is really invincible."

"This king is planning to reorganize the army after he settles down. For this king, this cavalry is really tasteless, and it's a pity to discard it!" Li Chen smiled slightly.

In Li Chen's plan, after Jiangdong stabilized, the army would be restructured.The army is divided into two types: field army and city defense army.

The Qin army took so many prisoners from the Wu army, it can be said that the combat effectiveness has not become stronger, but has become weaker.Therefore, reorganizing the army has become a noon plan.

However, it now appears that Yuan Shu's land must be taken before the army can be reorganized.

"King Qin, there is one more thing. Even if we agree to form an alliance with Cao Cao temporarily, we should not take it lightly. Once Cao Cao takes Yuan Shao's land, he will definitely form an alliance with Liu Bei, the King of Shu, to fight against us." Liu Bowen said.

As a counselor, Liu Bowen had to tell Li Chen everything he thought of, and then he could let Li Chen make a decision.

Liu Bowen is very similar to Zhuge Liang, both of them belong to the kind of all-rounders who can do everything, and both belong to the kind of people who are quite stable in doing things.

"Brother Bowen, don't be afraid of this!"

"I, Jia Xu, have a plan to make it difficult for Cao and Liu to form an alliance!" Jia Xu said, stroking his beard.


"What's Wen He's strategy?" Li Chen asked Jia Xu.

"This plan, don't say it!"

"But King Qin, don't worry, I, Jia Xu, will use this head to guarantee that it will definitely make it difficult for Cao and Liu to form an alliance." Jia Xu said confidently.

Li Chen still trusts Jia Xu, the poisonous man's strategy.Since Jia Xu said there is a way, then he must have a way.

In this way, this last worry has also been resolved.Li Chen seemed to have no reason not to hit Yuan Shu.

"In that case, please tell Mr. Chen Qun!" Li Chen ordered.

Now that he has decided to agree to Cao Cao's request, it is natural to meet Chen Qun, the envoy of Cao Wei.

"Da da da!"

After a short burst of screaming, Chen Qun went outside and entered the main hall. As soon as he entered the main hall, he looked at Li Chen who was wearing a black python robe above the main hall. Chen Qun bowed his head and was defeated: "Wei Chen, Chen Qun, pay homage to the King of Qin."

"Mr. Chen please stand up, no need to be polite!" Li Chen raised his hand to signal Chen Qun to stand up.

"Mr. Chen Qun, I, Great Qin, just defeated Soochow, and the King of Qin is busy now. If you have anything to say, just speak up!" Liu Bowen said to Chen Qun.

Chen Qun was also direct, without hiding anything, and directly stated his purpose.

In fact, there is nothing to go around. Before Chen Qun came, Cao Cao's advisers had already analyzed this matter.According to common sense, Li Chen has no reason to refuse this matter anyway.

You know, the current Yuan Shu has been beaten to a half-mutilation by Cao Cao, and Cao Cao gave Yuan Shu to Li Chen, which is tantamount to letting Li Chen take advantage of it.

After listening to Chen Qun's words, Li Chen was also very straightforward, and said straight to the point: "This matter is allowed by the king, but since it is an alliance, please ask the king of Wei not to do anything. All the cities south of the Huaihe River , this king needs the king of Wei to personally hand over to this king."

"If the king of Wei disagrees with this matter, then this king will not get involved in the muddy waters of the Central Plains!"

(End of this chapter)

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