Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 49 Recruiting soldiers is easy, but equipment is hard to find

Chapter 49 Recruiting soldiers is easy, but equipment is hard to find

"Yuanlong, starting tomorrow, we will start recruiting troops again. This time we will not only recruit troops near Xuzhou, but also set up recruiting points in Langya, Pengcheng, Donghai, Xiapi and Guangling counties." Li Chen looked at Chen Deng. , said solemnly.

The last time the army was recruited, nearly 40 strong men were recruited just near Xuzhou City, and Xuzhou City only had a population of 300.But the entire Three Kingdoms and Two Counties under Xuzhou has a population of nearly [-] million.

Among the thirteen states in the world, Xuzhou can be counted as one of the largest states in terms of population and economy.If such a large state was under the rule of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others, they would be able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops.

But Li Chen followed the elite soldier policy, even this time Li Chen still only wanted strong men.Xuzhou Three Kingdoms and two counties, plus Xuzhou City with a population of 40, as long as they can recruit [-] troops to make up for him with [-] troops.

"Master, how many soldiers are recruited at this time?" Chen Deng asked respectfully.

Li Chen looked at Chen Deng and said, "[-], this time Xuzhou City and its subordinate Three Kingdoms and Two Counties, a total of [-] troops will be recruited."

"[-], just pay it back?" Hearing Li Chen's words, Chen Deng was a little dazed.

Sun Tzu's law of war says, encircle it three times, attack it ten times.It is true that if Li Chen really made up the 30 army, and Cao Cao's [-] army wanted to take Xuzhou, it would be a dream.

However, is a hundred thousand troops really so easy to raise?Xuzhou is a state with a large output, and in terms of military rations, it can barely support an army of [-].With Li Chen's current money, it is no problem to support an army of one hundred thousand.

However, one of the most critical issues came, Li Chen's newly recruited [-] troops were new troops.

What is the new army? It means that these soldiers have no weapons or armor except that they have not been trained.

Food is available in Xuzhou, and money is also available in Xuzhou, but what about weapons and armor?If these two things are not resolved, it is difficult to recruit new troops and let them carry hoes into battle.

The creation of weapons and armor is not something that happens overnight, let alone the armor and armor of a [-]-strong army.Tao Qian is not good at raising soldiers, so there is no stock of armor weapons in Xuzhou's warehouse.

Therefore, in Chen Deng's view, recruiting soldiers is easy, but the difficulty is how to equip these soldiers.

Seeing Chen Deng's troubled expression, Li Chen immediately looked at Chen Deng and asked, "Yuan Long, what's the problem?"

Chen Deng said respectfully: "My lord, the Xuzhou family has taken advantage of you. They will definitely not hinder the recruitment. If there are only [-] elite soldiers, they can be recruited in half a month at most. Xuzhou has enough food, and it is also enough for [-] soldiers." It will be harvested next year for military use."

Speaking of this, Chen Deng changed the subject: "But, my lord, have you ever thought about how to equip the [-] new troops. How to obtain weapons, armor, crossbows, and arrows?"

"Also, among the [-] new troops, there must be a certain proportion of cavalry. But as far as horses are concerned, only Youzhou and Bingzhou are rich in horses. Even among Cao Jun and Yuan Jun, there is a great shortage of horses."

Chen Deng's words were like pouring a basin of cold water on the raging flame that had just ignited in Li Chen's heart.

Ordnance, the problem of ordnance cannot be solved, it is impossible for soldiers to go to the battlefield with sticks of fire.

However, this era is not the era of mechanization in the previous life. Ordnance armor is completely handcrafted. According to the productivity of this era, if you want to build an ordnance armor for 7 people, I am afraid that even if it takes a year or so, it will be impossible. It's hard to build.

However, in a year and a half, where is such a rich time.After a year and a half, I'm afraid the day lily will be cold.

"Yuanlong, what can I do?" Li Chen looked at Chen Deng and asked.

Chen Deng thought about it, and seemed to be thinking of a way. After a long time, he said slowly: "If you want to solve the equipment problem of the [-] new army, you can only spend a lot of money to buy it. In the whole world, only four Family forces. Cao, Sun, and the two Yuans."

"Cao Cao's side will naturally not flow their weapons to us. Xuzhou is adjacent to Jiangdong. In order to avoid breeding tigers, Sun Ce may not sell equipment to us. The only hope is the two Yuans. Yuan Shao has fought with Cao Cao all these years. It doesn't stop, even if there is a surplus in equipment, the control is extremely strict. Only Yuan Shu has a glimmer of hope."

"Nanyang Yuan Shu?" Li Chen hesitated.

Yuan Shu's strength is not great among the world's lords, and the land he occupies is not even Li Chen's Xuzhou University, only the four counties of Nanyang, Jiujiang, Shouchun, and Huainan.

But these four counties are all in the Jianghuai River Basin, which is a densely populated and very rich place.

What is the most important thing, the most important thing is that Yuan Shu's territory has not experienced any major battles in these years.Although there are effective frictions with surrounding forces, there is no serious battle.

Yuan Shu has a good elder brother, and his relationship with Yuan Shao is not very good, but outsiders don't see it that way.After all, both of them are the children of the Yuan family. Now that Yuan Shao is very powerful, if you beat Yuan Shu, it must be equivalent to giving Yuan Shao the opportunity to send troops.

Yuan Shao is a concubine, and Yuan Shu is a descendant.Maybe Yuan Shao will wait for someone to send troops to destroy his younger brother, and then he will have a reason for the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole.

Perhaps it was because of this worry that although Yuan Shu had a small territory these years, he lived a comfortable life.

Since Yuan Shu has no war, Li Chen thinks there should be something to talk about buying some ordnance from him.Moreover, according to the historical records of his previous life, Yuan Shu seemed to be somewhat greedy for money.After all, he was able to embezzle Sun Jian's food and grass when the eighteen princes were begging for Dong.

Thinking of this, Li Chen immediately had hope in his heart: "Yuanlong, how about leaving this matter to you, Mrs. Chen?"

"My lord, I'm afraid the Chen family won't be able to do this. The Chen family has no friendship with Yuan Shu. If the way for such a large-scale arms transaction is not clear, the result will be half the effort." Chen Denghui replied.

"Then what should I do?" Li Chen looked sad.

At this time, Chen Deng said: "Master, your father-in-law must have a solution for this matter."

"Ms. Zhen?" Li Chen asked.

"My lord, the Zhen family is much stronger than my Chen family. The Xuzhou Zhen family is only a branch of the Zhen family. The main line of the Zhen family is in Jizhou, and this Nanyang also has a branch of the Zhen family. The head of the Zhen family in Nanyang , is the cousin of the lord father-in-law."

"If the Nanyang Zhen family is involved in this matter, there must be a great deal of confidence in the success of the transaction." Chen Deng pondered.

What Chen Deng said made Li Chen feel very reasonable.But now the problem is coming, the key is that Mrs. Zhen does not admit herself.

Li Chen thought about it for a while, and felt that the Zhen family seemed to be a bit stubborn, and it seemed that he had to go to the Zhen's residence.

"Go call that idiot Cheng Yaojin and let him accompany me to the Zhen Mansion." Li Chen ordered the guard beside him.

Why is it called Cheng Yaojin? First of all, he is a lucky general, blessed by lucky BUFF.Secondly, this guy doesn't look like a good person, so it's easier to bluff people from the Zhen family.
This chapter is today's Chapter 1--there are three more chapters in the future--continue to ask for recommendation tickets and rewards--the support is strong, I can explode my liver--
(End of this chapter)

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