Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 492 Ma Chao fights Xu Chu.

Chapter 492 Ma Chao fights Xu Chu.

Cao Cao thought that his generals were like clouds and rain, Dian Wei and Xu Chu were not under his Ma Mengqi.

Those who are present, Xu Chu and Dian Wei, have also been fighting by Cao Cao's side.Cao Cao didn't want to lose his prestige and immediately nodded and said, "Okay, then we will fight Ma Chao today."


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above and below the city, drums of war raged against each other.

I saw that under Tongguan, Ma Chao was riding alone, standing at the foot of the city holding a tiger-headed golden gun.

After seeing Cao Cao appearing on the city wall, Ma Chao's eyes turned red, and he wished he could swallow Cao Cao alive.

"Nephew Meng Qixian, brother Shoucheng and I were good friends, and I am also very sorry for the death of brother Shoucheng. Why did you and my uncle and nephew turn against each other?" Cao Cao stood on the city wall, persuading him with kind words.

Ma Chao couldn't suppress his anger at first, but he became even more angry when he heard this. This Cao Ah concealment is really too shameless, his father died at his hands, and now he is still talking about friendship with him.

"Hey, Cao thief! When I break through Tongguan, I will take your head and avenge my father." Ma Chao shouted at Cao Cao.

Ma Chao also knew in his heart that Cao Cao was the famous King of Wei, so it was impossible for him to come out and fight him.If you want to kill Cao Cao, you have to break through Tongguan first.

Today, Ma Chao came out to invite a fight, not to kill Cao Cao, but to kill Xu Chu.

Ma Chao knew that my father and two brothers died at the hands of Xu Chu.Ma Chao had a feud with Cao Cao, and a deep hatred with Xu Chu.

Even if Cao thief cannot be killed today, Xu Chu must be killed first to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, Ma Chao pointed the tiger-headed golden gun at the city wall, and immediately shouted: "That is Xu Chu, come out and fight your grandfather."

Ma Chao thought he had undue courage, so he didn't pay much attention to Xu Chu.

When it comes to arrogance, Xu Chu doesn't seem to be worse than Ma Chao, how can Xu Chu tolerate Ma Chao's teasing.

"This father's head was beheaded by Xu Chu, and I'm going to behead this son today. Let me, Xu Chu, see whether it is the father's neck that is hard, or the son's neck is strong." Xu Chu spoke on the city wall.

Xu Chu was slapping people in the face, swearing at people to another stage, and every single word was just adding salt to Ma Chao's wounds.

Sure enough, when Xu Chu mentioned cutting off his father's head, Ma Chao's eyes turned red on the spot.


"Thief, come down and die!" Ma Chao said angrily.

Xu Chu was not afraid, so he got down from the city wall, stepped on his great horse, and walked out of the city with a golden backed gate knife in his hand.

Seeing Xu Chu fighting, Ma Chao pointed at him with a golden gun with a tiger head in his hand: "Thief, I will definitely kill you today to avenge my father."

Hearing this, Xu Chu had a malicious smile on his face: "Ma'er, even if you kill me, will your father come back to life?"

Hearing Xu Chu's words, Ma Chao froze.Even if he killed Xu Chu, his father would not survive.

Seeing that Ma Chao didn't talk to him, Xu Chu said here, "Ma'er, do I have a way to get the best of both worlds?"

"What can you do, is it possible to bring my father back to life?" Ma Chao asked.

"Isn't the hatred between us all because I killed your father?"

"You don't have a father, I just give you a father, it's easy. You call me a father, so you have a father again?" Xu Chu said solemnly.

It has to be said that although Xu Chu is a reckless man, there is no problem with this logic.

Hearing this, Ma Chao didn't know that Xu Chu was making fun of himself.

"Thief, give me your life!"

How could Ma Chao suffer such grievances? He immediately cursed, slapped the horse under his crotch with a golden spear with a tiger head in his hand, and charged towards Xu Chu.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Chao was already in front of Xu Chu.

I saw that Ma Chao raised his tiger-headed golden gun, and hit Xu Chu head-on, smashing Huashan with a blow.

Ma Chao is born with supernatural powers, and his martial arts are also excellent.At this moment, it was not easy to hold onto Xu Chu with hatred.

As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, there is only nothing.Xu Chu felt the strong wind coming from his ears, and knew that this blow was not easy to receive.


With a loud bang, the tiger-headed Zhan golden gun in Ma Chao's hand hit Xu Chu's gold-backed door knife, and Xu Chu and his horse backed up three steps in a row, "kick, kick, kick".

Under this blow, although Xu Chu accepted the move, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ma Chao vaguely had the upper hand.

Among the local military generals of the Three Kingdoms, one Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses, and six Zhang Fei.Ma Chaozhiyong can be ranked fifth, still above Zhang Fei.But Xu Chu only ranked eighth, after Huang Zhong.

One is fifth and the other is eighth. When these two fight against each other, it is understandable that Ma Chao has the upper hand slightly.

"Ma'er, what a lot of strength!" Xu Chu was not timid, still teasing Ma Chao.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!" Ma Chao still shouted, and charged towards Xu Chu.

Xu Chu is Ma Chao's father-killing enemy, and the enemy is naturally extremely jealous when they meet, so Ma Chao is not willing to talk to him.

Ma Chao's bravery should not be underestimated.

Ma Chao and Xu Chu were comparable in terms of martial arts and strength, but Ma Chao's explosive power far surpassed Xu Chu's.This speed is much faster than Xu Chu.

However, Xu Chu also has his advantages. Xu Chu's advantage is that he has rough skin and thick flesh.The two fought, although Ma Chao vaguely gained the upper hand.However, this advantage is not obvious, and Ma Chao will not be able to win Xu Chu for a while.

The two fought for half an hour, but they were still on par.The two are considered to be rivals in chess, and the fight is getting more and more intense.

The tiger-headed golden gun in Ma Chao's hand was like a tiger descending the mountain, fast and fast, with a faint roaring sound.

Although Xu Chu is not as fast and explosive as Ma Chao, he is as thick and stable as the earth.The gold-backed door knife in his hand was also airtight, and he was able to block every blow Ma Chao made.

The two fought for half an hour, but they couldn't tell who would win and who would lose.The two fighters were not tired, and the people watching the battle were already tired.

However, at this time, no one can withdraw their troops first. If anyone withdraws their troops first, wouldn't it be the same as admitting defeat?

Come on, since the two people who fought the battle were not tired, those who watched the battle should continue to watch, as if they were watching a big show.

From the perspective of the audience, there is no such excitement in the big drama.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The two of them were fighting with swords and guns, you fought each other, and the fight was wonderful.These people who watched the battle were all excited and highly concentrated, as if they were themselves on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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