Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 48 Strange things are mixed in the daily necessities

Chapter 48 Strange things are mixed in the daily necessities
In the State Shepherd's Mansion, Li Chen still has a gold-level blind box that has not been opened yet.Destroying Mi's family may be a matter of task difficulty, and the task reward is only a gold-level blind box.

[Do you want to open the gold-level blind box? 】

The system prompt sounded in Li Chen's mind.

Although there is not much expectation for the gold-level blind box, but the fly legs are also meat, and rotten pears can be all right at the critical time.

Therefore, Li Chen confirmed with his consciousness: "Open the blind box."

[Open the golden blind box. 】

[Gold-level item: a big gift bag of living supplies. 】

"What, a big gift package of daily necessities?" Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little dazed looking at the package-shaped thing opened in his mind.

This blind box system is really blind enough, it's not surprising to get anything out.From the famous generals, elite soldiers, to the hailstone talisman, what kind of gift packs of daily necessities have been offered now.

This blind box system is simply Doraemon's pocket. It has everything, only you can't think of it, and you can't open it without it.

However, Li Chen probably figured out the law of rewards for opening blind boxes.The probability of what you can prescribe is related to the way the task is triggered.

Because of the characters triggered by military or force actions, there is a high probability that they can issue things related to military and force, such as famous generals and elite troops.It's just that the specific rewards and soldiers are very random.

As for the task of destroying the Mi family, because the main body of the task is the Mi family, and the Mi family is a wealthy merchant.Therefore, in the blind box of rewards, what is offered are the daily necessities related to merchants.

"Gift bag of daily necessities, how big can this gift bag be?" Li Chen muttered, and decided to open the gift bag to see what's inside.

【Are you sure you want to open the big gift bag of daily necessities? After opening, the contents of the gift bag will automatically appear in the warehouse of the State Shepherd's Mansion. 】

The familiar system prompt sound is still in my mind.

"Sure." Li Chen responded with consciousness in his mind.

[Open the big gift package of living supplies successfully. 】

【啤酒1吨,饮料1吨, 矿泉水1吨。花生1吨, 瓜子1吨,火腿肠1吨。香烟1吨, 白酒1吨,白色染发剂1吨。硅胶娃娃1吨。】

"Good guy!" Seeing what was opened, Li Chen immediately became a good guy.

Beer, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds and ham sausage, plus smoking and drinking to perm your head.Good guy, my slightly mature system is clearly arranged for my little life.

And this silicone doll, what does a whole ton mean?This thing is so light and flimsy, there can be tens of thousands of pieces per ton, even if you grind an iron pestle into a needle, you can't finish it.

Of course, the most important thing is that I have a fully automatic gun grinder like Zhen Mi, so how could I use this kind of gun grinder that I have to operate myself?

etc!That's not right, this is a big gift bag of living supplies, but there seems to be something strange mixed in this big gift bag of living supplies?

All of the above can be said to be living supplies, but the last hanging thing should be counted as military supplies.

After opening the gift pack of living supplies, these items will automatically appear in a warehouse in the treasury.Without Li Chen's order, the rest of the people couldn't get rid of it.However, these things can only be used by Li Chen to improve his life for the time being.

But the silicone doll mixed with daily necessities, if it is used well, it may not be able to greatly improve the morale of the army.

In the city of Xuzhou, among the three largest families, the Chen, Mi, and Zhen families, only the Chen and Zhen families remained.The Chen family took the biggest advantage of the Mi family's destruction. Although the Zhen family did not admit it, there was an indistinct relationship with Li Chen in the world, so in this benefit distribution, the Zhen family also made a lot of money.

Chen Zhen's two clans divided almost one-third of the Mi clan, and the rest was divided among dozens or hundreds of Xuzhou small aristocratic families.

Since the Mi Clan was destroyed, the entire Xuzhou City became much quieter, and Li Chen also proved his authority in Xuzhou City.And those aristocratic families who made a lot of money because of the fall of the Mi family did not add trouble to Li Chen.

The saying that the rabbit dies and the fox is sad is not true. When the rabbit dies, the fox will be full. What is it sad about?If the fox is really sad when the rabbit dies, it must also be sad because he was too full to eat.

Xuzhou City, Yunlong Palace.

"My lord, all the money sent by the Xuzhou family has been sealed and stored in the treasury." Chen Deng cupped his hands and said.

Although Li Chen directly obtained a lot of gold and silver treasures from copying Mi's family, it was not much compared to a rich man like Mi's.Li Chen reckoned that Mi's cash had already supported Liu Bei these years, so naturally there was not much money in the mansion.

It is precisely because the Mi family has invested too much in Liu Bei over the years, so they want to welcome Liu Bei into Xuzhou with all their heart.Only when Liu Bei becomes the lord of Xuzhou can Mi's interests be maximized.

Although Li Chen was not very satisfied with the cash he got from the Mi family's house, he finally made up for it from the Mi family's real estate.Although Li Chen agreed to sell Mi's Zhuangzi and shop to the Xuzhou family at a price of [-]% of the market price.

However, as the so-called bridal sedan chair was carried by everyone, Li Chen's move not only benefited them, but also gave the Xuzhou family a lot of face.These aristocratic families are also very sophisticated and slick, and at this time they also began to show their favor to Li Chen slightly.

The price Li Chen wanted was [-]% of the market price, but they gave it a full [-]%.After all, if Li Chen really resisted Cao Cao's attack and settled down in Xuzhou, the extra [-]% could be regarded as adding friendship to each other.

You know, Xuzhou is now in wartime.Whether the surname of Xuzhou City will be Li or Cao in the future is unknown.As the so-called gold in troubled times, the most valuable thing in troubled times is gold, which is easy to carry and precious.Real estate such as houses, shops, and Zhuangzi are the least valuable in troubled times.The Xuzhou family can offer [-]% of the market price, which is already considered a high price at this time.

All the money from the Zhuangzi shop is put into the warehouse. If you want to say that the most stressful thing in Xuzhou now is the warehouse.Li Chen's treasury is really full of gold and silver now. The Cao Song's family property he got when he robbed Cao Song has not been used up, and there are still three thousand gold from the Zhen family, the gold and silver from the Mi family's copying, and the shopkeeper who sold the shop this time. money.

The most urgent thing at noon now is to spend the money, and the money that is full of several rooms must be converted into combat power in Zhiji's hands as soon as possible.Otherwise, when Cao Jun comes, in case Xuzhou City is destroyed, all these will be used as wedding dresses for that Cao thief.

When the time comes, let the Cao thief use his own money to support his wife, wouldn't it be a shame to Li Chen.So the urgent need at noon is to recruit soldiers, and turn the money into weapons and equipment, and into soldiers.
This chapter is an additional chapter with [-] recommended votes this week --- there are four more chapters after today ---
Special thanks to:
Here, I would like to thank my elder brother for his confused love and the 1888 book coins that he rewarded.

Thanks to my elder brother Bodhigen for the reward of 588 book coins.

Thanks to my big brother, Shadow, for the 200 book coins rewarded.

Thanks to my elder brother for giving me a gift of 100 book coins.

Thanks to my elder brother Jiu, for the reward of 100 book coins.

Thank you my big brother for the 100 book coins rewarded.

Thanks to my elder brother for giving me a chance no, for the 100 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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